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Stephen Campling

MU123 TMA03

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Results are in and I managed a healthy 98%.  Devastated this module is only pass or fail as I must be notching up quite a high percentage so far.

Anyway - onward with MST124...

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Stephen Campling

MST124 TMA01 and MU123 EMA

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Just received my first TMA results back for MST124 and managed a massive 100% so really happy with that.  I'm also due back my TMA03 score from MU123 this week I believe although it has been so long since I submitted it that I can't actually remember anything about it.

The EMA or end of module assessment has opened for MU123 and I'm going to focus my time on this for the next week or so.  It looks a bit of a beast but a quick scan through and I feel comfortable with the content.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 iCMA43

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Tuesday, 25 Feb 2014, 21:05

I've received my results back for iCMA43 and scored another full marks.  According to the course guide, I've already achieved enough marks to pass the continuous assessment element.

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Stephen Campling

MST124 Unit 1 complete. MU123 ICMA44 complete.

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I've completed the first unit on the new module MST124.  It worked through the key maths skills needed for this module at a pretty decent pace.  There were a few things that I had to spend a bit more time on but for the most part it was fairly easy going.

I'm struggling a bit with this module so far because we only appear to have half of the course material - according to a group on facebook this is due to the course material not being fully completed yet.  We don't even have the handbook yet which I think is pretty poor.

The first TMA looks to be open on MST124 so I'm going to get started with the first few questions before moving onto unit 2.

I've completed the penultimate iCMA on MU123 which covered units 8, 9 and 10.  There were a few bits that I had to revisit the course material for but managed to work out most without referring back.

I've also contacted the learner support team and my tutor about trying to get the end of module exam moved as it is very close to my wedding.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 Unit 14 Complete.

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Saturday, 18 Jan 2014, 11:55

Well that's the final module in MU123 completed.  The module aimed to pull together some of the key ideas and expand on them allowing you to see how they are applied to real world examples.

My experience on MU123 has been a really positive one, I've relearnt a lot of the foundation skills I learnt at GCSE level and also much more.  The way the module is presented and probably my more mature attitude to studying has meant I've taken a lot more out of this module than I thought I would.  Probably the best thing I can say about it is that has really increased my appetite to continue studying Maths at a higher level.

I'm all set with MST124 now and will make a start on that in the next few days.

As for MU123, I've completed all 4 TMAs and the first 3 iCMAs.  This leaves me with an EMA around March time and 2 iCMAs inbetween.  Really happy with being able to get the majority of this completed before taking on MST124, any overlap would have been hard to manage.  Not sure how this will work out in later study years when the course material is more intense but I guess my ability will be greater by then too.

Hope I enjoy MST124 as much as I enjoyed this course.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit 13 complete

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Tuesday, 14 Jan 2014, 21:42

Completed the penultimate unit on MU123 which was all about exponentials.  Again pretty interesting especially with the real life examples.  

Just leaves unit 14 to go now which looks to just summarise the contents of the course.  Once this is complete I'll have a few weeks before I have to revisit MU123 for iCMA44.

The MST124 website opened today and I'm fairly keen on getting a head start again on the study which is officially due to start on the 1st February.  Hoping to have unit 14 completed by the end of this week which will give me roughly a week head start.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - TMA04 finished

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I've now finished the final TMA on the module.  Massive relief to have completed that and to be honest it wasn't that bad, enjoyed the trigonometry side of it and the rest was fine.

Still have units 13 and 14 to go now before I can move onto MST124 but with the course website opening in 4 days and the course starting in 20 days I'm well on track to have this module completed before starting MST124.

I've noticed that the end of module exam on MST124 is on the day I get back from my wedding/honeymoon in Greece.  I am pretty keen to try and get this moved if possible as revising and reading maths books on my honeymoon could go see me divorced quicker than Britney Spears!!  Once the module site opens in 4 days I will post a question on the forums and see what my options are.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit 12 complete. MST124 book A arrived.

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Monday, 6 Jan 2014, 20:53

Finished unit twelve on MU123 which was all about trigonometry.  Enjoyed the unit but found it pretty hard going towards the end.  Don't really remember covering radians before so took a little to get my head around it.  

