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The Companion: Part 47

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Apart from Le Roi himself, I am the only commander on the field of battle who has men and women in every unit on our side.  I am the commander of the “Wall of Noise”.  Soon it begins.  I have all my forces in readiness.  The preparation has been arduous, but the discipline and devotion to duty has moved me to tears.  It has been such a change from the shambolic behaviour of the members of the company when we were on our journey here.   I told them to breathe more deeply and they breathed.  I told them to make their foot-movements neater and more geometric and they did.  I told them to stand up and perform as if their lives depended on it.  This drama we will only get to perform once, but whatever happens will be recorded in history.

            The heart of the orchestra is a classical ensemble who are playing the Leningrad Symphony.  They are accompanied by African drummers, blues bands, punk bands, ska bands, Scottish pipers, South American pan-pipes, West Mongolian throat-music, a kazoo band, a ukulele band, an accordion band, and an unaccompanied choir singing mainly heavy metal songs. 


Name: Sunil Chandra.  Rank: Lance Naik.  Serial number: 2981.  I am the King’s batman.  I polish his boots, iron his uniform, maintain his kit, cut his hair, and drive his car.  The only military tasks I do not perform for him are to clean his rifle and sharpen his bayonet and his kukri.  He does these for himself, as you would expect any soldier to do. 

            Since the fighting started, I have been seconded to the Gurkhas, even though I am Indian, not Nepali.  That is why I have the Gurkha rank of Lance Naik rather than Lance Corporal.  During this battle, I am acting as a runner, delivering orders to the units.  My unit is being led by Colonel Gurung, and is on our left.  The other Gurkha detachment is on the right, and is being led by the recently-promoted Major McCann. 

            I was brought up as a Hindu, and I am still true to my religion.  I believe that our King is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.  I know that sounds ridiculous.  I thought it was ridiculous myself when the thought first occurred to me, but the evidence is mounting.

            He had us doing weapons training and target-practice when we were still on the spaceship, before any of us even knew that we were going to land here alive.  Why?  He knew that this war would happen.  He saw it all.  He has the capacity to see the future.  I have asked him many times how he can predict things, but I have never understood the explanation, because I am mortal. 

            Before we started opening the crates full of old rifles, he said to us that the bayonets would say, “Made in Sheffield” on them, and they did.  He had never opened any of the crates, and never seen any of the bayonets, and yet he knew what it would say on them.  Either he had seen one in a previous life, or he can see through walls. 

            His blood cured us all of the disease which afflicted us a few months after we landed.  His blood is healing. 

            I know he is going to lead us to victory.  Bullets will bounce off him.  He is immortal.  When he impales an enemy with his bayonet, it will not just kill: it will cut the enemy’s soul to ribbons. 


I am well-chuffed to have been chosen by Kelvin – King Kelvin – to be on his staff for the big battle.  “Waverley,” he said, “Waverley, I want you to be one of my staff officers.  What rank are you?”  I told him I was a corporal.  He promoted me to captain on the spot. 

            We are in a trench, over-looking Hardboard City.  The parapet has been reinforced with concrete.  Kelvin is looking at his watch, and looking through the periscope, working out when to give the order.  He keeps listening to his walkie-talkie. 

            He is listening to something that none of us can hear. 

            ‘Commence Operation Vesta,’ I hear him say.  That is the signal for the artillery to begin firing.  I have seen the orders for this operation, and they read like this. 

            A creeping barrage is to be put down, beginning at the far side of Hardboard City, and moving towards our position at the rate of 100 yards per minute.   This barrage will use only high explosive shells, and will stop as soon as the whole built-up area of Hardboard City has been shelled.

            Another barrage will then commence, this time using only incendiary shells.  This may be aimed at any targets that the artillery officer deems appropriate, and should continue until the ammunition is exhausted.

            Another barrage will then commence, this time using shells containing poison gas.  This should continue until the ammunition is exhausted.

            Finally, the artillery officer may fire as he sees fit, by using iron balls. 

