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Amy Ka Ling Moore

AI. Pedagogical Innovation. Educational Technology notes. Apply for PHD prep.

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Friday, 23 Aug 2024, 16:01

Innovating Pedagogy 2024 (open.ac.uk)

Mobile collaborative language learning: State of the art (wiley.com)

- Benefits of collaboration in mobilelanguage learning. 

- But still know little about the processes and steps that are essential for mobile learning design. This should be examined further, especially in terms of collaborative mobile learning. 

- Further research should also delve into how learners communicate and interact with each other through their everyday use of mobile technologies outside educational contexts and MALL (Mobile-assisted language learning) researchers and practitioners should take this understanding into account when designing mobile CL activities for second and foreign language learners.

- Recent developments in animated agentsand virtual tutors (eg, Mohamad Ali, Segaran, & Wee Hoe, 2015) point to a near future in which 3D talking heads or whole body avatars will join the ranks of participants available for assistance and collaboration. These developments will bring new challenges around the integration of technology to support learners and enhance collaborative learning which will need to be researched.

Affective Support for Self-Regulation in Mobile-Assisted Language Learning


- Highlights that there has been little research on supporting affect in MALL and identified why this topic is vitally important. 

- Out-of-class learning contexts put the onus on MALL app users to self-regulate their learning. We argue that self-regulation is more effective when it is explicitly supported through MALL app/system designs that incorporate affective learning analytics and AI, and through appropriate support provided by teachers. This type of support includes teachers providing affective SRL training when necessary, as they can raise students’ awareness of the range of tactics, strategies and metastrategies they can employ in their learning trajectory. Facilitating collaborative dialogue among students, in which they can share experiences and voice their ideas, has also been identified as a valuable addition to the teacher’s role in MALL. 

- In the future will require experts from different disciplines to work together more closely in order to understand multiple perspectives on affect in mobile language learning and to develop innovative learning spaces and designs

Affective Support for Self-Regulation in Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

Playing with AI to Investigate Human‐Computer Interaction Technology and Improving Critical Thinking Skills to Pursue 21st Century Age - Muthmainnah - 2022 - Education Research International - Wiley Online Library

- In today’s ever-changing and complicated world, critical and evaluative thinking based on rational decision-making is essential. Conventional schooling does not adequately prepare students for this. Student questions, self-investigation, and open-ended inquiries have been found to considerably boost students’ CT skills and related capacities. This study indicated that CT requires cognitive, behavioral, affective, and social engagement activities applied in an intentional and inquiry-oriented manner to relevant information. 

- Our findings can be used to improve teacher training programs that need more advanced thinking, technology engagement, and social-emotional engagement as innovation is increasing in CT. As shown by a wealth of research, students’ ability to develop higher-order thinking skills is highly likely to be fostered in the classroom. This discovery should be a central part of any effort to change teachers’ attitudes and practices in this field. 

- We believe that professional development programs should be structured in a way that helps instructors better understand higher-order thinking. This study implies that teachers should be encouraged to use a variety of instructional strategies and increase human-computer interaction to help their students with tasks that require higher-order thinking in general and computer or ICT skills specifically to help them with those tasks. 

- In hybrid classes, AI is used to build human-computer interaction, and the study suggests that CT has a specific effect.

- The development of RALL-AI (robot-assisted language learner) based has encouraged a new way of thinking about accelerated education in languages. RALL’s pedagogy offers tools for real-world education tailored to Gen Z’s needs to each student’s interest, skills, and background. The results showed that if students increase their interaction with RALL, their critical thinking skills will improve for the better. If English learners want to really show their CT, this is a great resource for them.

- This research contributes to informing educators about the utilization of AI to enhance CT with instruction enabling them to support their students better as they use RALL-based learning plans during the learning process. As a result, they can learn to fend for themselves and take responsibility for their education. In addition, these findings can be used by curriculum designers to incorporate RALL training in learning strategies into existing courses that can be applied to all disciplines. This allows them to make better use of learning strategies overall. 

- Improving students’ cognitive and meta-cognitive-linguistic abilities in English as a foreign language is another area where this research can help. Educators can gain insight from findings that emphasize the importance of student center learning that can assist students in improving CT and monitoring RALL in modern learning.

