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if woe was me

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Happy Birthday me. I brought myself whiskey and self deprecation. I don't really care for presents like I used to. Or celebrating things. Or growing older. I had a hard time thinking of something I needed for Christmas, people had to ask me because they couldn't think of anything. I got a hi-fi that I have since given away.  I don't know. Now I've started collecting graphic novels and whatnot maybe I'll just get really big shiny picture books. Instead of gadgets and video games. I guess Will was right on with the stages of man. Not too long and I'll be back to not being able to see properly and mashing up my food. Not that I'm being nihilistic. I'unno. Read the poem. If you haven't.

So yeah, haven't had a nice grog since ... ahh. Christmas I guess. I got up to go to work and all that, painkillers, water, in the shower, get dressed, have breakfast, feel human. Turns out I was 6 hours early. So yeah. I would've probably just lied in bed all day, its a blessing in disguise. Making myself bubble and squeak with roast leftovers for lunch. Which even thinking about is making me grin. Cannot beat bubble and squeak on a hangover. You can't actually beat it most of the time. I had bagel for breakfast though. Which can almost beat it. If I had to choose between the bagel for breakfast or the bubble for lunch, heck, I really don't know. No sense in sweating that which is beyond your control. Having both. Which means I win. Tuna bagel with avocado and olives. So yeah. big decisions, mint jelly or redcurrant sauce. Hmm. I may even make gravy.

  Martin Freeman

Don't have a lot of law related things to talk about as my course mats still haven't arrived (THE HORROR) but I guess this whole noise abatement, music venue thing is relevant. An acquaintance, Jason Dormon, is having his business threatened because they are building a new block of flats near the venue. Thanks to an excellent and organised local music scene all of the right steps have been taken. The council have been contacted, petitions signed, ultimately everyone is on the side of the venue. Even so. It comes down to law, which I thought was generally that when you move to a property it is your responsibility to check the surrounding area. Very wrong. They have now been directed (by local councillors and friends) that the law would need to change for them to be able to protect the business, if residents move in, they will have a right to complain and the venue simply will not be able to comply with the noise restrictions the council will have to impose upon them. Even if the council don't want to apply the restrictions or let the building be built. Its not that they won't soundproof and install limiters on the sound system, the money they would have to pay to do so is too much of a risk. It only takes one guy to do one thing and even after spending all that money it could just get closed down. May go on the forums here and do some inter-versing with some folks, as my knowledge is out of date. Seems though that its the same sort of right wing culture that has led to the deconstruction of economy in the U.S., business people turn up sensing there is an opportunity in an area and they intend to take it. To make their money. Even if it is a detriment to the local area. Words like, business isn't personal, and competition is part of progress, are utter nonsense in 2014. Sure when you're actually growing villages to towns, you need everyone to be making something and competing to increase the quality of the product, its production and ultimately manage the cost of it. Or so I would think, at least. Those phrases today are rhetoric. As relevant as the idea the world is flat. If they held truth, now, then how did we come to have an enormous global recession? One thing most people in business know is that you must look successful to be successful, which infers the basic principle of business is to lie to people, then cheat them by selling them the worst product at the highest price so as to maximise your profit. Which you will then put in the bank, and take away. So you can eventually sell the business for a lump and retire. All of which is totally accepted modern behaviour. Like the continuing mass production of fossil fuel or McDonalds. I'm not burning my bra and saying its all going down, I just don't understand how we can continue to accept the way we treat each other and think that everything is going to get better before it gets worse. 


I got invited to play in a football tournament, my wrist is still bad enough I can't risk it. Very frustrating. I did, drunkenly, do my ALS challenge though which is good. Not for ALS. For me. I have to get the video and stuff. Kinda thinking I might go back to football when I can. I'unno. I fixed the homestead which was nice. Is nice. I still have to decorate but I think I have the space how I want it now. I'll have to move in 18 months anyway. Long enough for me to bother though. They re-painted the containers so we no longer have tags all over us now. Yay. We're growing vegetables and having cook outs on the weekend with the produce now, which is nice, they did one Saturday unannounced. It was more hangovers than green fingers. There is a part of last night I can't remember, I just remembered. I wonder if as soon as I actually get around to having a go at making music that I will instantly decide to go back to writing. If I keep changing my mind forever I never have to do anything. 

Been playing Warframe from release as well. Which has been alright. Too many late nights. Finished my Ultimate X-men collection. Like a boss. Oh my days the ending is. Oh my days. Without spoiling the whole series, it basically has every plot-line that you have ever heard of. All the major characters and arcs, except the phalanx, anywho. I kind of thought it was going to leave me feeling glad I got to the end but unsure of what I really feel about the books as a whole. Often the case with comics. But yeah, it is utterly stonking. May have to collect one of the new 52 now. Maybe Lantern or Aquaman. I have issues. The different way people react to me when they find out I like anime and manga has been amusing me lately. A very cool dude who was around mine making music and stuff, who I barely knew, instantly thought I was the man and bust out his manga collection on his phone when he saw my (new) bookshelves. Which have my comics on them. Law books and comics. Such a gangster. A middle aged couple at work think that I am some kind of sexual deviant. Maybe some people in the UK don't know what Otaku means. They probably just think pedophile. Not that I even am anyway. Or that it changes my opinion as a whole. I am going to start reading oneman punch, when I get my phone sorted. What a saga. EE have to go. So I tried to get the phone unlocked, waited days, couldn't. So I have to get a new phone. And a new sim card. With credit. Looked at contracts, which are still an unbelievable rip off. So I'm currently offline and out of touch. When I do get it sorted though I know how to tether hotspots now so I can actually use the internet. On a computer. w00t. 

Work today. Two days off. Going to see the Mother Unit. For to say that it is nice that I had birthday. Now she lives in the town where I was born its gonna be weird. I was so wasted most of the time I remember being there, it'll all look different. I'm trying to sound cool. I wasn't that wasted .. though thinking back I can't remember the last time I was there that I was completely sober. God I don't know. I go now to continue my day with this attitude-


- Thanks Lazarus.

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If you'll turn left at the dead badger, then straight ahead .. 

Black books 

My place is becoming a little bit dishevelled. Mostly due to work and laziness. Today is a day for change. Today is a day for reconciliation. Today is a day for success. Today I will actually maybe clean my flat.

This whole working week thing is a lot more ... I don't know. It's weird. When you have legit zero hours contract jobs, your time is really still all your own, you just have to work when the work is available. Effectively you choose to make as much money as you want and how much time to give up. Now that I have like, regular days of work and legit days off I am starting to feel the whole real adult life thing creeping up on me. Again. I am not particularly brilliant at being an adult. Unfortunately. So here is my plan. I am going to try to and get my place to a level of tidiness that I can keep to. Budget. Buy food that I don't eat as soon as I get home. Return all the phone calls and texts I have been too busy to look at properly. Catch up with my family. Please God find some sort of way to express myself musically. Plan some cool stuff to do over the winter. Get fit again. Get my power level over nine thousand. Find the dragonballs. Bring back all the people who died due to celebrity culture. 