Enjoyed both the DVD snippets to watch which shows some interesting and practical uses for trigonometry.  I'm now working on the TMA04 to answer the last two questions which are both aimed at unit twelve.  It has thrown me a little that there are no TMA questions which cover units 13 and 14 but whose complaining :D

The next MU123 unit is Exponentials and the final unit is Mathematics everywhere which looks to consolidate the learning so far and keep you interested to study maths further.  I'm still on track to get both of them knocked down by the end of the month.

I've just received the first book covering units 1,2 and 3 from MST124.  I'm pretty eager to get started on it now because the book looks twice as thick as anything from MU123 so starting to feel a little apprehensive.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - TMA02

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After what felt like an eternity with Christmas post, I've just got my results through and am really happy with them.  Only dropped 2 marks giving me an almost perfect 98%.

Any doubts I had about taking on MST124 this year have well and truly disappeared now.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit 11 complete. TMA04 started.

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I've now completed Unit 11 as well.  Unit 11 is a progression from unit 4 and is all about statistics and how the information can be interpreted and displayed graphically.  As with unit 4 I really enjoyed this unit, especially the case study which investigates whether extra sensory perception is real.  It really gets you thinking about how an investigation like this should be carried out.

The unit seemed much shorter than the others but not sure if that is just because I enjoyed working through it or whether it is actually quite a short unit. 

I've started work on the final TMA, TMA04 now as well.  Decided to complete each relevant section before moving onto the next unit for this TMA, I've done this for unit 10 already and will make a start on the questions aimed at unit 11 before moving onto the next unit.

Unit 12 is onto trigonometry which I've been eager to get started on since the course began.

Looking at the MST124 module website, I should be getting things through in the post early in the new year and the module is due to open towards the end of January.  My plan to have everything I can completed before MST124 opens looks to be on track just about. 

I should be able to move onto MST124 almost as soon as it opens and I will be left with 2 iCMAs to complete and the EMA as they all start after the MST124 opening date.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit 10 complete

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Unit 10 now complete and that concludes book C.  Unit 10 was all about quadratics and was really interesting, I thought it was going to be loads more plotting and drawing of graphs but that was really a minor part of it. 

This module is really starting to open my mind about maths and the practical uses for it.  I definitely missed this practical side of it when I was being taught at school and that's probably why I paid very little attention when I couldn't see the real world point of learning the topic.  I also like the way this module introduces concepts and then slowly builds on these to give you a full understanding.

I'm intending to make a start on the first two questions of TMA04 now (which are covered with unit 10) before moving onto book D and units 11-14.  Starting to feel like I'm through the thick of the course now.  I'm looking forward to the trigonometry unit mostly out of the remaining units.

My second TMA result should be through anytime now as well, I've noticed from the forums that a few have already got their results but it will obviously take more time with the Christmas period.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit 9 complete and TMA03 submitted

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Friday, 20 Dec 2013, 21:19

Finally finished unit 9.  Again I'm finding algebra the most interesting part of maths and really enjoyed the unit, it was testing in places but I think I've taken on board most of the key things that I needed to.  It has been pretty slow progress though, not due to the content but I've been away to Krakow for a city break and various other commitments have really reduced my study time over the last two weeks.

I was aware this would be the case over Christmas and I'm still happy with where I have managed to get up to.  I would imagine the next two weeks will also see limited progress but I'm still trying to get this module done in the next month or so if possible (aside from outstanding TMAs, iCMAs and the end of module assessment).  This is due to me starting MST124 towards the end of January.

I've submitted TMA03 a few weeks ago too and it is good to go into the Christmas break with that off my mind.  I believe we should be receiving our TMA02 results back any time soon as the closing date was 3 days ago.  Not sure if Christmas holidays will mean a delay but I'm excited to see how I did with it.