Beyond Personalization: Embracing Democratic Learning Within Artificially Intelligent Systems (wiley.com)
- Meta-analytical evidence shows that personalized education, which uses AI toadapt the content to the level of individual learners, is of greater learning value than simple technology-supported personalized learning. 79 However, if personalized education augmented by AI is to work in the long term and holistically, the question becomes when to apply and when to restrict personalization, and when to combine it with pluralization.
- The current AI models lack sympathy,empathy, and common sense, which are necessary for establishing trust. 80 While self-aware and conscious AI robots cannot be considered a real competitor to teachers’ guidance in classrooms, 81 the importance of human intelligence in optimally implementing personalization and pluralization cannot be denied in the age of AI.
- Inge Molenaar 82 specified six degrees of automation in personalized learning, ranging from teacher’s full control to AI’s full control (full automation). Students’ own choices could be conceptualized in a similar way. Although many current AI designs remove choice-making through automatic adaptations, AI could, instead, both personalize (adapt to the child) and pluralize (expand the child’s choices) the learning environment. The child’s agency and AI’s automation in the process are both represented in the PPAE framework, which we have described as a collaborative, dynamic process. In other words, we conceptualize the child’s agency as both shaping and being shaped by the AI automation process, yielding an inclusive participatory process that enhances both human and artificial intelligence. That is why we propose changing the language from AI-driven learning to AI-enhanced learning. Sophisticated personalized learning systems underpinned by artificial intelligence need to strike an optimal balance between the roles played by humans and AI in the learning process. They need to do more than deliver a canon of curriculum knowledge while assessing whether it has been suitably absorbed by the learner. They need to be flexible and responsive at a human level, respecting the differences between individuals, and this requires extensive engagement at the design
- Yet AI can also add value to learning, particularly for groups with limited access to teachers, mentors, and educational resources. We argue that if innovative AI education systems respect the principles embedded in the PPAE framework, then learning stands a better chance of maximizing civic participation and human flourishing.

Scaffolding and dialogic teaching in mathematics education: introduction and review (springer.com)
- Such narrower and more specific foci are important to make progress in research. However, teachers and researchers searching for pedagogical approaches that work in such a complex setting as the mathematics classroom also need concepts that help to structure teaching and learning in a coherent way and orient teachers on the bigger picture. Learning theory should offer such a coherent big-picture understanding (Shepard, 2005)
- Teacher awareness (Mason, 1998; Smit & Van Eerde, 2011) and teacher judgement accuracy (e.g., Krolak-Schwerdt et al., 2014) seem to be crucial as the basis for adaptive, contingent or responsive teacher action. More research on these topics is certainly welcome, because adaptivity requires accurate judgement.
- We hope that scholars who now concentrate on relatively isolated bodies of literature on the aforementioned or similar topics will collectively take the effort to engage in conversation. We expect that such endeavour, along the lines of networking theories (Bikner-Ahsbahs & Prediger, 2014), will prove productive for gaining precise understanding of the narrow foci as well as gaining a better understanding of the overall picture. We think that scaffolding, when enriched with ideas from dialogic teaching, would be a suitable candidate in providing such a picture to both researchers and teachers.

How to stay curious while avoiding distraction (ft.com)
One solution is defensive: avoid noisy TVs. Delete your social media account (or, at least, remove the app from your phone and install two-step verification to make it annoying to log in). Don’t sleep with your phone in the bedroom. Switch off all but essential notifications. We know all this, and if you can make yourself do it, it works. But a second approach focuses more on the positive. As well as trying to cut out mere novelty, we should seek out things worth being curious about. This is easier than one might think, because thoughtful curiosity builds knowledge, and knowledge builds thoughtful curiosity.

As Ian Leslie explains in his book Curious: The Desire To Know and Why Your Future Depends on It (2014), human curiosity usually requires a reasonable base of facts to underpin it. “The curiosity zone is next door to what you already know,” he writes. That seems right. I am vastly more curious about new ideas in fields about which I already know a bit, such as economics, table-top games or callisthenics, than I am about subjects in which I have no intellectual toehold, such as anthropology, knitting or hockey.