I didn't go to stupid Belgium. I have lost a debit card a month since I got my new card in April. It's very irksome. I have only in fact lost one, literally, got home from cancelling my card today and went to pick up some washing. Found the card in the pocket of some work trousers. So I got the three I have cancelled but not lost together (ones I have founds since thinking I lost them) and tried to make a clear memory of it so that I stop losing my stuff. I actually lost my wallet, which I thought had my card in it, apparently not. I am so freaking confused with all of it. The end of that story is that I don't have any money in my account anyway. Which might seem dire. Really though I have been taking the Michael for about three or four weeks now. Eating whatever and whenever, drinking and smoking, getting cabs home from work. Putting the little studio thing together. I also bought an XBOX and an HD TV. Belgium didn't happen because I lost my card on the Monday when I wanted to book the tickets. I thought I might be able to do it on Thursday when I got the card back but the tickets were so much more expensive that I had to cut my losses. For anyone uninitiated, Belgium was a gig for BitNormal records, I can't really express my feelings about missing it. It was music I love seeing live, my friend was playing and a band I like was playing who I would've seen for the first time. And a sort of mini-Holiday. I could've made it work but some three hundred quid for a night out seemed excessive. But I did done missed out on this whole bassy experience. Wasn't to be that time I guess. Hopefully there will be many more!


Currently listening to DJ Cam Quartet. Very good chilled out music. Laid back maybe is a better word. It still has some energy to it, its very nice. What else? I re-applied for the course. W201 mutha-trucka's. So that is all sorted out now. The most spectacular life-changing-world-righting-babys-life-saving-supercalifragilistic-thing has happened at work as well. Right now its a secret though. Known only to me!

N.B. Upon reflection it may not be that great, but has the potential to be that great. 


If you haven't seen Emperors New Groove by the way. I don't know. Your children will probably grow up to be accountants or work in marketing. Not that theres anything wrong with that. In fact, if you do want to your daughter to be a librarian, make sure she never sees that movie. Or Over the Hedge. 

I also apologise if these gifs are slowing you down or rinsing your data. I know it can be frustrating. Oh yeah! Video games! 

Dude, my friend Nathan basically was like, when I bought the XBOX, play this game. It's called Air Mech, if anyone cares. Anyway. It's an online game. I have been playing it a lot with him and his friends online. Essentially he has introduced me to what the rest of the world has been doing since the Wii became outdated. Not sure what my point is, its been fun, but has directly contributed to my lack of money and action over the past week or so. I am in the top thousand for player kills and online wins though. So that can go on my headstone alongside, 'Once sewed back on his own button'. I'unno.

Anime fans? Ah there you are, both of you. Watched Fade to Black on the recommendation of a friend. I have no clue what the hell happens in that show. Some guy who looks like he should still be in Medabots is apparently able to control electricity. And is a badass assassin. He and his friends (a mute goth who runs a cigarette stand, a former guido mob-boss and a talking cat) take on missions for some shady organisation. As the narrative bounces around their different missions the story develops around the main characters interaction with the world, you get a sense of who he is by how skillfull he is and that he always seems to know whats going on. People turn up who seem to be random but turn out to be from his past and so on. I'm certain its very clever but some of it washes over me because the delivery isn't what I'm usually into. A little like Wes Anderson movies. Code Geass holds the same dilemma for me. I watched some of it, once, I kind of like it but being that I grew up on Gundam Wing I am constantly left wondering why people love it so much. I guess maybe its to do with who you associate to as a hero, Heero to me is always going to be a legendary main character but I can't get myself to care about Lelouche. I'll probably try again from the beginning. Elfen Lied was like that for me too, Ouran too. Haven't been reading much manga lately. I got some great comics. Metal Made Flesh came out with their kickstarter edition, so good, hopefully I will remember and the next blog post I can tell you all about them. I bought the Umbrella academy. I was in the shop, I had seen the cover-


-and always wanted to read it. Anyway, I am so loving the artwork and style, the first panel is so freaking good. That I was like, OK, I am going to read the introduction. Lo' and behold it is written by the freaking guy from my Chemical Romance. Side-track. I love metal. I hate them. Particularly them, as I liked a few of their early songs, they really killed everything that was left after Busted had annihilated the soul of all rock music. I put the comic straight down. I was disappoint. It was pretty expensive though and I read it. Irritatingly it is really good. It has a little bit of that Noel Fielding feeling which I hate with a passionate fire. He manages to keep touch with enough relevant, emotional content that I enjoyed the whole thing though. Frank Miller and Stan Lee are probably ok but it is a damn good read. I also re-read some of Nijigahara Holograph in the hope I might come to understand more of it. The rape and murder scenes somehow became alarmingly disturbing now that I know the characters (you have to read the whole thing to find out who people are, as the timeline jumps around and the art changes a lot) so I don't know. Never read any manga like it, at all, I am still intrigued by it. Anime wise, I watched SAO. The manga is better. Really, it makes you think its going to be a shonen action comic but then instead it takes you through this really touching Romeo and Juliet story. The relationship isn't forced or taken for granted, the lead characters are just in love and the situation is the story. Anyway. I'unno. I re-read the first 20 volumes of Bleach too. Just like playing Mario games, you realise, people don't care as much about what they're making anymore as much as they do making sure they can sell it.

In closing, No Game No Life is the taint.


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I haven't re-applied for my course.

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Yet. That is because this is much more important. Right?

essay handed in

So we go from here. 

Me as a pirate at work.

To here. Definitely a blog post in there somewhere.

After I saved teh world from a time travelling squid hell bent on turning the world into a giant sandwich (n.b. Using my eye lasers) I continued on with my summer holidays.

So the world cup, what a bust, I ended up watching England go out and not much else. I love football, I do, but I couldn't be bothered to go to the pub to watch the world cup. I think I actually prefer club football which is a little bit sad. I have also had to give up playing for the BHAFC AITC team too, which is sad. I am just too busy with other things at the moment. One of those things is tennis so I am at least trying to stay active and things. We came third at another tournament and start training on the new pitches at Lancing in September, so I'unno, yay I guess. Long may the team continue. Maybe I'll become a sports journalist writing about football and mental health. Something.

I need some filler here before I get to OU related things. I am planning on making some music! Praise the ancients. Today, in fact. I feel so ill from the last few weeks at work I couldn't face any more work on the home studio so have retreated to the internet cafe to write this. Although, you know, internet cafes no longer have a cafe element. I would love a coffee right now. Or water. In fact, just water. For a while, I'm only drinking water. I had this genius thought on Friday night, 'Just drink some red bull, that'll liven you up'. I remember today why I swore never to do that again. I'll save my philosophical ranting about cocaine/caffeine and the youth of today for another time. But yeah, I have a keyboard, a KORG wavedrum (google it) some extra big-ass speakers. I am even now sporting a hip tattoo. I have no idea what kind of music to make. Or how to start. I need to not feel like I have been beaten up underwater first probably. 

.... I don't have a tattoo on my hip. Hip as in, now, edgy, cool. You know?

So I passed my first year. Champagne fell from the heavens, doors opened, velvet ropes part. I haven't really taken it in as an achievement yet. I don't know that it is. I suppose it's akin to coming second in a race, or sixth, at least you placed in the race but really only the winner celebrates. So yeah, relief mostly. I have yet to re-apply just because I've been busy. I could do it right now but I'm going to procrastinate more first. I will most likely do W200. Just 'cos. I have some really nice law books. Old ones that I was given when I was first studying law. Books by people like Glanville Williams and Denning. I'm going to do a little blog post on them before term starts because I feel like I am starting to remember why I enjoyed law so much at A-level. The whole of the first year OU has been kind of like, finding my feet, learning my boundaries and making sure that I damn well get a pass. Wasting money on that scale is not on my to do list. I learned some stuff, kind of, updated my understanding of law so that it is now longer ten years out of date. I now know we have a Supreme Court for instance. Anyways, I'll go into more detail then.