            The idea is to get the enemy’s troops to move forward, behind a dune that they are supposed to think will provide them with cover.   I don’t understand it, but some kind of trick seems to have gone into producing what looks like earth, but in fact will not stop our bullets.    

            And then we are going to massacre them. 

            I can hear the guns.  The creeping barrage has started. 


I have just ordered the artillery barrage to begin.  I can hear Shostakovich’s Leningrad symphony through the PA.  The idea is to deafen them as well as blow them to fuck. 

            The only thing to do now is to wait, and to see if they behave the way we expected them to behave. 

            The poison gas is only chlorine.  We do have reserves of sarin, but it requires an executive order from me to release it.  The chlorine is only because it is very easy for us to make, and I thought it would frighten them. 

            The wind has changed slightly, and I can hear the music better now.  I can hear both the barrage and the music.  I am glad.  I had given specific orders that they should be executed at the same time.   The cacophony within the music reinforces the dissonance with the sound of the barrage.  I don’t just want to kill them: I want to drive the survivors insane. 

            I won’t even begin to think about relaxing until the incendiary barrage begins.  Hardboard City will go up like a roman candle.  Even so, I will feel easier when the poison gas barrage is finished, and I can lead the infantry in. 


This should not be happening.  I was given misleading information.  Before I came here, I was told that the colonists were degenerate and embarked on a downward spiral resulting from their own racial inferiority.  We are now being bombarded.  I am not sure what sort of weapon is being used against us but, whatever it is, it is quite potent.  I have a white, Anglo-Saxon army, equipped with support weapons and assault rifles.  I should be able to defeat any racially-inferior force which attempts to get in my way.  This should not be happening.  

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Joanna Crosby, Saturday, 19 Feb 2011, 09:31)
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The Companion: Part 30

Visible to anyone in the world

After Kelvin had been asleep for a few hours, I decided to go to the bathroom.  I don’t have to pee if I don’t want to, but it is easier for me if I do.  I extricated myself from him without waking him up.  I didn’t turn the light on.  It was so dark that light-intensification wouldn’t work.  The toilet doesn’t have a heat signature, unless some-one has just been sitting on it, and so infra red was also no good.  I was using microwave reflection (essentially a very short-range form of radar).  When I went to rinse my hands, I noticed some kind of weird pattern around the frame of the mirror above the sink.  Pattern is not really the word, because it seemed rather irregular. 

            I touched it with my fingertips.  The frame of the mirror was wooden (there are a lot of ‘natural’ surfaces around the ship – they are supposed to make it seem less of an alien environment) and each border was about two inches across.  The marks on the frame were letters.  I traced them with my finger, and ‘looked’ at them with higher-resolution microwaves.  The message spelt CARVE HER NAME WITH PRIDE – VIOLET

            I cried again, and was still crying when I got back into bed beside him.  I put my arms round him, hugged him to me, and let the tears run down my face and onto his naked shoulder. 

            Look it up if you don’t know what it means.


I’m putting together the front page of the next issue of Cosmography.  Everybody knows what is going to be on it.  What has Kelvin done now?  Has he gone out of his tiny mind?  What has that hideous woman done to him?  Is it witchcraft?  Possession? Drugs?  Hypnotism?  Blackmail?  I bet it’s blackmail.  Pamela Collins has some pictures of Kelvin doing something perverted, yucky, and humiliating, and has threatened to publish unless he pretends to be going out with her.  And I bet she is after his money. 

            They have started going to this disgusting bar on Deck 6 called O’Mally’s.  I don’t know if I can describe it properly.  It is dark, dingy, has no décor; the music is really old-fashioned, and all the drinks seems to have froth on them.  Pam the Tram drinks pints (plural).  She must be a dyke.  I must admit, though, to do the poor creature justice, the last time I saw her, she was in heels.  She walked as if it wasn’t the first time she had worn them, as well.  I know this sounds incredible, but I think she even had make-up on.  I got a few not-very-interesting pictures of them.  I was afraid at first that Pam the Tram would crack the lens, if not with her ugly countenance, then with her fist. 