So the plan for both distractible members of the Harford household must be the same: keep learning. The more you know, the more you will prefer something in-depth, rather than the next thumbnail recommended by YouTube.

Dialogic: education for the Internet age - Open University
Wegerif, Rupert
Dialogic education and technology : expanding the space of learning - Open University
((Need to get access to these))

Mental Health, Academia, and the PhD journey | Graduate School Network (open.ac.uk)

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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So I seem to be cramming this time...and keep re-visiting q1, and can't get it right. Q2 on motivation is really interesting - I'm finally learning how to engage with theory, critique the theory and make suggestions about how it works or doesn't work in my context. Thankfully tomorrow I have a Study Leave Day from work, so that will help bide time. Must improve my time management, I keep saying that but I need to have a better routine still. Enough experimentation now time to implement a decent study schedule. After this TMA is out the way, I want to attempt to get ahead more still.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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Studying at The Hotel Continental...I realise I enjoy studying in hotels or cafes more than at home.  It's gonna be an expensive next few years, but I seem to be less distracted here.  Mind you having said that I have been googling 4star hotels in Switzerland, and playing around on the blog lol.  But I'm less distracted here than at home atleast.

I realise I need to re-read the material from November, get more organised, sort out neat revision notes...and get into a routine.  November as I said was experiment month.  Rather than feeling a huge relief once this first TMA is done, I'm going to push myself and just keep studying so that I can get as organised as possible and work much better during December.  I've had my experiment month, now I need to make things happen more.  I'm looking forward to my Skiing Holiday (Dec 7-11), but I will take my books even if it's a few hours here and there I want to read and keep learning.  I'm very scared about my TMA 01 result, so even if I get a rubbish grade I want to make sure I re-read the material so atleast I've learned from November so it's not a complete waste.  I'm making assumptions now as I'm scared of getting an awful grade.

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Consultancy Project

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A week ago, yes, naively I was ready to believe everything our consultant is going to tell us next week.  Seriously, after the Tutor Group Exercise I now see things in a different way.  So we pulled apart the Consultant's report to conclude:

- The report did not address the aims or objectives.  They are not answered.

- Was the brief clear?  Who briefed the report?  Is there an ulterior motive.   Who commissioned this and why? 

- The conclusion did not help the end user.  Interviews were conducted with 4 directors, 2 customers, and 4 production managers - so that's 80% stakeholders and 20% customers?  How is that valid research?  The sample is too small.

- What benchmark, what industry best practice proof is there?

- The findings are based on opinions not evidence, the conclusions are not evidence based.  These are merely assumptions.  Who was the stakeholder who initiated this, is this purely a report that supports his intentions? 

- The recommendation is not flexible.  It goes against their core values.  Why charge the extra £50?

- The research is incomplete.  There should be an analyis on the clients interpretation not just internal stakeholders.

- Quite often a consultant can replicate a model that worked elsewhere, and simply say that it'll work for you too without doing the research or making adaptations.

- It should be a clear report, not me doing the analysis.  Go back and do it again.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Jan Pinfield, Monday, 3 Dec 2012, 08:38)
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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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I hope to finish my Report within the next few days, as I have to hand it in early before my December ski trip. We had our first face to face tutorial group yesterday, it was great to meet my tutor and fellow peers.  It was interesting observing various characters within the group, and whilst there is a wealth of experience within our TGF I really enjoyed working through the case studies analysing how different people handled different situations and most importantly how did they communicate this?  Everyone has their own frustrations, worries etc -but it's how we choose to handle or react that I think sets you apart.  We can all come up with solutions, and we can all be smart in our own ways, but how do you choose to deliver your message and how appropriate is your delivery?  If you think about who you would like to work with, what type of leader or manager you respect, and what type of leader or manager you want to be...I guess it's different for everyone.  I feel a humble approach can work well, and an aggressive approach can be a turn off, but most importantly don't lose control.  It's inspiring seeing people handle situations well, and it's also a learning curve to observe those who allow their assumptions to not work in their favour.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore


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So I seem to have slacked with the blogging! I'm still absolutely loving the MBA and slowly getting to grips with the workload and actually beginning to understand the material. As we're reading about various management ideas, and realizing what worked years ago may not work today, makes me realize how flexible I need to be when it comes to working out the best study skills. What worked for me during A-Levels, or University is different from today, as I'm a different person, in a different context. Simply reading and revising the night before worked back then, but no way would that work today. Week 1 - in hindsight I over worked and did not take enough rest breaks, and probably did not take in as much detail in as I expected. Week 2 - achieved more balance, got some rest. But highlighting ferociously isn't effective, I need to be more selective in what I'm highlighting. The audio notes have worked brilliantly. Week 3 - my job and social life has taken over this week a bit too much perhaps, but note taking seems to work, whilst reading with the dictaphone playing. The problem is I'm being a little bit too slow so need to speed it up. Must manage the way I am studying. I did say the month of November would be the month of experimenting, how I study, then in December get into a better routine. But each month it's worth evaluating, to improve.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore


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social collaboration software


what co. looking for


collaboration improves efficiency


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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Reflection MBA - Weeks 1 & 2

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Saturday, 10 Nov 2012, 12:11

- tons of reading to get ahead.  i know how to maximise dead time.  i realise i only feel ok if i'm ahead, not behind.  lots of thoughts re: ebi.  onion diagram helped me look at other people's perspectives more.  now in the habit of checking cafes/forums to learn from others and will keep a record on the blog - in case i need to refer to anything later.  trying to keep audio clips to help for essays/exams to make it easier later.

- drawbacks.  i'm not very good at naviagting myself around the tma/mda sites.  note taking is poor.  i write far too much and need to perhaps take notes in diagrams, or use fewer words.  i don't plan enough, e.g just do things in whatever order.

- tutor feedback - "excellent work" re: TGF.  helped me re: kent/south london study buddy group, initiative, protocol.  must be aware of word count, esp TMA as points get deducted.  try be clear and concise.  in forum "this is what i think, what do you think" type of questions.

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Cafe Notes (EBooks)

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1. downloaded the books in pdf

2. emailed to myself

3. opened My email in ipad

4. used PDF Expert (very good software, as you can write on pdf, highlight etc.)

5. Everythinh works fine so far (Angelo Maruca).

But for last two OU courses I downloaded it in .pdf and opened by using Good Reader in which you can make notes, underline etc. And by setting the chapters as bookmark it is very convienient to find the chapters. (Petri Wallenius).

Afterwards I can also synchronise everything with Dropbox. It really works for me. (Paul Jovero).

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Cafe Notes (MBA Handbook)

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Time, 'managerial tools' (Cash Cows, SMART, PESTLE, Cs and Ps etc) as well as some basic maths. (Aleksandra James).

'planning' and 'setting the scene'. lots of good references to key thinkers (Linda Groarke).

o Identifying my MBA objectives 
o Time management reading skills. For the time management. I found a useful template in the OU web site called “Time- Calculator” and what it does is calculating the available time per 24hr for study. I have to give an input e.g. Working time and social time etc… It just gave me realistic view on my available time for study. 
o Tips for exams do and don’ts (Hilina Bogale).

The physical act of writing with a pen on paper seems to make information lodge in my brain better - so I always do note taking by hand and rarely type them up as I often organise information in diagrams to help me make sense of it. I like to 'mind dump' all my ideas and then go back linking themes and concepts together or rearranging sentences/paragraphs to make more concise, 'flowing' reports. (Laura Slattery).

I have been playing with the idea of apps for a few weeks now. I have settled on Evernote (with a premium upgrade!) as the central storage and I have then collected together compatible apps for different functions. I am using goodreader for PDF's and similar (all the OU books are compatible) you can highlight, bookmark etc and it then produces a summary which you can save to evernote. I have penultimate which you can use a smart screen with a stylus to write in free hand again the notes can be saved across. I also have writepad which translates written text into typed text, dragon dictation which converts text to speech and also grafio which helps you to make charts and diagrams. I am not remotely technical and some of the apps do need practice to get the best out of them but I have just spent five years doing a degree and I NEVER want to have so much paper and notes again. The advantage with evernote is that I have it on my PC/ipad/laptop etc and they all sync automatically plus I have it backed up in the cloud.  Lastly it is fully searchable and easy to organise. There are lots of options but I went by reviews and other users comments to choose. (Rachel Bacon).