So yeah, I finished up at the Brighton Centre and at the Stadium. Readying myself for job-hunting since the Glyndebourne debacle. It's worth noting here, that just because Dave is a Christian, it doesn't mean that I view his actions differently. I just find the fact that he is a God-lover makes the story sound better. His wonderful girlfriend Kizzy is in fact going to work at a ministry in the Autumn. Strangely the followers I have on Wordpress are mostly members of a Church Group. Might switch to Wordpress as the main blog at some point. Not today though. Anywho.

So Dave worked this shift at the centre with me, Dave is a WH40K player, Dave knows what FTL is. You know. He might as well have asked me how I felt about Lex Luthors part in Blackest Night. Insta-comradery. So Dave says to me, there might be this job, I'm like yeah yeah cool cool I'm up for it. He then says, on another day, I'm working come see me and bring a CV or something. Which I do. I get an interview and a trial shift. Boo-freaking-yah.

Which is all well and good. But how, I hear you cry, do you go from a trial shift to pirate hi-jinks? Well it's .. I don't know if its a funny story. The funniest part of the story is that in the interview the lady was like, 'So have you done waiting before?' and I'm all, 'Yeah, of course, but its not really my thing'. Because it isn't. She said that was fine. To date, I have done one shift on the bar. Which is fine. Cash money is nice and I'm ok at waiting tables. I don't really know whats been going on to be honest, three weeks have passed and today I feel like I have crossed some sort of invisible line. But yeah, its a job, I cosplayed Luffy for pirate day. Comment if you want more photos. Someone asked me to make them a mojito the other night, its fun.

I was like.

the joker

Not much else to report I guess. Pride was pretty un-eventful. People got drunk and stuff. Oh yeah, I'm going to Belgium on Friday! Yatta! Need to quickly book myself some tickets for that and get a haircut and buy a new bag and some sun block. Finish tidying my flat, buy a decent hard bristled yard brush for work, get a new armchair, fix the laptop, give up smoking, become vegan and catch up with the newest batch of comic book movies. Go see my family, pick up this weights bench, play tennis, message this girl and practice the piano. 

I also need to decide whether Larfleeze has replaced The Joker and Harley as my favourite comic villain. 

I'll be back.


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What I've been doing.

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Firstly apologies for this distant update. I realise it's been ages since I have updated, there are reasons, they shall be detailed. Secondly, to make sure we get it out of the way so (it is the topic of the blog after all) the course. I failed TMA04 with a measly 21, which taught me that leaving things to the last minute then rushing the submission without spending time checking it over, makes for a fail. I may be re-covering ground, I haven't gone back and re-read, so I apologise again if I am. I had to get an extentsion on TMA05 because of a bereavement. Which is a nice way of saying my brain was totally incapable of grasping the concept of education or work for about three weeks. 

So anyway, it's kind of a fun story. I got the extension until the 20th, I got home from the funeral on the Tuesday. Eventually. I had sorted out with work so that I could had Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday off to complete the assignment. A good friend sorted me out with a proper dinner and some company so I didn't completely fall apart when I got home. So Wednesday, as is so often the case, got lost to procrastination. I played Football, went to a games night at the pub, then got a call from work. They had an 11 hour day for me! Woo! On the next day, from 9AM, which I gladly took. Working on the assignment on the evening didn't happen so much. I had to wash my clothes. Cook pasta. Hoover. Watch Sons of Anarchy. On Saturday, the 19th, at around 1PM (when I got up, I had stayed up a little late) I started work on the first question. By 6PM I had pretty much read all the material, identified what I felt I needed to include in my essays and formulated a rough plan. I then played a game ( a fantastic game*) until about 11:30PM. Totally by accident. So I spent the whole rest of the night working on the TMA, I submitted at 5:25AM, and emailed my tutor (who had asked me to try to submit as early as possible) thanking her and suggesting that being that I had written the whole thing in 5 hours, the fact it was 6 hours early meant I had done it in plenty of time. 

Fear not!

I didn't rush it like I did with the last one and I am mildly confident of a pass. I backed up my points with (gasp!) facts and citations. I was a bit mushy by the end of the second question (for those not on the course, a situation question about a new musician whose ex-boyfriend gave an interview about her past in the paper, advising her on privacy law and the European Convention of European Rights), but I think I managed to jam enough case law into it to get a few marks and drag me over the line. Hopefully.


I will absolutely start the EMA this week. Or next week. 

What else have I been doing? We had a 2 week Irish Catholic wake, I drank every night. My liver and I are no longer on speaking terms. I have started smoking again. Ish. I am smoking tailor mades (silk cut super lights) to hopefully cripple me financially and force me to stop if I don't stop myself. We had the last game of the season at the Amex Stadium for Brighton and Hove Albion FC (SEAAAGULLSSS) and yes, they won (2-0 as predicted), Reading are going to durp at the weekend and we're going to the play-offs. This time without having to deal with Wilfried Zaha and all that nonsense. Then the big time. I have taken a leave of absence from football that I am hoping will go some way to recovering from my injury. We have a match on Tuesday, in which I will Goalkeeping with one hand. I refuse to risk doing more damage to myself, I would quite like to be able to keep on playing in goal without having to wrap my wrist and take painkillers before I play. Every time. There's some tournament thing in May that I want to get fit for. Speaking of fit, we have started a fat club at work. A bunch of us are going to lose a stone in a month in preparation for the summer. I am planning to eat fruit and vegetables, go jogging and stop drinking fizzy drinks. After this orangina that I am currently drinking.

Games nights have started to gather some momentum which is nice. Three a week now. Over ten people on the Wednesday, I am starting to get to know what the frak I'm doing. I wonder if I am crossing some sort of invisible geek line that I can never go back across, but well, I am across it now. I know how to play Lords of Waterdeep. Which is a positive life step. Yep.

I have a slight ... addiction problem as well. Not having a drug or mental health problem I have a Collectible Card Game problem. I have had it since I was about 15 or so. Pokemon cards to begin with. Then a WWE based online card game. Most recently an independent project that Sony eventually picked up called Poxnora. Now, well I won't go into it now. I'll wait until next time when I can start with it and it will seem less boring. Needless to say I become insatiable until I reach a certain point.

Final things, Comic-com in London, Game-con in Birmingham, the Days of Future Past premiere, High Definition festival in Eridge and the Fringe here in Brighton. All going to be mass-ive. I also have to look for some temporary summer work as I got fired from Glyndebourne, because I am a moron and they are mean, before looking for a real-person job somewhere around Christmas.

For other W100-er's, I hope you are on your way to a good score and we can continue our blogger-blogee relationship next year. I've got very little idea what module I'm going to take. Start the EMA first. Baby steps. For the rest of you, go watch Inside Llewyn Davies. It's freaking brilliant and Empire gave it 5 stars. 

Yeah that's about all,


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Back on the train to Devon, rage in my heart, pyschotic mind-numbing, all encompassing fury. A friendly national rail employee takes a moment to help me out and all of a sudden I can feel myself changing back into Dr.Banner again.

