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OU Graduate Futures Skills Award

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Edited by Santari Green, Thursday, 8 Aug 2024, 14:52

5 August 2024

I have completed the OU Graduate Futures Skills Award (digital badge to follow in October).

It consists of 5 sections that require students to examine their employable skills, produce a CV that highlights those skiils and work experience, take a mock interview, read industry reports on their chosen sector, and complete other activities.

The purpose of the award is "an opportunity to boost your confidence and prove to employers that you’ve developed the skills they’re looking for. " 

For details about the award run by the Open University, follow this link. (opens in a new window)

For more information about the scheme contact Graduate-Futures-Award@open.ac.uk.

Open University Graduate Futures Skills award

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Nice to meet you!

Open University badge

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Santari Green, Monday, 5 Aug 2024, 16:04

16 July 2024

Just completed a free course with the OU - "Being an OU Tutor in STEM Computing & Communications". It gives me an insight into what the role of Associate Lecturer with the OU entails and will help support a future application should a vacancy arise. My main interest is with the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies. 🙂


Being an OU Tutor in STEM Computing & Communications

Awarded: Jul 16, 2024

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