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today i have managed to complete block 5 part 5. i found it interesting as it showed me how to use freemind and as i had this downloaded for a while, with no clue on how to use it i am glad i now know.

Tomorrow i plan to carry on with my TMA06 as i am on task 5 

as soon as i have done some of it or finished it ill post on here but highly unlikely as i still have the dreaded sense part to complete. already attempted the sense part but as usual just couldnt get my head around it.

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01/05/2017 16:52

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today I managed to complete the whole of block 5 part part 4

I did find it a bit of a drag this week as this whole year has been long, fun and at times down right rubbish but I have managed to get  their and all that's left now is to do icma56, icma57 and finish the started TMA06.

I think this evening I may do my icma56 and possibly icma57 to get them out of the way.

if I dont do them i'll start block 5 part 5 instead or I may even do my icma and start block 5 part 5 as im feeling productive today.

as soon as I do some more ill post on my blog.

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27/04/2017 17:19

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today I finished block 5 part 3 and started block 5 part 5 section 1. 

tomorrow I will continue on with block and hopefully I will get most of the block finished. 

not looking forward to tma06 as I have also started that recently but I'm not liking the sense part of it already.

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17/04/2017 17:55

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Today i started TMA06 i tried my hand at the sense part but as usual sense got the best of me and i had to put it down. i decided to tackle activity 3 of the TMA instead.

I then finished block 5 part 2 and started block 5 part 3 as i know i need some of that part for my TMA 

I hope to carry on later with more so i can make a proper start on my TMA06

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09/04/17 16:05

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so today i completed block 5 part 1 and i have now moved on to block 5 part 2

its pretty fair to say that overall tu100 chucks some spanners in the works with some of the blocks being complete rubbish and in my opinion nothing to do with my degree and the route im going to be taking.

I will be carrying on with block 5 part 2 this evening and i will post more when i have done some more.

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block 5 part 2 activity 10

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06/04/17 17:49

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so today i finished up block for part 5 as i am a little behind.

I also started block 5 part 1 and i had every intentions of finishing it but then the most unthinkable happens. My partner comes home with some alcohol beverages and that's me done ha ha 

I managed to get to block 5 part 1 section 3 and i plan on finishing block 5 part 1 tomorrow; tonight im just going to enjoy the rest of my evening as its not often i have a drink and its my first of 4 days off work as i work 4 on 4 off.

As soon as I do some more tomorrow i will post on here

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