If you're not familiar with my experience with the flooding over Christmas, its only a couple of posts back. I forget what I talk to people about and what I have blogged. Last time a friendly person helped me out, they saved me a long journey to nowhere and gave me a form to reclaim the train fare for the train I missed that had been cancelled. I sent the form off and got a nice letter apologising with a little voucher for half of the fare. Which was around fifty pounds. Recent events, I've been waiting to get paid for what feels like ages and I finally got my wages today. I topped up my savings, put some money into my second savings account and budgeted for the next two weeks. Got in touch with my Mum, who is moving house again, and agreed to go give her a hand with it. Save myself the inevtiable financial fallout of staying in Brighton over the weekend and cooked myself a pasta salad to save money buying lunch. All is well. The sun is out, I've got my shades on in February, passed my TMA and am into the next one, successfully managed to get back on track money wise.

So I go to my drawer, one of three drawers in my flat. Drawer one is for all of my OU related paperwork and anything to do with my tenancy, instructions manuals for cookers, that sort of thing. The second drawer is for my OU books, so that I don't misplace them. As that would make me very cross. The third and final drawer is near my sofa, it has things that I know I don't want to lose in it. It can be anything. It has the contact information for a samurai school I am thinking of joining, details of a course where you can get football badges so you can be a coach and my tiny dumbells. At the moment, I go through it once a month and either action the things I have collected or throw them away. Thats how I ended up going to comic-con and Audio but not taking up swimming. Short story long, I know, well I think I know, that when I received the train voucher it went into the drawer. The idea being that I would plan my next trip when I came across it if I hadn't already. Having done everything else I went to grab the voucher only to find it wasn't there. I spent an hour or so tearing around my place trying to find it, I can't justify how it disappeared, I either didn't do what I thought I did with it or I accidentally threw it away. Or it was actually a trick played on me by the train company and it decomposed really quickly like that papryus in the Da Vinci Code with the vinegar.

To give some context, I thought I was getting better (in terms of my sprained wrist) so I played football with a bit more, passion? Confidence? Effort, effort is really what changed. All was good, I thought I was playing well, then exactly the same thing as happened the first time happened. Someone hit a shot very hard on target and my competitive instinct took over any kind of common sense, I saved the ball by sacrificing my left hand. So, so irritating. I make saves on shots that are hit hard with my other hand, with no ill effects, I just have to wait for my other hand to fully recover and be a tiny bit careful. For context, its bad enough that I can't pull my wallet out of my pocket without wincing. The upshot was I got to play out more and get some practice, sadly when I got out of bed (to let in the electrician who had come to the wrong flat) I literally fell over because I had hurt my knee so badly. I took a bunch of painkillers yesterday, after hurting my wrist, because I was going out to play percussion and obviously just didn't notice the knee. So whilst looking for my lost ticket, which destroyed my budgeting plan, made me an hour late and my journey an hour and a half longer and ensures I spend another week eating fish finger sandwiches, I am also enduring fairly serious pain anytime I get down on my knees to desperately look under my sofa, bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers for the ticket, or lift anything up to see if it somehow materialised somewhere. I then carried my bag with all the books for this TMA, my laptop, lunch and three days clothes up the hill to the train station. Upon dragging myself to the ticket office, I Was greeted by a Polish/eastern European lady who despite being fine was not quite as informed or helpful as her colleagues often are. I enquired about a railcard, as I am a student, which is apparently something blah full time student blah needs to be stamped meh thing. Meaning I couldn't get one. Anyway, the station official directs me to this train (that I am now on) and after putting my bags away, having a fizzy lace and getting my laptop out a voice says something FCC blah need the right ticket hmm have to buy a new one anyway jazz. Mumbling in quiet fury I decided to just get off the train and take the later, longer, very crowded, Victoria train I was meant to be on. The nice fellow who was cleaning happened to hear me and instead of writing me off as an angry escaped mental patient told me I was probably alright, took me to the guard and made sure. So now I have time to complain to the interwebs!Huzzah!

My new approach to the course seems to work better than my old one, I was happy with my score on the assignment and I plan to do most of the next one over this weekend. I also need to finish this other bit of writing, read up on my djembe-playing because I am woefully out of touch after four years (Who knew if you don't practice the skill fades) and make a new budget plan. I have somewhere (I forget which safe place I put it in) a fortune cookie fortune that says if you divide your focus onto many things none of those things get done properly. So I'm trying to finish things before I start other things. Then I find I rush the things. It's a whole meshuggah.

Other than that, I have a thrilling five hour train journey, a whole bunch of notes to take and a laptop that doesn't have five hours of battery. I also just realised I left my pad at home. Wonderous.

(This is my Mums dog, our dog, Magic).


Heres wishing you a good weekend,

(Also, I think I have decided I prefer pancake day to valentines day).

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40 marks is a pass right?

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I got my second TMA back (like I'm sure everyone has) and I'm a little disappointed. I think, mostly, with myself. Fortunately I passed. Barely. I made some bad mistakes, I didn't go through the marking of the previous assignment carefully enough, I made almost all the same mistakes again. Somehow I managed to do more of those mistakes the second time. The other bad mistake is a problem I have with the whole format of answering the questions. I've never written an essay where you don't write from a perspective, I always say that 'I will answer the question-" and so on. I'm trying to get my head around the idea that you are literally just writing facts down, I think that is my new approach. Identify points I need to make to get marks. Write them down as simply as I possibly can then worry about stringing it together into prose later.

The whole prose thing is what I mean by the format being tough for me, I really enjoy writing, generally. Anyone who does knows it can be a pig sometimes. As I'm sure your fascinated, I find it easy to write poetry and am currently trying to force myself to write decent prose. So in answering the question for the assignment (last time) I tried to make sure my answers had a nice narrative feel and made some interesting points. I actually thought I had written a couple of really good answers, somehow I had this feeling I might not even pass though. As I say, that stuff ends now, much simpler approach needed. I'm going to throw out working through the unit. That did me no good. I just found that I had all the information in my head and was comfortable with the material, all that let me do was make worse mistakes as I happily chatted on about what I thought the answer was. The answer isn't something to be worked out, it is written down plainly for you in the material. All that needs doing is transferring it into your assignment. That coupled with using citations and references for each and every single point I make will hopefully transfer into a better mark.

As for the prose, well, I'm fairly confident that it will be at least equally as difficult as learning how to answer the assignments. More fun though. Again, its desparately fascinating, I'm trying to get used to spacing out my language and create a good narrative. I find that basically, my problem, is writing in a simple way that describes the environment and characters to the reader. Like all books do. I'm just ploughing through my idea for a story, making small changes, then I plan to go back and try to make it more readable. I'm only slightly less lazy about that than I am about my OU studies.

Saying that, now that I have no plans to incorporate the reading and activities into an overall scheme, I can just attack the question head on. I'm working out phases for answering the question, identifying points I want to make, gathering references, checking the wording and detail of the question carefully, then putting together an answer. So my other time is free to spend on the other things in my life.

First of those is fitness and sport. I quit the gym. High five. Other gyms are more than twenty quid a month and I can't justify paying that nor can I justify walking forty minutes to the gym to work out for an hour so to then walk forty mintues home, even though I am now essentially out of work again. Thats next other thing. So I have taken to jogging to start off my new fitness plan the same way as I started at the gym. Simple exercise that I am comfortable with. The rowing machine was my bag to begin with and I had dramatically improved my speed and distance in the two months I was going to the gym. Ironically I couldn't take much of the running machine, I don't know why, it was too bouncy and stuff. I definitely did not try skipping or hopping really fast late at night when there was hardly anyone there. Sport wise, tennis is long gone, which is kinda lame. Have to wait until whenever this whole giant storm thing passes us to be able to get back to it. Thats ok though, because football is on the up and up! My wrist, which I nearly broke, I don't know if I wrote that here. Some guy kicked a shot so hard (I play in goal mostly) it damaged the muscles in my hand and wrist so badly that I could even close a fist. I went back to play next week with a wrist brace and strong painkillers. As any reasonable man would. So I have, to put it plainly, been pretty shoddy since the start of December because trying to keep goal with one hand is a little tricky. People have this crazy idea to shoot to that side, positives, I have got a lot better as an outfielder. The good thing is I am getting better and can almost do a press up now. We have our first match next week, very excite, I will let you know how it goes.