            If there is something to this affair (if that is really what it is) then I wish I could find out what Kelvin sees in her. 

            Oh, my god – I have just realised something.  I bet she’s pregnant.  They must have gone to the Temperate Zone, had a roll among the dry leaves, and now she’s up the duff.  I wonder if the pharmacy has any testing kits?  How would I get hold of some of Pam the Tram’s wee?


Pamela and I are not only having a relationship, we are also about to start a joint business venture.  We were talking recently about our work and our plans for the remainder of the journey, and I happened to mention that I have spare capacity in my factory: spare space, and spare energy, mainly in the form of hot water.  Pamela asked me if I could spare any of my growing-space in the farm for a few herbs and things, to which I said that I could.  She said that she was thinking of starting her own range of bath and skincare products.  Most of the women on board had stockpiled their favourite products before embarking on the ship, but many of them are now running out and a sustainable solution is required.  At exactly the same moment, we both had the idea of putting the two ventures together and opening a spa. 

            Kerr McLean’s men are building most of it, and my brewery team will do the plumbing.  Pamela is going to do all the wiring: she is an electrical engineer after all.  We are going to have a big, society opening when it is finished.  Pamela and I will have to test all the facilities first, of course.  Pamela, who is very efficient and well-organised, has started writing a guest-list.  She thinks we ought to invite Cerise Vallance and her harpies.  I am wondering if I ought to invite Anna.  I have a feeling that Anna would not come, but some of the ladies might.  And I should invite Prudence. 


My name is Wayne Moxon.  I work for Mr McLean.  Mr McLean’s Scottish.  That means he is from Scotland.  I’m not from Scotland.  I’m from Garforth.  It’s my birthday soon.  I’m twenty-three now, but soon I’ll be twenty-four. 

            I couldn’t come here at first when Mr Stark asked me to come, because I had to look after my mum, but my mum died.  I had to look after my mum because my dad had died, and I don’t have any brothers or sisters.  Cheryl has two sisters and a brother, but I don’t.  Cheryl is my friend.  She’s nineteen.  She works in the kitchens.  I work for Mr McLean.  I work in his sorting office, sorting parcels and sometimes letters.  I don’t know why people are bothered about sending letters, because you can send messages on your computer.  It’s like sending a letter, but it’s on your computer.  You can send any message you like.  I tried to send a message to Cheryl once which had some rude words in it, because I didn’t think it would work, but it did.  Cheryl read the message, and she said there were some words in it she didn’t understand.  I tried to say to her what the words meant, but she told me to go away.  I don’t like it when she tells me to go away, so I stopped.  We had a cuddle after that, and it was nice.  I like Cheryl.  Cheryl’s nice.  Cheryl’s really, really nice.

            When we get to where we are going, me and Cheryl are going to get married.  I asked Cheryl to marry me and she said yes, but she wanted us to wait until we get to where we are going, and have a proper house to live in.  Cheryl lets me go to her cabin and sleep over sometimes, but she says her cabin is too small for us to live in.  And my cabin is too small for us to live in, too.  None of the cabins are as big as a house.  That is why we need a house. 

            I have to go back to work soon.  It is ten past ten.  It is time to go back to work at a quarter past ten.  My break finishes then.  My lunchtime starts at one o’clock.  I get one hour for lunch.  Then I have to go back to work at two o’clock.  I finish work at five o’clock, and then I can go and see Cheryl.  I mustn’t think about that,  because I’ll get too excited.  I’ve got letters and parcels to sort.  Look – this one is addressed to Mr Stark.  It’s got some labels on it.  This one says THIS WAY UP.  This  one says FRAGILE.  I had better be careful with this one.  It’s fragile and  it’s for Mr Stark.  I quite like Mr Stark.  I helped to move some stuff for him the other day, and he gave me five shillings.  I put them in my Leeds United piggy bank.  Mr McLean pays me five shillings per hour, and I work six hours per day.  That means I get thirty shillings per day.  Cheryl gets more than me, but I don’t mind.  We share our money.  We’ve got some saved up.  


