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Me and a badger.


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Well as I sit in Carlisle and type this the extent of the flood damage is difficult to exaggerate. Several of my friends are without power or internet and they're the lucky ones. Where I live we saw water run off the neighbouring fields and pool in our garden which was inconvenient but not a serious problem and there was no risk of it getting into the house.

Well I am now well into DD307 and am waiting for my second assignment to be marked. My first assignment was returned with a mark of 86% which was very pleasing, but the module is weighted more towards the later TMAs. I have started work towards TMA 03 which is the project proposal form and I think I have a good idea about what I want to do. I should get some work done on it tomorrow and on Saturday there is a day school - in Stirling!

It's surprising the number of jobs that the flooding has create for me even as marginally affected as we were. One of the fence posts has gone wonky as the ground it is set in was so soft and waterlogged. I noticed a couple of small leaks in the roof that need fixed before they become bigger leaks. Nothing too serious but all time consuming.

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