And so work, BLAHHHHHHHHHHH. What a jip. I called to see if there was any news on the January shifts, oh yeah they say, this week they say. Nothing at all. No call. No, thanks for Christmas, blah. I missed those shifts because of the train, thats sealed my fate, I'm saying no more. The football stadium however, sweet deal, I now get to work with the players. Well, very near the players, running my own bar. Oh yeah. High five. I obviously don't get paid more but I get to work harder and longer. Yay! Went into the players lounge with an order and I was like, oh thats cool, not sure who half these guys are. Brighton have a famous international goalkeeper, I saw him and I was like, damn. Its a pretty sweet deal, after the game they hang around with friends and family at the stadium and come to our bars. Its better than like, I don't know, the Status Quo fans for instance. Nice as they are.

Lastly I am trying to have some kind of love life. I have been told that if you look for love it doesn't come. I should really explain this a bit, I don't disagree with that. So New Years is New Years, right, it turns out that some lady told me that I was (quelle surprise) a good dancer. I'm like, yeah, sure shes a friend of the DJ and wants us to stay here. She'll say anything. The be-boys were there and I felt like any other raver. So we go out for a friend from works (EVILL WORK) birthday, I get plenty drunk, enough that I am totally convinced I can dance, enough so I don't care if I can't. As all guys know when you go out, there are at least ten thousand amazingly hot/beautiful girls that are way too good for you. Long story short I ended dancing with some of those girls and for a short drunken time I had some self confidence. Go me. I forget how the night ended, oh no, I remember .. yeah, listening to your headphones on really quiet streets does not for a cool situation make.

Thats about it, my comic book collecting is going well, I will sort out some pictures because I know it is so interesting, for next time. I am in the process of going through all the stuff I have in storage (mostly clothes and DVDs) and throwing it out/giving it to charity. Clothes are almost done, the DVDs are a lot harder. I don't know what to do with them. Like, at all. Sell them? But I love them, its worse than with music, if I got rid of a movie that I later couldn't find. I might not of even think of it. Anyway, I don't know, I'm gonna get them all together and go through my collection. I might throw all the cases away and put them in a folder or something.

Heres pulling for all your New Years resolutions to come good, don't forget to join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/316262468519466/ for light-hearted Facebooking, currently talking Duggan and Burkhas, Birkas, Burkas? I have no idea what that word is. Be cool!



 >> http://watch32.com/movies-online/underworld-awakening-1000 << New Underworld movie, well 2012, as far as quadrilogies go. Its better than Tremors. 

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Patricia Stammers, Thursday, 16 Jan 2014, 09:11)
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A series of unfortunate Christmas Holiday events

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Happy New Year!

Salutations and congratulations, it's 2014 and it's a wonderfully sunny morning. The storm that has menaced most people (including myself) seems to have subsided and now all we have to do is wait for the snow. I should mention that despite being nearly 30 I still enjoy snowfall like a little kid. I would throw snowballs at people if it was still cute, I'd probably just get charged with assault nowadays. I digress. 

charlie brown

The matter of the title is not blithely used for comedy or Hollywood reference, last I wrote I had yet to decide on my plans for Christmas and was about to get on the off to start my celebrations. If you remember I had been working every night and conquering TMA02 by day for a week. I say that, yet to see if I actually passed. I finished work on the evening of the 20th of December, finished decorating the cake I had prepared and went to bed excited for the Holiday season. 

I was as prepared as I could of been, realistically, getting the cake done was of paramount importance because I had no way of knowing how long it would take in the new kitchen. On the morning of that Saturday I got up around 8AM to wrap the necessary presents and send off the cards I had written out for my family. Still unsure of what I was going to do, tentatively I was planning to spend the weekend with friends, work Monday and Tuesday, then go with my Dad to my Brothers on Christmas Day, work Boxing day then go to my other Brothers for my nephews birthday before rumbling down to Devon to see my Mum before coming back to work New Years Eve.

I had presents for all my friends from korean plushie dolls to champagne receptions for two. I was happily sat in my bed wrapping presents until I came to open what was meant to be a copy of a graphic novel. Quite a specific present. Instead there was a comic I had ordered for myself two days earlier, somehow I had managed to pick up the wrong package and was a present down. Quite angry I phoned the local comic book shop to see if they had a copy (at 9AM) and they did not, so with lightly muttered frustration I conceded to give it to him belatedly. No matter, I told myself, I had a case of champagne and a cake, I was still in the black as it were. Frustrated, but excited, I opened the door from my now decimated flat to get on my travels. Howling gale and sideways rain. Which go fantastically well with three tiered chocolate cake. A little more frustrated I made my way to the bus stop, into Brighton then hopped quickly to the off licence. Where I bumped into my Dad, who had already lectured me (after I locked myself out of the house) on over-spending this christmas. I had in my hands a bottle of vodka and two large cans of red bull, I felt that fate had at this point been a little unkind. So the lecture began, then the bus came past and I had to run for it. With the cake, which I had cunningly wrapped up inside two tin roasting trays because I couldn't find a cake box anywhere, I got on the bus. It was before 10:30 which meant I wouldn't be more than half an hour late for lunch. I'd say I was less than jubilant on boarding but as the journey (the two hour journey) went on I gathered more and more christmas spirit as people came on the bus to see me carrying a hold-all full of presents and champagne, and what appeared to be a turkey. I was in a good mood by the time I got there and when the evening finished at some early morning hour, I had enjoyed a fantastic day, completely forgetting the misdemeanours I had encountered. The cake had also mostly fallen apart, but had been well enjoyed by all, so that portion of the day balanced out for me. Strangely I had a bit of an asthma fit when I woke up, woke everyone up as I flapped about looking for my inhaler with a hangover before eventually finding it in the bottom of my bag with painkillers. Winsome painkillers. I snoozed thinking it was endemic of Christmas so far, bad luck coming good in the end. I should also mention I got a great christmas present that I was never expecting that I will talk about another time. 

To the morning proper, we woke around 10AM and had a cup of tea. I got a call from work, letting me know my hours for the rest of December, for the production of Scrooge, had changed. They now included the entire period between Christmas Eve and Boxing day. I called my Mum to tell her I wasn't going to be able to make it and she seemed a little down, so I made a decision to make it to Devon before Christmas instead of waiting until after the New Year. Not least because we would be back studying by then. I said my goodbyes and left to get the train to Exeter. Even managed to get a lift to the station, had my phone charged then was able to relax on the train and enjoy the sunshine rolling over the countryside. Even though I couldn't get a seat at all between London and Exeter. Yeah.



£87 and four hours later I arrived in a little village just outside of Exeter. My Mum was delighted, as was the puppy. I will eventually get a photo of her when she grows up enough that she stays still for more than about three seconds at a time. Spaniels are very lively creatures. We went to the local pub for a lovely dinner, I went to her shop the next day and had a walk around the village, had some more great food from a local farm shop that evening when I got a call from work. I had been taken off my Christmas Eve shift when I got the call on Sunday, which was part of the reason for the trip down, it turned out that they did want me in. At 12.30. I figured it was a bit like everything else, seemed like a spot of bad luck but I agreed to it thinking at least I would be busy Christmas Eve rather than getting home to an empty flat late in the evening. Checked the trains, I left at 6AM Christmas Eve morning.