My name is Darren Cartwright.  I’m an apprentice machinist.  I hope to be fully-trained soon.  I like anything to do with metalwork.

            I’ve been working at an industrial museum recently, in the workshop.  We make parts for the old machines in the museum.  We learn how to use the lathes, saws, drills, and all the other stuff.  It’s really good.  We learn about safety.  That sounds really boring, but it’s important.  I was using the circular saw the other day, and I nearly had my thumb off.  The supervisor went mad.  He told me I wasn’t listening to him and I was thick.  I don’t like that supervisor.  He’s a nigger.  I hate niggers.  It doesn’t seem right to me that a nigger works at a museum about British industrial heritage.  We didn’t have no niggers here in the Industrial Age.  There were only whites.  And there were jobs and homes for all.  No immigration: no unemployment.  You know there are loads more immigrants in this country than there are unemployed.  Stands to reason: if we got rid of all the niggers, Pakis, and all the rest, we’d have full employment. 

            The BFTB is committed to full employment for white, British workers.  That is why I joined.  I go to branch meetings once a week, and regional meetings once a month.  I prefer the regional meetings, because they have really good speakers, and we usually have an action afterwards.  The actions are brilliant.  We get to kick shit out of queers and Pakis and other scum.  Lefties and stuff.  We burn loads of books and sometimes we even set fire to buildings.  The Regional Organiser is called Richard Spalding.  He holds special meetings where only a few Party members are invited.  I got permission come to them a few months ago.  He said I was good racial stock.  He said I was “im-something” with the Spirit of National Socialism. 

            At the last meeting, Richard Spalding said he had been selected to lead a special mission, and he was picking us to be members of his special task force.  He said we would have the chance to fulfil our racial destiny.   He said we would be building a new nation on the ashes of the old order.  If we are going to build a new nation, I’m guessing there will be machinists required.  I wonder what kind of alloys we’ll be working with.


My mission of racial purification is about to begin.  My men will be going into suspended animation for the duration of the voyage.  The crew of the ship and I will remain active.  The voyage itself will take four years.  That is four times the length of time that Hitler spent imprisoned in Landsberg Castle.  I think I will take a secretary with me, and dictate my great work on racial politics and political destiny.   I must remember to ask for volunteers at the next regional Party meeting.  I have recently been reading an interesting pamphlet about Aktion T4.  I must include some of its ideas in my book.  

            I have decided what my name is now that I am the Führer.  I am called Wolf.  Those who address me must give the National Socialist salute, and say Hail Wolf!

            There is absolutely no place for women on this mission. 

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Joanna Crosby, Thursday, 6 Jan 2011, 22:16)
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The Companion: Part 26 - You won't like this

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Friday, 31 Dec 2010, 00:42

I received a bill from Pamela Collins for the cost of repairing the Cinderella costume.  It was for 28 sovereigns, six shillings and four pence, which seemed punitive, but I paid it.  I sent her 29 sovereigns, because I don’t deal in pifflingly small amounts of loose change.   

            The name “Cindersgate” seems to have stuck.  Every notice board on the ship has a picture of my arse on it, usually next to the safety information.  A visitor from another world might think that it was something to do with fire drill or first aid.  “Look at these buttocks in case of emergency.”  I wish this notoriety might have lead to something, but it has not, other than meaningless sniggering.  

            Things with Jessica were very bad, at first.  She locked herself in her cabin, and would not talk to any-one.  The person who eventually got her to calm down was Emile.  He was determined that we should not miss out any performances, not even for one day.  Strangely enough, he was pleased.  He said that every ticket would be sold out, because people would believe that they might see another spectacle like the one of Jessica and me.  Just about the only people who never mention it are Anna’s women.  It is as if they had been living on another planet.   Sometimes I feel like going to see one of them just to get away from the noise.


