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Clare Wood

Grrr... so frustrated!!

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I have finally managed to install my Adobe CS4 Web Premium software after my upgrade to Windows 7 Professional!

I started yesterday afternoon, and the first install failed because the anti-virus program stopped it. Then the second install worked fine, but it wouldn't accept the serial number!

My Father spent over 2 hours on the phone to someone in India because we thought it was just it couldn't confirm with the server or something, and they accessed my computer via remote desktop kind of thing and tried uninstalling it and in the process corrupted the installation files!

She left us copying the disc to the hard drive because apparently after that you should be able to install it from there. Well surprise surprise that didn't work! However this morning I googled the problem and found a simple solution in the Adobe forums - deleting two files then reinstalling which worked, except adobe acrobat didn't work. So i ended up deactivating it again, uninstalling it completely and then reinstalling it and now finally 24 hours later (14 of thoe working on it) I have everything working again!

Can't believe how long it took! And to top it off I've had to delete no end of extra files and folders the Indian created!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get back to my EMA which is what I was going to do yesterday! (But I wanted a function from adobe acrobat for the course book!)

Hope you've all had a better start to the weekend than me!

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