There were some quite funny, potentially dangerous shenanigans at the local station where I had waited on the wrong platform (or so I thought) and realised just as the barriers dropped. With no over-pass I had to quickly jump the road barriers and go up the otherside, the train then started to arrive on the other side of the tracks. Fortune struck, the driver saw me getting a little cross and slowed down so I could jump down off the platform and cross the tracks. Christmas cheer 1 Fate 0. 

I got to the station, in good time, expecting to get back to Brighton before 11AM with loads of time to get ready for work. At first, the 7AM train was cancelled but the 7:25 was still on. I knew this meant I would miss my connection but the next train was only an hour late and I would probably only just be late for work. Which I had warned them might happen. So I went to ask a lady on the station to make sure. This was the first time I heard that the storm had affected almost all the trains in the area, there were no trains to London or Brighton at all. There was a review at 10AM and measures would come into place after that. I was like, the internet didn't say anything helpful, how will I know? She told me her name was Nikki, gave me her phone number, telling me to call her and she would let me know what was going on. Christmas cheer 2 Fate 0. 

I called work then went back to the little village to my Mums, walked the dog, had a shower, bought Nikki a little present and gave her a call. She told me there was a replacement bus service to a place called Tiverton where trains to London Paddington would run. I was victorious, I'd be back home in time to go to work and apologise in person, then be there for work on Boxing day. 


This was the queue for the replacement bus service. I felt a little discouraged but I figured I would endure it. Eventually I would get home, surely, it couldn't be that bad. I got chatting to some people in the queue, they had further to go than me, we had a little drink and almost got on TV. The time passed pretty quickly and soon I was on the bus organising my spotify playlists for the train ride.

I got to Tiverton, went up to the ticket office and asked them how long it would take to get a connection to Brighton. I also told them, after he asked me what time I had to get back, that I could go to a friends in Exeter for Christmas if there was no way. He checked all the routes and there were no trains, no buses and nothing until 5PM at the best. I asked if he could be certain that I would make it home, he said that there was no guarantee because there were just so many people waiting that even if there was services they could fill up quickly. So I text Mum and said I was stuck for Christmas, then got back in the queue to go back. 


Christmas Cheer 2 Fate 2. 

Got back to Exeter and then found out I would need to wait an hour so for a lift to my Mums friends house where I'd be spending Christmas. Went in to get a coffee and chill, where I noticed the lady ahead of me was struggling with a box. I'd seen her on the bus, offered to help and she kindly bought my coffee. The box was full of home-made chutneys and jams. We waited outside for her bus for a while, so on and so forth, she eventually had to go back and get a train because as soon as they began running all buses were cancelled. I got my lift and was able to enjoy a fabulous Christmas. All the usual cheer, drinkings, presents and so on. Christmas Cheer 3 Fate 2.

I then had to cancel work the day after boxing day, as well, meaning I had bailed on them Christmas Eve, Boxing day and one more day. I felt they were probably not happy. I simply couldn't get to the station early enough, as it turned out even if I had got a cab I wouldn't of made it. By the time I said my goodbyes and got the train it was about 2:30 in the afternoon. In transit there were problems with some connections and although I had had to go on a route to avoid London it turned out we (Brightonians) had to go all the way Basingstoke, then London and then onto Brighton. I imagine because trains had started again. The wait at Basingstoke was almost an hour, so I went to the ticket office to check. Another fantastic human told me I could get a train in two minutes to somewhere then get a connection onto the Brighton train I had been expecting. It all worked out but we were held up over and over again on both services, I eventually got back to my place at about 11:30 at night. I had grabbed a takeaway, was ready to have it and go to bed ready for work at 10:30 the next day. Sadly I had managed to leave a heater on in the melee of leaving for Kent with the cake and champagne. The electric had run out and the emergency card I had in the letter box had got wet and wouldn't work. Christmas cheer 3 Fate 3.

So all in all that was pretty eventful, work were not too angry with me although some people had had to work a lot longer hours than they wanted because of me. I think you could say they were understanding. The reprisal was that I lost my NYE shift. Which was ok, I found out the day before and made plans with a friend to meet up. 


Although the first three places we tried were sold out, we ended up going to see two time DMC champion JFB. Which was funk-dub-hoptastic for me but less so for my friend who is a bit of a house head. Good night, I realised the morning after that the people we ended up dancing with were in fact some of the DJs. So that was pretty cool. I even managed to get to work yesterday without a major hangover and got through the whole shift without any major problems. Other than I cut a slice out of my thumb instead of the lime, which was pretty stupid. Regardless Holiday Cheer 4 Fate 3. 

I now don't have a shift at work until, well, until ever. So I'm not sure what to do about that, other work continues on Match Days at the stadium. So I have some monies coming in as term is about to restart, I have resolutions. Get fit without the gym, organise and save some money, continue collecting comics. Thats all well and good but I have another mad weekend planned, out Friday, work Saturday, down to Kent that night then home Monday morning or Sunday evening. I also am going to miss Vadim and Krush on Saturday, but I've made peace with that. There are always more gigs. I must contemplate whether to bar work or look for some sort of job that might lay me in better stead moving towards the legal world. 

Looking forward to my TMA results too, lots to think about and more to do. Hope the New Year is kind and all your resolutions come good.

Oh and I also watched series of unfortunate events again on my phone, you know, for some reason it actually scares me. I must finish reading the books. 


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Joy Hutchings, Thursday, 2 Jan 2014, 17:20)
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Assignment finished; game over

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This is where and what I have moved into. Is very nice. I have my own bathroom and stuff! Much improve from the bedsit situation, although inside a year I will most likely have to go back to it unless I can get a job that pays better than minimum wage. Which is not impossible. It would be nice if you could become a barrister in the space of eighteen months or something. To that end I do at least have some study space now, although my study habits are still yet to become .. well .. good, good is the word I am searching for.

I didn't really do the last unit, because I ran out of time and because the question on the assignment was only an essay plan. Plus we did the whole actus reus mens rea thing at A-level. Although again, the fact that I did my A-level ten years ago, proved to be something of a stumbling block. To be totally honest doing an essay plan as part of the assignment was a little strange to me, I had to work to get towards the right word count and when I finished I kinda wish I had done that before cutting down my other answers. I had to miss out this whole cool thing I had to do with criminal intent about 3D printers and gun parts, such is OU life I guess. Stick to the material.


And you will succeed!

So now I don't have to do my assignments during the day I am kind of at loose end, then I remember that I have Christmas to 'do'. Today I have cards to write and send, all of the wrapping gubbinz to buy as well as working the bar at the unmissable Union J concert tonight. Oh yeah and I have to bake a cake somewhere in there. Which is just, blah, I was going to go over to someones place where they have all the cake stuff already. Cake tins, flour, an electric whisk. That kind of stuff. But noooooooooooooo, instead I have to go and acquire all this stuff for myself. But wait, I hear you cry, thats great because then you can make cakes all the time. You know whats sad about cake baking. There is only one sad thing. When you don't have people to share cake with. I will get the stuff and bake cakes anyway, then just see what happens. I'll figure something out, my baking isn't British Bake off good but its not too bad. The sad thing is that you bake a cake and eat it all to yourself. Which is bad for the physique (which as I rattle on towards thirty, I notice doesn't take so well to cake, fizzy drinks and take-out) and that whole 'you will get diabetes if you don't stop with the sugar' thing. Working my way through two litres of 7-up as I type. 