My name is Richard Spalding, though I intend to change it when I finally become the Leader.  I am a lifetime member of the Party.  I am a committed National Socialist.  My mission is to restore the Spirit of the Nation to this country.  This weak, divided, racially-mongrel nation.  This nation which has been overrun by kikes, Pakis, niggers, spicks, chinks and all the rest of the racial vermin.  We can and will get rid of the racial pollution.  We can and will restore our sense of National Purpose.  The Spirit of the Nation will rise again, like a phoenix from the flames of everything we are going to burn: synagogues, mosques, temples, crack-dens, queer clubs, so-called “art” galleries, universities, libraries – and all the vermin inside them.  We will get rid of the whining academics, the Jewish lawyers, the weirdo film directors, the “conceptual” artists and the Indian doctors.  We will get rid of the scientists, the historians, the social workers, and all their bleeding-heart lesbian collaborators.  We will get rid of dykes and queers and bisexuals and all the other perverts.  We will get rid of all the androids from His Majesty’s Forces.  The Nation will defend itself, and make its own conquests, with its own blood.  Technology will be a slave to the Nation, and not an agent within the Nation.  We will get rid of “genetic enhancements” and “companion androids”.  In place of those aberrations we will have tradition, conformity, normality, and the things which Nature intended.

            We will sack every female worker who is taking a job that could be done by a male.  There will be no more feminism.  Women will be in the kitchen and the nursery and will have to ask permission to wear shoes.  Women will have no part in political activity.  

            We will get rid of the reds and the liberals who have dragged this Nation into the gutter and all but destroyed it.  We will clear-up crime.  We will reduce inflation.  There will be houses and jobs for all native, pure-bred white males, and those of kindred blood.  There will be security and stability.  We will train and arm the white, male working-class.  We will create a new officer elite, charged not just with the defence of the Nation but with the guardianship of its racial purity.  We are taking up the Unfinished Task and, this time, it will be finished.  We will build a regime that will last for a thousand years.  We will create a new civilisation, possibly the first real civilisation the world has ever seen. 

            I have not yet reached my full potential within the Party, which is to be the Leader.  I am now the third-youngest Regional Organiser in England, though I would much prefer the title Gauleiter.  I am in direct command of  500 storm-troopers.  I am a Captain in the Racial Guardians.  I have been awarded a bronze Eye of Odin for knowledge of Racial Science and Racial Politics, and I have three gold Hammers of Thor for victories over the reds and the queers.  

            There are times when I wish I could get some of those who currently control the Party, tie them to chairs with piano wire, and start on them with iron rods, pliers, and a blow-torch.  They are on the brink of rooting-out and destroying the foundations of liberal democracy, but I cannot believe how slowly they move.  They have already passed the Enabling Act.  The current Leader can rule by decree, but where are the decrees?  Where are the firing squads, the camps, the ovens, the mass graves?  Where are the Einsatzgruppen?  How many Jewish and Asian businesses have been closed down?  How many queers, reds, wogs  and deviants have been rounded up?  How many androids have been destroyed?  The Nation is moving.  The National Spirit is restless.  It cries out for change.  It cries out for the shedding of blood.  It cries out for leadership.  They have introduced a new flag, which is a Union Jack with lightning bolts in front of it.  This is pathetic – embarrassing.  The flag this nation needs, as any white nation which is about to wake up fully to its National Purpose needs, is a black swastika on a which circle, surrounded by a red field.  The swastika is the Führer; the white circle is the Party; the red field is the white working class.  This is perfection; this is poetry; this is the highest form of art: Aryan, accessible, meaningful.  

            One thing seems to point to the Zone of Destiny.   The Party’s Security Department has identified something called the “Alpha Project” as a major risk of racial pollution and behavioural deviance.  It is a bunch of queers who have set off for another planet.  Nobody knows if they are actually going to get there but, if they do, they must be hunted down.  They must be suppressed.  

            I have offered my services as the Leader of the mission to destroy this bunch of mongrel-queers.  It seems likely that my offer will be accepted.  On this mission, I will not be a Regional Organiser.  I will be the Leader.  I will be the Führer.  I will be the Godhead.  

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Zee Larwood, Wednesday, 5 Jan 2011, 22:43)
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