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The inaugural lecture of Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (Part 4)

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 31 Aug 2011, 15:21
In 2001 AKH undertook the first interviews on the Masters.

I was in this cohort, working full-time, on H802 but not using a PDA. I lacked the wherewithal to get content a palm M105. I had a Psion in my pocket and side by side on my desk were a MAC and a PC.

More on the academic stuff from Way-out & Kukulska-Hulme ( 2001-3)

This Palm using MAer had created their 'university in their pocket'.

Coming from the agency side working across platforms in TV and the Web I had been asked to provide ideas to a UK company that had the UK licence to create content for handheld devices; I should have been speaking to AKH.  

http://blogs.ft.com/mba-blog/2011/06/22/distance-learning-or-nearness-learning/#axzz1WbbnlExG LINKS http://www3.open.ac.uk/media/fullstory.aspx?id=21782
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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Sunday, 4 Sept 2011, 12:49
(69252) Frauke Constable should be featured as a student blogger on OU Platform. http://bieni64.wordpress.com/ Sean%252520Brady.jpg also Sean Brady
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Design Museum

MBA Blogger for the Open University Business School?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Sunday, 4 Sept 2011, 12:46

Sean Brady

Management Tip of the Day

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