> OneNote for all notes, synchronised to Iphone via MS skydrive (I don't have an iPad.) I like how oneNote forces to you structure your material - you know what I mean. I love the easy tables and icons etc (use the TODO a lot).  I do my daily plan in that also    I was plaesed to find that there is an iPhone app for oneNote. It's not really optiimised for the iphone screen , but it does ok I guess.

> MS Excel for gantt chart planning (using a dashboard downloaded from chandoo.org, and hacked to give a daily view).Never did like MS Project.

> MS Word for research notes, so I can use the outline function for structuring - here I don't mind dumping in sections of cut/paste text where relevant. It gets to be a problem with a lot of text and outline compresses it all down

> Google drive for synchonising all files, for backup

> Mind mapping - I have a problem deciding what mind mapping tool to use... I usually use Freemind, but don't think that will sync well to the iphone, so I guess I need to solve this one. Fremind is not very visual either, but its free.  I'm pretty sure other students will have some good suggestions here. OneNote has no mind mapping capability, so I need something I can sync via Google drive preferably  (Michael Fulton).


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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Cafe Notes (Unit 1: Activity 4: The Onion)

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Models are designed to provide insight on the issues that we face as managers. Sometimes they provide a different way of looking at the same issue and you get an "a ha" moment and sometimes not. The point of the exercise is to get used to applying models rather than necessariy getting an "a ha" moment (Graham Baker).

I did adapt it to all 4 and it helped me with Activity 5. ie identifying the context, similarities and differences etc. It was worth the extra time and thought. I found an interesting article about how historical context shapes current thinking - this activity echoed some of the sentiment in there (The Relevant Past: Why the History of management Should be Critical for Our Future; Cummings and Bridgman, if anyone is interested!) (Martina Baugh).

I used it as a thought provoker rather than doing a deep dive on each layer. From this a drew some overall conclusions.  (Sue Scarfe).

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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Tomorrow's job to cut/paste lots of interesting notes from the cafe - ok I can see myself procrastinating from this exercise!  I am however making it a habit to check the cafe regularly.  Am really excited to sorting the Study Buddy Group, I really enjoy setting up groups...and it'll be lovely to meet everyone in person.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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I am not sure how to structure this blog!  Do I edit each entry to add in new info relating to the title header, or do I simply keep this log in date order and add the subject in the tag below?  Brain dead.

Anhow, an interesting article Martina Baugh posted in the cafe today, have saved it on my usb:

The Relevant Past: Why the History of Management Should Be Critical for Our Future (Stephen Cummings, Todd Bridgman - Victoria Uni of Wellington)

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:24
I'm feeling really happy about the MBA today. I got my social time in, study time and the gym. I enjoyed listening to my audio recordings (Book 1 chapters 1-6) in the gym, it wasn't any stress whatsoever. I think exercising and being as healthy as possible is the only way so that I can function properly whilst studying and working full time. It's a great de-stresser. Oh and ofcourse having fun too, but if I put in the extra effort now it'll be fine because my reward will be the ski trip in December so I can relax and have fun and party out in Switzerland. I will have to get my assignment in early because I will be skiing that weekend, but I guess that forces me to be organised unlike during my undergrad when I'd be hungover still typing my essay 2mins before deadline. I felt good being pro-active, I've joined the conference call study session group with the Americans so that will be cool, and hopefully more people will join the Kent/south London group. I think I'll learn more by being in multiple groups, yes it'll take more time but it'll be nice to connect with more people and I think I need to make more effort than the average person because I'm not necessarily the quickest person to learn things.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore


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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:26

A random thought about the EBI - so we're all studying via long distance learning.  10 years ago this was sneered upon, but now we're all very tech savvy it's easy for people to connect with others all over the world via social networks such as facebook, twitter etc.  We're pretty familiar with Skype, Google Chat Rooms, Salesforce etc so how can I relate this to my EBI?

