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I watched the retired General Sir Mike Jackson being interviewed by Ms Flanders on the Andrew Marr Show this morning and was appalled. He actually answered his mobile phone twice when being interviewed and seemed more interested in looking at his text messages than listening to questions about the appalling situation which has been allowed to develope in Afghanistan, with all the deaths and injuries, not only of British soldiers but also the local population. In respect of compensation to injured soldiers I wonder if the general would like to tell us what his pension is now that he is retired, and it will increase when he gets his Old Age Pension. I must say that in respect of the good General I wish that he would just fade away, as in the Who tune from the old days.

What he also did was to answer the phone but when finished reading it and just threw the mobile aside, I heard it clatter on to the floor. Now if he acts like that during an interview on national television, with his treatment of expensive equipment does that not indicate an attitude which is not to be ignored. If I was Ms Flanders I would have said directly to him would you like me to stop the interview so that you can answer your mobile. He was just so rude.

Finally, I wish that he had been asked how the situation had been allowed to deteriorate in Afghanistan since the initial occupation began in 2001. We should also be told of all the 9,150 soldiers now apparently in Afghanistan how many are actually fir for front line duty. The problems with helicopters being unfit for purpose would seem to extend to the Personnel Unfit for Duty, too much pud maybe and not enough exercise.

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