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Johan Stinckens

Concerts & Venues

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Friday, 30 Sept 2011, 20:43
This week I discovered that two bands I really like will be visiting Belgium in the next few months. First and foremost is the reappearance of my all-time favorite band Throwing Muses. Although lead-singer Kristin Hersh is still creating new songs and albums for her solo work, the last T.M. album dates back to 2003. They've played the Handelsbeurs venue (Ghent) in 2007 and made a special appearance at the 2009 All Tomorrows Parties festival which was curated by their long time friends The Breeders. As is they will be playing that same venue in Ghent on the 27th of October which, coincidentally, is the very day that TMA-01 will have to be submitted. So after some weeks of hard work on the new course there will be an opportunity for some welcome leisure. Moreover the aforementioned venue is not only a very beautiful location, it is also situated in what I myself consider to be the most interesting city in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. The many Universities there make that night-life in this city is always buzzing. Combined with the fact that I will be staying at a friends place makes this a perfect day to party well into the night.

The second band that is set to tour this fall is London based experimental band Chrome Hoof. This is one of the most exhilarating bands I've seen in years. I discovered them at the 2008 Pukkelpop festival and was instantaneously struck by their extraordinary sound and dramatic presence. Last year they've returned with a 3rd album and they appeared at the BoomTown festival, at the exact same venue as Kristin Hersh and Throwing Muses will be playing next month. Chrome Hoof will also be playing in Belgium, just one month after TM. Sadly however they will do so in a venue that I don't like as much as the others around here. There is really nothing wrong with the venue itself, but it is located in an area which in the past wasn't always that pleasant to be in. I myself have only been to this venue once and have since been reluctant to do so again. Why? I can't really point a finger on it. I'll have to take a look if Chrome Hoof is playing any other venues nearby. If not, well then I'll just have to move on and finally pay this venue a second visit. For sure I will not let anything get in the way of having another invigorating night of Chrome Hoof extravaganza.
Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Johan Stinckens, Thursday, 20 Oct 2011, 05:28)
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