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Penal Theory

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I have had a slight problem with procrastination over the course of doing TMA04. I also had a slight problem with it on the last TMA, this time it got worse. I did in fact, not even start the assignment until after 12 on the Thursday it was due. Le shock. 

I really enjoyed the social care question, I am finding that scenario questions suit me for some reason. I don't know why. Somehow its easier to apply the appropriate information on those questions where as as on some of the more general discussion questions I tend to find myself wondering how I am ever going to get the marks. That is the main topic of todays miraculous update.

60 marks for an essay question. Fair enough. 1500 words, 60 marks 20 marks for every 500 words. What my slight, concernation I suppose, was is that I couldn't really form a solid answer from the course materials very easily. I decided that I felt the statement (regarding whether punishment should be equal to the seriousness of the crime) was a little outdated and limited judges to considering retributive sentences above all others. Having decided that I then found it quite hard to base my essay around that idea because the text in the unit is so rigid. I felt it was totally directing my answer, each section (retributive, reparatory, deterrent, rehabilitive and incapacation) seemed to mention that it had some relevance to commensurate sentencing. I got so frustrated trying to find good references and valid arguments from the unit that I ended up basing my essay around what I felt was right and drawing support from parts of the unit. I'm honestly not sure if my answer will gain any marks at all, I just couldn't focus on it enough. I feel that most sentences take far too much time and attention focusing on the defendant, making sure that what happens to them is something the people around the case can accept, rather than basing sentences on what is the greater good. The judiciary are as much responsible for the law and governance of the land as the other bodies that form our constitution, thus I think that they should be able to consider prison places, whether fines are payable and whether rehabilitation or reparation is an option much more widely than they currently do. Its the same reason we don't have more free thinking and decisive politics, the main aim is to placate the many rather than achieve something positive. When playing a game, such as chess, rarely do you win by making obvious moves that simply keep the game going. I know this because I am terrible at chess and thats what I do. Great players win great games because they build opportunities and seize them. Whether its politicians, judges or the police force I think the taupe-coloured, vanilla-flavoured way we govern ourselves will continue to yield the same kind of mundane results it has for the past five years. Miniscule rises in the economy balanced against immigration issues, public sector strikes and international crisis. Nothing anybody is really affected by but just enough so it seems like everyone involved should be busy.

On that, Ukraine, oh my days. The news is such a ridiculous farce it makes me more than slightly irritable. I listened to the radio whilst the protesters won their fight to move the president from his office, it was great, it felt like the people had won a victory. And damn right. Not so long ago Ukraine was painted as one of the least open-minded, forward thinking countries on this planet. Racism and hate towards the LGBT community was well documented, publicly accepted and essentially part of their culture. Post removal, whatever is going on with Crimea and Russia is a second thought. Ukraine is at least trying to stand up for something and the news is just a miasmic globule of random prophetic rambling. Telling us what is going on whilst, obviously, nobody has any clue at all. Why? Because Putin is Putin is Putin. When you consider how China and Russia have acted at the global table, how can anybody really say what reasoning there is behind their actions. Prima facie, it seems like they want to constantly be throwing their toys and food everywhere just so everyone knows they will not be told. Which is fine. Mass global recession, energy crises, the end of fossil fuels, climate change, global warming and the permanent destruction of many enormous natural entities such as icebergs and coral reefs are all issues that don't get put on the table for real discussion because, well hey, we're still making money and we have a larger population. So ner. It isn't even new or interesting, global politics have already changed to allow for the ridiculous behaviour of Russia and China, America too if you want to be snippy. They do at least discuss things, they are dicks about it, but they do talk. Anyway, how the BBC can report what is total conjecture as fact is beyond me. 

On a lighter note. Puddi.


My procrastinations have taken many forms, working, going out, being hungover or just basic lies to myself. Such as, no I can't do my essay, I need to think about the answer more. I do once again have this vague desire to complete the next assignment before the end of next week so that I can have more time to not worry about doing the next one but honestly I need to re-evaluate my whole approach to the course. At some point.

I've watched season 2 of House of Cards, it's damn fine work. The whole thing. Then, after a long debate at work and asking many fine punters, I have succumbed to the peer pressure and started watching the Breaking Bad. I am undecided as yet, it is certainly compelling, but a lot of TV shows these days are. It's strange because I think that Sons of Anarchy uses a similar mechanism in building up a character just to kill them off in order to get some gut-wrench sympathy going. Neither of them are nearly as guilty of Game of Thrones in that department. I will report my full verdict next blog post.

Last things, sun is out, BOO YAH BABY. Love the sun being out. Not quite ready to rock the shorts yet but its coming. I have work this Wednesday which is a ball sack full of ball bearings, I was meant to be going to a jam night with my new drum things. Ho-hum I suppose, life will go on. I bought a nendoroid, if anyone who reads this knows what that is, you totally win. Its a korean rip off, but its still good. I learned that Kill La Kill is ongoing, I was like, whoa, what just happened. Seriously I think a part of my brain sort of died. That also happened with Ultimo, which is a freaking JIP, the next volume will be out in English in some time this year. First time ever not reading a manga online so I can wait for the UK release. I feel like a recovering alcoholic pirate. Evangelion manga is in Waterstones, which is just, I don't even. It's never been in English, as far as I can tell, £12.99 a volume. It took some will power to not just buy them all straight away, I have read it all before though, it doesn't contain datenroku so .. meh, we'll see. I will probably get Air Gear first. I also found out Ultimate X-men is 9 volumes longer than I thought, which is irritating, buying them is costing me more money because I need to know how it ends. What else? I want to get a tattoo, soon-ish. I just feel the need. Arsenal vs Tottenham today, which is just going to be sad and mean I get double-stick at work. COYS. My electric just gave out too, so I need to pop to the shop. 

Peace yo'


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