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Owen Barritt


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Edited by Owen Barritt, Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 21:58

Following on from Seely Brown and Adler (2008) looked into the bugscope.

Looking at the website at http://bugscope.beckman.illinois.edu/ the project certainly seems still very active and according to the site itself has run over 300 sessions for over 200 schools.

The site mainly discusses work with primary school, and it looks very much like use has generally been focused at primary schools with up to 3 sessions running through the week (presumably there are limitations of staff time to run these plus available time on the microscope when it's not needed for other uses).

While the main focus looks to have been with schools in the US, the map on the site does show it to have had sessions all over the world (including 3 primary schools here in the UK).

One interesting thing I found on the site was that one school recently accessed using guest access and the archive of their session is publicly accessible here, which gives a bit of an insight into what happens in some of these sessions.

There also looks to be some discuss of the use of this tool in education searching through the OU library for articles including this from Korb and Thakker (2011) where they look at a group of 6 grade students using it Pennsylvania (judging by the conversation in the accessible transcript above the session then was also arranged through Korb).

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 12:06)
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