The next unit for me to tackle is Unit 10  and is the final unit in book C.  It is about quadratics and a quick skim through it makes me think this is going to be another graphs based module sad

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Caroline Paisley, Saturday, 21 Dec 2013, 02:35)
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Stephen Campling

MU123 - iCMA42 results and TMA03

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Received my results through fro iCMA42 and am really happy with it, I've not dropped a single mark on the first two iCMAs so I can't ask for much more than that.

Almost completed the third TMA now, looks to be the meatiest bit of work on this module so will be happy once its submitted.  My answer sheet is a bit of a beast now, 11 pages and counting plus 3 graphs.

Still really enjoying the module, the way the material is all laid out really makes it interesting and easy to follow.  The course is definitely getting more complex as it progresses so I'm really looking forward to taking on the next step with MST124 next year.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 Unit 8 and second tutorial

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Completed unit 8 which is all about geometry.  I found the first half of this unit quite tough going, much more so than anything else I've encountered on the course.  I have generally found that a lot of this module has jogged memories from school and as such it has been quite easy to take on board but the stuff around angles and the associated rules feels brand new, I struggled with some of the activities and had to read a few pages a couple of times before I fully understood.

The second half of the unit was around triangles, areas, volumes etc and I'm pretty comfortable with that.  I am about half way through TMA03 and think that I will tackle the questions associated with unit 8 before moving onto unit 9 whilst it is fresh in my memory.

Unit 9 which is up next is back on to algebra which will be a welcome relief after the geometry unit.

Had the second of the face to face tutorials a few days ago.  This time only a few others turned up which is suprising to me, I'm quite far ahead of the pace now but I still find them useful even if it is covering units that I finished quite a few weeks ago. 

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Stephen Campling

MU123 TMA01

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Just received my TMA results and am really happy with the results.  I dropped a few marks, mainly for missing part of a question but my end result was 96% which is great considering this is the first TMA I've taken on.

It has definitely improved my confidence and I'm going to submit my second TMA tomorrow.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Rebecca Berry, Tuesday, 12 Nov 2013, 21:25)
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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit seven complete

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Just finished unit seven and that completes book B.  Found units 6 and 7 the more challenging units so far and will probably revisit them when I get round to completing TMA03 and the relevant iCMAs.

I'm really looking forward to book C as it covers geometry and more advanced algebra.  I'm finding that most of the earlier stuff I studied has become second nature now and I'm defintiely happy with the amount of knowledge I'm retaining.

Glancing over the course details indicates that I'm now 2 months ahead of schedule.  I'm hoping to have most of this course completed before the MST124 course kicks in to minimise the overlap between them.

Still waiting on the results from the TMA01.  Hoping it comes back soon so that I can get TMA02 posted off.  I'm intending to complete units 8 and 9 before starting TMA03.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit six complete and MST124

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Just finished studying unit six from book b on MU123.  I'm not the biggest fan of graphs and just find every question really time consuming but towards the end when I started learning a few things it actually started to get interesting.  Having said that, I'm glad its over although I'm pretty sure unit 7 is back on graphs again.  Managed 96% on the practice quiz, think I will take it again after finishing unit seven just to make sure all the information has sunk in.

Turns out that getting on MST124 wasn't quite as easy as it first seemed.  My pathway was the gentle start pathway so when I tried to enrol on the course it seemed to just get cancelled.  Anyway after a bit of back and forth my pathway is now changed and I'm enrolled for February.

First TMA results are out in the next week or so hopefully, pretty eager to see how I've faired with that.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - TMA02

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Sunday, 27 Oct 2013, 20:40

I've just completed TMA02, I'd estimate it took around 6 hours in total.  I decided this time to go through each question and solve the maths side of it roughly handwritten in a jotter.  Once I was happy with the solutions to each question I then typed it up properly including showing all working and reasoning etc using Microsoft Word.

I've got Microsoft Word 2007 which includes the equation editor and although it is a bit fiddly to get used to it does the job quite well.  Towards the end of typing it up I felt quite fluent with it and it seemed to have a way of displaying everything that I needed.

I'm definitely going to submit all TMAs in this way going forwards, it was much easier, will be more legible for the tutor and I instantly have a digital backup of it too.