So all that is fine, I have two days of work left then a weekend of frolicking, work again and then I am doing something for Christmas day! Still not sure how I feel about it, if I can get my TV into this new place and play Chrono Trigger on the big screen then I probably won't go. Sitting on my own playing it on my laptop seems a little bit sad. If I get the TV I could also end up 'renting' an XBOX360 over the holiday period. Buy it second hand then say I gave it as a present that wasn't wanted, that kind of thing. Which would mean I could play a few choice games I really want. I'd do it with a Nintendo product but I know I would never end up giving it back. Or I could go do the family thing. I have no idea what I'm gonna do. Maybe I'll go out and do a survey. Ask the audience. Something.

Finally I had a terrible accident in a comic book shop. I went in to buy a keyring for my new keys, they had a very limited selection of little vinyl ones. I was hoping to get some boss silver green lantern thing or something. I settled on a green goblin one because my postcode has GG in it. Booyah. There are these comic books that I read online when they came out about two years ago, I won't get too into what they are now as I have yet to .. I need to finish the story. Anyway, I like them a lot and the shop happened to have the collected volumes of the whole series in stock. I had seen them before and decided, when I have enough money I'll start to collect them. I had a look at one that day and the cover art was so .. uh .. win, that I had to put it back for fear of buying it. On the keychain day, I looked at all the posters, checked out the new 52, tried to get the rest of Ultimate X-men to finish my collection (I am like four comics short, it is very frustrating as I want to read it all at once) and so on before going down to the manga section to drool over these books. I had a look at some other titles I am considering collecting, read a bit of this hardback about Gundam which is really good .. then I picked up all 9 volumes and decided to buy them all at once. Along with the keychain. I can't justify or explain why but for some reason I felt I couldn't live without them. I have this other set called Zombie Powder;


Which I got for super cheap and I was amazed to be able to get it, its the only other published work by a very famous artist called Tite Kubo who writes the mega famous Bleach. So when I was able to get the whole series of Zombie Powder on the cheap, in mint condition, I was very happy. Almost as happy as I am reading them all again, now in paperback as opposed to online. So I am taking my time before I get onto reading this over series, which is a lot longer. I will let you in on what it is when I get it to reading it. Try not to get too excited.

Anywhosits, thats me, have a lovely wonderful Christmas time and hopefully I won't get too drunk, then come over to the dark side and pour out my cynical soul to you unsuspecting lovelies that dain (its a real word ;) to read my scribblings.

Merry Christmas!


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December tidings; all things jolly

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Edited by Joseph Jensen, Tuesday, 10 Dec 2013, 18:20

Passed my first TMA (just about), have moved into a lovely sea container flat home abode jazz, am ready for the festive season and generally starting to feel the merriness;



Anyway, we also had a tutorial where 6 people attended, which is damn near a Christmas party for us. There was a lot of good help about referencing which has acted like a large whiskey in terms of making my frustrations seem a lot more foggy. I have yet to start the next TMA so I can't promise the table is going to stay in place when I start. I have already heard rumours that the word count is relatively strict given the subject matter, which makes no bones, I am going to get through the block first before I even look at it. 

The block itself is great, well as great as a law block can be, relatively its like a peanut butter and jam sandwich compared the peanut butter on a cracker of Block 1.

Working on the idea that we all have a legal personality is an interesting way of separating out the different roles we have and how they are involved with the law. Some of the things I memorised out of the first block that I thought were going to be sort of wasted because of what the TMA01 was about have turned out to be really relevant. You always get a little buzz when the book is talking about something that relates to some other bit that you remember well. So that and criminal intent, all good. I still wasted 12 days and did all the reading/activities in a weekend. Shrug. It looks like I'm in for a big Thursday study date.me on thursday


Moving has not been a complete disaster. Which is nice. I managed to get all my things into one taxi, the driver was so quiet that because I paid him a set fee he was happy to help me out. As usual I did some really clever things, I went and played football in the morning in so doing managed to re-sprain my wrist, then decided it was a good evening to go to work to serve wine to fans of wet, wet, wet and blue. Which was yesterday. So I have done most of the fun part of moving today. As a cynic I realise that every day the excitement of a moving to a new place will slowly cycle towards the stagnancy of feeling like I've been here forever. Who cares. Today it is totally awesome, I am about to make my first cup of tea! Woop.

What else? Christmas. Despite my earlier comments about this season of awful, god awful, horrible, terrible jingle jangle pop ballady mind gumming nois-ance, I am quite looking forward to Christmas. I have a nice trip planned, two nice trips planned!(whoa), drinking to do, cakes to bake and so on. The being poor part is a down-side but I don't care. I am so jazzed that I am even contemplating decorating my new place. Who knows. I might decide whiskey and bitterness are a better way to celebrate. 

The main problem in my life right now is that I need to acquire a vacuum cleaner. Which is a pretty small problem.

Hope everyone is having a Christmassy Christmas.



Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Joe, Thursday, 12 Dec 2013, 13:39)
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A short post about referencing

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Note: I counted to ten before writing this post.

When I am writing a long essay about something that is relevant to my studies I have to read lots of other sources. Its great. You learn, incorporate their ideas into your work and then acknowledge them. Its like the evolution of knowledge. 

Sometimes I even think, I'm going to literally just write something they have written down as a quote in my work because it is so befuddlingly brilliant I can't find another way to express it. Or its a famous or important quote, like, "Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" (Gone with the Wind;).

When all is said and done I gather together all the things I've been pouring through and utilising then write all the names of them down so I can show off that I did a lot of stuff.

In TMA01 I have to answer questions, I'm not allowed in any way/shape/form to use anything other than the materials given to me by the OU to do so. So if I can't understand something from their material, I can't get another text, compare them and come to an understanding. If I use something which is in the other book not the W100 book thats fail. Which is fine and dandy, the W100 books are pretty damn comprehensive. If a little exhaustive. 


I have to write to a ridiculously obnoxious word count already, so obnoxious that I literally have to somehow guess what the audience I'm writing for do or do not know. There is no way to fully explain to somebody with no knowledge of Great Britan at all the things you are asked to explain in 600 odd words. You have to leave gaps and make assumptions, which again is fine, compression of information is part of learning to write accurate prose. 


The idea that I then have to give up precious, precious words to do something that has no relevance whatsoever to my work is driving me utterly potty. It's not a case of, oh great I want to reference this point (or make a direct citation) because it identifies something clearly and I need that to make my word count work. Quite the opposite. I can find no way to squish some reference or citation into my work, simply because we are advised to, without it:

A) Dramatically affecting the flow of my answer 

B) Making me seem like a dolt because, realistically, the concept is simple enough that it can just be explained

and C) Wasting more of my time trying

I'm not saying I am having trouble, I can easily find a good reference for every point I make because I am only allowed to draw information from one source. So naturally they all have very easy references. Case citations are the same, all I'm doing is saying "The reason for this is because if it isn't that the other thing fails to work", then adding (for no reason), "And you can see proof of that in this case R v Insanely Aggravated Student 2013; SC".

table flip

Have a great evening. 



Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Bren P, Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013, 19:17)
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Ah yes, real life tutorials, this is what me and my East Sussex cohorts were presented with. All both of us. Then the others turned up. They were both a bit late, had some trouble finding the room.

