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Brown is toast

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when on the Andrew Marr Show Gordon Brown more or less said to the Palace 'tell you what, get on the phone and I'll get the Queen on to the D-Day celebrations' and it was that moment that Brown was done for. It was his arrogance to presume that he was Head of State, that the Queen was somebody who had to ask, I could not personally believe it.

Brown is now having to juggle getting ready for a photo opportunity and trying to save his political skin. He is not up to it, coups always take place when the leader is away.

Blair was ousted after saying that he would serve a full term. Brown took over without an election, he has always lacked any legitimacy, as you sow so shall you reap, and revenge is something best served cold, I think that the game is up.

Let us hear that David Milliband is still foreign secretary after the reshuffle, he has come out supporting the PM. Can we take it that Lord Mandelson will not be the foreign secretary after the reshuffle. If Brown moves Milliband then it is over, Milliband is playing a very good hand. This is not a tragedy, it is is not Shakespearian, it is a farce, a tragic Whitehall farce.

Brown is finished, and as for Jack Straw and the blunders which have led to the horrific murder of the two young Frenchmen. Any decent PM would not let Straw resign, he would sack him, only he can't, for obvious reasons.

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