I'm going to hold off submitting it until I get my feedback for the first TMA as I would assume the feedback will affect the level of detail I include in some way.  I believe the closing date for the first TMA is the 5th November so should get the results back shortly after that.

The difficult level is steadily increasing but still have my head above water at this stage.  Back onto revising unit 6 tomorrow and the dreaded graphs, eurgh!!

Looking at the course calendar I'm roughly 5 weeks ahead of schedule now.  This is fully intentional as I want to be as close to complete on MU123 before MST124 kicks in.

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Stephen Campling

iCMA 41 Results, iCMA 42 and MST124

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Saturday, 26 Oct 2013, 12:19

The iCMA 41 results came through last week and I achieved a score of 100% which I'm delighted with.  It was really easy and I would have been disappointed to drop any marks but it still feels like a big deal!  Its only worth 2 percent of the whole module yet I was eagerly checking the gradebook page every few hours to see if my marks had arrived yet.  It amuses me when I think back to turning up late after a night out to pick my A-Levels up and not even caring what was inside the envelope.

iCMA 42 came out this week and it was predictably more difficult that iCMA41 but I still feel like I did well in it.  There was only one question that I wasn't 100% certain on so hopefully that is reflected in my marks.

I finally made the decision to take on an additional module.  I'm still well ahead of schedule on this course and have found most of the content fine.  The course I chose was MST124 and it was really easy to get enrolled on it, even with the added complication of the student loan.  I have had various advice on which course to take on next with most stating that M140 would be the best choice.  Having spoken to my tutor at the tutorial however, she explained that this was due to MST124 assuming all knowledge from MU123.  Since I feel confident with the majority of the content of MU123 and I will be very far into the course by February I don't see this as a blocker and decided to leave the (probably) easier M140 to work on next academic year alongside a more difficult module.

Fairly sure I've made the right choice, just hope it doesn't overload me during the period the courses overlap.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 Unit Five and First Tutorial

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:38

I've just completed MU123 Unit Five which covers algebra.  Really enjoyed this unit, surprised myself at how quickly I took to it and ended up just thinking of them as little geeky puzzles and found the task of solving them quite rewarding.  I'm looking forward to studying algebra more in depth as the course progresses.

Also had the first face to face tutorial over the weekend at Huddersfield university.  Had no idea what to expect as I pulled into the university car park.  There were only a handful of other students who managed to make it and we covered some general tips about OU study and then went through some more specific items from the MU123 early units.

We got a chance to meet our tutor which is good and everyone spoke about where they were up to.  I also stopped behind at the end to get the tutor's view on taking on another module this academic year. 

The second lot of tests are out tomorrow so will be spending the next week getting through them and then it is onto unit six - graphs which I am not looking forward to.  I used to hate them in school and can't imagine too much has changed!  I think this time I will complete the iCMA and submit it but I will wait until I have had the results of the first TMA before handing the second one in as the feedback will probably change the way I answer some of the questions.  I might also have a go at typing out the TMA this time as hand writing it wasn't my idea of fun.


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Stephen Campling

iCMA41 and TMA01

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:38

The first two assessments opened on Monday this week, iCMA41 and TMA01.

I tackled iCMA41 first and correctly assumed that it was going to be quite a quick test.  I set aside an hour to do it.  I found it really simple and had completed it and triple checked it within 10 minutes or so.  I decided to also leave it a few hours and came back for one final check.  This seemed like a good approach considering how easily I seem to lapse concentration and make simple mistakes on the practice quizzes.

I was really happy with my answers and submitted them, I'd be really disappointed with myself if I dropped any marks as it was really basic. 

The next day I got on with the TMA.  I glanced through the paper straight away and found most of the questions fairly simple and set about solving them in my mind.  When I actually sat down to do it though, I really struggled with it.  It wasn't the questions that posed the difficulty but knowing what level of detail to include and how to strucure your answers.

I took to the forums and took heart in the fact that there were others suffering the same issues as me.  The moderators responses to my fellow students were helpful and helped guide me through.

Some of the questions were really simple and the question asked you to show your working out, it felt as though I was putting in far too much information for such a basic calculation but I took the view that this was deliberately simple and was there as a vehicle to improve your mathematical communication.