So I work in Direct Sales, and I am managed at a distance.  I only see my boss every few weeks, and I get to work from home.  I spend more time interacting with my clients than the company I work for.  I wonder how I can share best practice amongst other offices all over the world, by utitilising the technology we have today.  Whether it be sharing client photos, testimonials, case studies, category mailers etc via a network.  Our IT system always crashes internally, so let's not rely on that.  We have huge IT issues within our company.  Literally to the point where laptops, phones, our systems crash every few days.  For the world's largest outdoor advertising company, it's pretty suprising that we have this huge issue.  So, as an alternative tool how can we use the cloud?  The company won't explore amazing tools like Sales Force which is incredibly successful in the U.S (I know this having worked in California).  So if budgets are restricted to by extra software etc, I have to consider that too.  How can our Direct Sales Team utilise apps, and social media to share best practice?  So it's all about COLLABORATIVE LEARNING, how can our teams across Europe all share best practice?

I love the way there are MBA students from all over the world in this cafe, sharing notes etc.  They feel open to express how they feel too, are we hidden behind the computer and feel more comfortable to express our thoughts perhaps even moreso than sat face to face in front of our boss?  How can we utilise technology to bring out the best in our teams?  Are there management busines models re: long distance management?  Isn't the world going that way anyhow, with satellite offices etc?  It's cheaper for people to work from home and takes less time.  I remember doing A-Level Geography, and even back then we were writing about how Working from Home would be the way many businesses would go?  I have no idea actually, I'm just thinking out loud and maybe even one sentence in this blog maybe useful.  But hey, I've got to start somewhere and I guess the first stage is simply to THINK!!


However, in an increasingly global environment this becomes even more important, a point made by Anders Dahlvig, president and CEO of the furniture chain Ikea:

The world has changed enormously in the past decade...All of us now act in ways we did not 10 years ago.  Gobalization means stakeholders and responsibilities everywhere, which have to be managed.  It's quite a different level of complexity.  (Dahlvig, 2000, cited in Neely et al., 2002, p.4)

(although this quote is relating to stakeholders, it reminds me how the world has changed so much, if we think of how social media has changed the way we communicate, interact etc, how we study, how we do business etc.  Also, in the activity where we had to analyse how we have been managed - it reminds me of a boss who always says some people have 1970s style management, yet if we look at some of the earlier theories actually he could be more of a late 1800s style manager attempting to perform in the 21st century.  It could be an example of how some managers really need to change the way they manage, to succeed in this era, and that can be subject to the company culture.  Very different from when I worked in California where they are far more forward thinking).

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Cafe notes

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:26
As we are advised to learn from the Student Cafe, and interact etc - I've decided to cut/paste key points from the cafe into my blog.  Although there are already hundreds of messages on there, I'll do this exercise later today and cut/paste the most relevant ones into here.  Not quite sure how to categorise the messages, but will figure that out in due course.  Then hopefully every few days I can stay on top of this.  I can't think of another way to remember everyone's good points.
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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Cafe Notes - what needs to be done

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:27

I think the major thing is to prioritise and understand what are the must dos and what are the optionals and if time allows do all the readings and activitiies, if not must dos will come first. I have contacted my tutor and heard back from him, and based on his advise here are some updates:

1.) we are in week 1. 2) Dummy TMA is optional, but its helpful to understand how the it works and to get used to the format, I guess. 3) the must dos are - to read the guide, introduce yourself on in the group and read introductory activities and the guide to the activities on the website. My tutor informed that he will be setting threads in the group so that we can see what others are up to. 4. "substantial account and analysis" should be completed by 15th of November 5. MDA 1 starts Nov 15th and is allowed 2 weeks for completion 6. The timelines in general are just there to guide us, but for TMAs and exam I belive the deadlines are must haves.

Zhala Mammadova (4 Nov 2012, 09:15)

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

E-Books (notes from cafe)

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:27

You can download the programme here: http://calibre-ebook.com/ or use GOODREADER.

1. downloaded the books in pdf

2. emailed to myself

3. opened My email in ipad

4. used PDF Expert (very good software, as you can write on pdf, highlight etc.)

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Tutorial 1: Day School (notes from Peter Collis)

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:28

Important notice: Forthcoming Day School.

