Woke up this morning to my TMA02 results.
WHAT! I never thought it possible to achieve this on assignments. It certainly has never happened before.
Going into Christmas Break has left me with such a good feeling about the first half of this module, making me hungry for more!
I'm not quitting yet and doesn't look like I will be kicked off any time soon.
There isn't a negative feeling in my body right now. Just pure shock and that little feeling of being proud of myself.
In addition, a brief meeting with work this morning and it turns out I will not be returning to work until January either. SO my work Christmas Break has officially stated. A quick Christmas get together over Teams next Friday seeing as we cant go out and it's all done. The abysmal year 2020 is nearing the end!Despite the rather odd year - I have managed to make some amazing memories with the kids being home as well. Oh yeah and signed myself up for this degree. Learnt a lot about myself when your life gets thrown into a different situation and you are not just existing in a repeated world of eat, sleep, work, repeat.