By the end of it I had written 10 pages, plotted a graph and filled in a few sections of another two pages.  It still seems an awful lot but reading through it several times I couldn't find anything to remove.  I got my girlfriend to read through it too and she could follow all of my reasoning which I guess is a good indication that I'm somewhere near.

I think the first TMA is deliberately vague on the amount of detail to include so you can get the super valuable feedback when the tutor marks it.  Even with this view in mind I still pondered over my answers for hours because I really don't want to drop any marks at this simple stage.

I keep getting thoughts in my mind of me, head in hands, sweating over some hieroglyphic-looking equations whilst trying to salvage every mark in order to get a decent grade in the final year.  All the while thinking back to the first TMA, how simple it was and kicking myself for not getting full marks.

All in all the iCMA took me an hour and the TMA took me 5 hours 30 minutes.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit four

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:39

Finished unit four of MU123 Book A now.  Found the statistics part particularly interesting and I'm looking forward to studying it more deeply as the course progresses.

Starting to get more and more comments from friends, family and work colleagues indicating that I may be a bit mental for taking a degree on alongside full time employment which is amusing but does make me a bit wary.

My first iCMA opens tomorrow which I'm actually excited for, I just need to skim read unit one and the notes I've made before hand.  Ive had several attempts at the practice quiz and don't seem to have any problems with it aside from a few silly mistakes so I'm hopeful of a decent score.

I had a phone call yesterday from a lady at the Open University about whether I should take on another module this year.  Her view was that I'd have to move from the easier pathway, which I started on, to the more difficult pathway but she didn't see this as being an issue.  She said that the next course (M140) assumes some knowledge from MU123 so it was basically all down to how I felt I was progressing and what extra I felt I could take on.  We both agreed that it would be sensible to leave it a few weeks before making any decisions and I'm comfortable with that.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - Unit three complete

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:39

Just completed unit three of the first book.  The content is getting a little more challenging now as I'm encountering things I'm not sure I've done before (or certainly didn't pay enough attention whilst studying it in school).   It makes it far more interesting and has certainly slowed my progress down as I'm taking a little longer to fully grasp the concepts before moving on to the next unit.

I've decided to try and run through the last few unit's practice quizzes after finishing each unit as this should keep me thinking about the whole book rather than the current module.

Still keen to try and take on another 30 point module this academic year and I'm thinking about ringing up in a couple of weeks based on the advice offered to me.

Unit four looks to focus on statistics which I am really looking forward to getting started on.  The first ICMA also opens next week.

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - unit two complete

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:39

Just finished studying MU123 unit two.  Really happy with my progress so far even though I'm aware that this module is probably only about GCSE standard. 

Concerned that I'm getting a little bit too far ahead of myself here as none of the assessments open for a few weeks yet.  I'm going to carry on at the same pace for now and begin work on unit three.  My plan is to review the module once the assessments become available - by reviewing the information it should also help to consolidate some of the principles in my mind.

I've also had a response back on my query about taking on an additional module and it sounds like it should be reasonably simple to organise.  I just need to make 100% sure that I feel like I am able to take on an additional module.  The next module on the pathway is M140 and the next run of that is February 2014 which seems ideal. 

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Stephen Campling

MU123 - unit one complete

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Edited by Stephen Campling, Thursday, 24 Oct 2013, 13:40

I've spent around 8 hours studying and have already completed unit one.  I've completed the practice questions three times over and found them relatively simple although I made a couple of silly mistakes.  I need to really concentrate to eliminate these when doing the real thing!

This leaves me with a bit of a dilemma as I'm now having to wait for over two weeks for the iCMA and TMA associated with unit one to open.  I'm contemplating moving onto unit two with the intention of skim reading unit one once the assessments become available.  Otherwise it feels like wasted study time.

I've emailed OU to ask about the feasibility of completing another module during this academic year as I'm starting to feel I've probably been a little over cautious and opted for a very simple module worth only 30 points.  I'm still awaiting a response on that.

I am really enjoying it though and finding I'm actually looking forward to studying.

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