Before they arrived we were treated to the brain-pan of our tutor, she has rights of .. of .. being allowed in crown courts, one moment .. yes, thankyou google, rights of audience. So that was great, she had done lots of very impressive law related things then explained why she had gone on to be a teacher, working at some famous university places. At that point I realised I had forgotten to bring any snacks with me, and the others arrived.

Despite being a little disappointed, I felt the tutorial was great. We had another the next weekend, with the same people. Which was also good. 

It was a really nice feeling being back in a classroom, doing activities and getting into the subject matter. Making blatant and terrible mistakes, speaking out loud to other people, that sort of thing. I no longer felt behind and realised that actually sticking to the plan the OU gives you is definitely the best way to approach the studying. As much as its true that you can run on ahead from the start, following the plan, just going a little quicker at it one of the other students had studied DD101 the year before. She was following the timeline carefully and she explained it made the whole year seem very manageable. So I've spaced out some time to catch up on reading this weekend before broaching the subject of questions 4 and 5 of the TMA. They're a bit longer and have plenty of space for making errors.

One thing I am liking about this year of Law, and I'm not sure if it will continue on in the course, but being given a book of case law and having it to draw directly from certainly makes the relevant information seem much closer. More palatable. 

Which is really important for me as we come up to christmas-


- christmas. 

Ignoring the terror of present buying, family, general cheer and the unrelenting assault of christmas music I also have to work. Which is great in one sense and great in another sense. The downside is that I may be subjected to the radio. Which can contain rage inducing brain-melting-horror music. The other slight problem is that I don't have a huge amount of down time to get on with studying, which I have had. I've been reading at leisure but now I am needing to push myself into it so I can make a fully informed answer to the longer questions. I have (as I'm sure we all do) grandiose dreams of answering long complicated questions with ease and a general hue of brimming intelligence mixed with cumulative brilliance. Instead I am already concerned that I may be writing fluffy fluff.

Anyway, its hopefully going to be a nice distraction from the looming dread of christmas shopping that sneers forth from Decembers gaping maw, instead I have a minefield of strange legal jargon in which lies a path to excellent marks. Which I am fairly confident I want. There is a lingering doubt that mediocrity can still suffice, but then, that is no way to start a course.

So in summation, tutorials yes, Christmas no, TMA maybe.

Thankyou please.


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Rebecca Berry, Thursday, 14 Nov 2013, 19:47)
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The first TMA

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Don kanonji

Yes, bwaha indeed.

I am nearly halfway through the TMA and despite the other people in the W100 FB Group who have finished the whole thing and read all of Unit 1, I am relatively happy with where I am.

The problem I am now facing is that I have to read all of unit 1 (if you're not a W100 student, its about 60 pages) to answer the next question, which means bridging the gap to my biggest failing as a student. Note taking. That incorporeal ability to transfer information from a book to a notepad to ones brain is not something I have ever been good at. Brutally assaulting my brain with huge amounts of reading just before an exam has been my technique in the past, now older, I think I need a more measured approach that you know, works or something.

See the problem is deeper than that, I read the question and what it wants to me know, then I find the parts of the book that relate to those and read them. Which to me, is obviously enough to answer the question, but this 'wider knowledge' and 'understanding' of the Unit is quite beyond my grasp. There are questions in it that I have to answer then I have to do the TMA which has questions and its all very questiony. In addition to that, I apparently have to read Unit 2 before I finish the TMA too. So here are the problems:

1) Although I believe I can answer the questions to a decent standard, without reading the whole text that they are relevant too I might go totally wrong.

2) Even if I do read them, getting the information permanently into my brain is unlikely, even getting it their for long enough to answer the question without having the book open is  a stretch.

3) I really like to do things that aren't studying when I am meant to be studying, its like a sort of not-studying-drug that makes other things seem more exciting.

4) Having done a little bit I am already walking up to people going BWAHAHAHAHAHA, just because I have written 600 words of answers. 

My solution; answer the question badly now, then read the book, in the hope that as I go I can realise my mistakes and update my answer. Sorry, polish my answer. As the reader says.

Some advice though, the bwahahaha method does definitely give you a sense of achievement and is suggested by the OU; you are supposed to let people you know that you're studying and I can think of no better way.

Yeah, Law stuff,


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Joy Hutchings, Wednesday, 23 Oct 2013, 21:26)
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A week into the course

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Edited by Joseph Jensen, Saturday, 12 Oct 2013, 23:45

Introdcution to W100, you have been fun.

Since getting onto the course I have made facebook and twitter accounts and started this blog, mostly to (hopefully) meet other people doing the course and partially to keep me focused. I may have already mentioned that I tend to have sporadic interest functionality disorder, I get really into something for as long as I can in one go then totally lose interest forever.

Me on the internet.

Anyway, the facebook has many different groups related to the Open University, Open University law students and first year Open University law students. I'm subscribed to two, Open University Law Students and W100 (October). Recently I have been mostly super impressed by people who have two jobs, eight kids, care for their great grandmother, volunteer at the sad kitty centre and study two modules in one year with the OU. They seem to think they might be insane, I think they are in fact super heroes who will sire children that can fly and have super strength.

We also had a long (intelligent-ish) debate about the place of Religion in the British constitutional system. Specifically the judiciary. I maintain that whatever the doctrine of a group is, it is defined not by its views but by how many people follow them, so (in the UK) Islam and the Christian faith should still be allowed to make arguments in government based on their faith. Ironically when we tried to discuss Baby P and the early release there was little debate, everyone just thinks its bad and thats how it is.

I also use tumblr, weheartit and via.me but despite being able to find pretty things and liberalist awesome-ness there is little to do with law directly. I am unphased.

Soon (hopefully by the next time I write a post) I will make a proper place for this blog on a shinier website like wordpress or something. I'm even planning to say stuff about Law, in the future, as well as potentially Science. As for my current studies, I have answered the first two questions of my TMA (early), got them under the word count and started preparing (by thinking about) the next questions.

So as we say goodbye to the nice weather, I guess we can say hello to warm drinks, duvet weekends and scarves.

Don't catch cold!




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How the journey was founded-

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Oh my days,

(My reaction to the size of the course materials box)Received my Course Materials on Wednesday but (mostly due to fear) decided not to open them until this weekend, I have come up wtih a wickedly ingenious plan to make sure I get off to a good start with the right attitude .. to this .. course .. thing .. yeah.

So, that being the case my intention is to open it up tomorrow and set myself up a study area where my sitting around on the internet area once was, replace the games on my phone with useful apps and websites and finally delete all of the SNES and GBA roms from my desktop (though I will save them on a memstick in the hope I finish an assignment early) to be replaced by my upcoming assignment titles.

Prior to that though I have had to break a promise to myself and sign up for facebook and twitter again, I decided at the start of the year that I was no longer going to take part in following other peoples lives in a third party way, said very quiet goodbyes and went out to pasture. If interested, life is quieter out there. Then, when reading through the induction (going through the induction?) I read that there was a facebook and twitter for the OU and furthermore they made up a large part of the online community. I took to the Brighton coast to contemplate.

After seven longs days of though, sunbathing, almost swimming and eating ice cream I gave up my freedom and made new accounts, alarmingly desolate accounts, as it happens.

So this weekend I will be going 'live' as it were, with these e-fandangles, as well as this rather spiffy OU blog (which seems very educationally relevant to me) so if you're doing the W100, or anything first year I guess, lets talk!

Heres hoping for the high grade(s),


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