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Personal Blogs

Act. 31.2 Positive aspects of Web 2.0

Visible to anyone in the world


It is associated with photo management and sharing and it has two main goals to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them and also to enable new ways of organising photos and video.  People can get their photos and videos from the web, from mobile devices, from home computers and other softwares that each one of us is using in order to manage their content.  After that, they can share them using the Flickr website, RSS feeds or email and blogs.  Additionally, there is the possibility using FLickr to work collaboratively with a family member, friend and other contacts with your permission to organise your stuff.  After all, this info accretes as metadata and it is also searchable so things are much easier to find them later on.


Flickr (2010) About Flickr [online]. Available from: http://www.flickr.com/about/


Any annotations you make on a web page can be saved and sent to students or colleagues. This tool is popular among teachers because it offers the ability to create accounts for a whole class and it protects the students' privacy.  It is also a personal research tool, a collaborative research platform, a social content site and a knowledge sharing community.


Diigo (2010) About Diigo [online]. Available from: http://www.diigo.com/about


Virtual classroom application that is fully equipped with 2-way audio, text chat, whiteboard, PowerPoint and PDF document sharing capabilities.  In addition, WiZiQ is a web-based platform for anyone and everyone who wants to teach and learn live, online. Teachers and students use WiZiQ for its state-of-the-art virtual classroom, to create and share online educational content and tests, and to connect with persons having similar subject interests.  In the virtual classroom with all the digital benefits at your fingertips, you can interact online using:

  • Images, PowerPoint presentations and documents
  • Full way audio and video sharing
  • Live chat enhances the interaction amongst the participants
  • Control Privileges with you having full control over the class like in real-world classroom

All classes on WiZiQ are automatically recorded so that you can revisit and even search for a certain topic anytime at your convenience.


WiZiQ (2010) About Us [online]. Available from: http://www.wiziq.com/about_us.aspx




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