On B716 “Management: perspectives and practice”, your individual learning and TGF discussions are supplemented by two Day Schools. Day Schools are not compulsory, but previous students have found them an invaluable part of the module. The Day School is designed to enable you to:

  • familiarise yourself with the module and its learning design
  • build your confidence as managers, ‘knowers’ and learners
  • get to know your tutor and one another better, to build group cohesion
  • develop your understanding of the forms of learning the OUBS MBA can deliver, and how module, programme design and resources support these
  • appreciate the value of group learning, and practise learning through dialogue
  • appreciate the possible diversity of thinking styles and perspectives in a group and develop your abilities to exploit this
  • start to challenge the evidence and assumptions in your own and others’ thinking
  • understand the importance of individual and collective reflection for professional learning and practise different ways of reflecting
  • understand the EBI process and its key elements and get you thinking about TMA 01.

Tutors will run their Day Schools face to face and you will have been informed at the start of the course of the dates and times of these. If for some reason (e.g. clashing engagements, personal reasons, work schedules, or travel difficulties) you cannot attend your tutor’s Day School, you can either:

-     ask to attend another tutor’s face to face Day School (you can find these by searching on Tutorial Finder, which you access via the “Tutorials” link under the heading “Tutorials” on your Student Home page)

-     or join an online equivalent (called a workshop, normally run by a tutor other than your own and with students drawn from several tutor groups and from all over the world).

B716 Students who want to register for the online workshop instead of their face-to-face day school should send an e-mail requesting a place to


The online workshop (alternative day school) will run for just over two weeks from Wednesday 14th to Friday 30th November 2012. During this time you will need to log on regularly and take part in some asynchronous working (in a forum similar to your TGF) and two synchronous sessions (using Elluminate, which uses real time meeting software with audio, text, application sharing, etc).

If you want a place on the online workshop you need to email

FBL-Masters-Workshops@open.ac.uk with the following information:

Subject Header “B716 12K online workshop 1” + YOUR NAME + OU Personal Identifier  + OU Computer User identifier (OUCU) by midday (GMT) Friday 9th November 2012. Please note that your OUCU is the code you use to sign in to StudentHome.

After this date it will not be possible for you to be linked to an online group for the workshop.

If you do choose an online workshop, it will be important for you to participate fully throughout the two weeks, otherwise fellow students in your allocated group may find their own learning is reduced.

If you have any queries about the workshop/Day School, either face to face or online, please do not hesitate to contact your B716 tutor. Otherwise, please do make sure that you meet the deadline above if you wish to attend online. And enjoy the workshop/Day School - however you decide to do it !

So, if you are intending to attend your own face to face school (and this is the default option, if you can) and have not already done so, it would help your own tutor if you let them know, so that catering can be properly planned.

If you are intending to do the online option, then you need to sign up to that by Friday.

The online version will run from 14 to 30 November, and assumes that you will spend about half an hour a day on most days during that period.  There will be Elluminate sessions on Friday 16th, Tuesday 20th, and Sunday 25th, all at 8 p.m.GMT.  A recording will be made available for those unable to join those sessions.  The remaining work will be done in a dedicated workshop forum.

Whichever version you choose, have fun

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

TMA 01: Scouting your evidence-based initiative (EBI)

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:28


Check Assessment Guidance http://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=152621

Check Assessment Criteria http://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=152621&section=5.1

Activity 1.8: starting the scouting cycle of your EBI http://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=152038&section=6.2

EBI 'Thinking Space' - word document

And TGF Submissions

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Amy Ka Ling Moore


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:28
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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Assessment Resources

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:29
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Amy Ka Ling Moore


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:29


Successful vs Effective Real Managers (optional reading)http://ehis.ebscohost.com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=e882c2a3-5761-4059-963e-527716a4ae1a%40sessionmgr10&vid=2&hid=27

and more...

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Drop Box

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:30

Drop Box will be my new best friend!

- save audio/video/text - my notes

- save online/face to face - tutorials

- cut/paste relevant notes from TGF/MBA World/Student Cafe.  useful for assignments and exams.  connect all over the world not just locally.

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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Assignments, Revise, Exams, Core Skills, Ongoing Skills http://www.open.ac.uk/skillsforstudy/index.php

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:31
always refer to....
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