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Chilcot Baha Mousa Inquiries

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Aug 2011, 09:55
The Chilcot Inquiry, and Baha Mousa Inquiries are soon to report. With all the disturbances on our streets I can only hope that if it is found that there has been breaches of International law, for whatever reason, that those responsible will be held to account. if this involves the trailĀ  of former senior politicians, and military leaders, then so be it. there must be justice.
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At least Blair had a debate and vote about Iraq before sending in our brave and courageous soldiers, sorry no soldiers allowed, except Special Forces of course. No I meant brave and courageous airmen, who drop bombs from a great height, sorry wrong again, when they see any civilians then they don't drop their bombs, I meant our brave and courageous sailors who sit in a boat and fire very expensive missiles at the demon Gaddafi.
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