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Cash for Clunkers

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I am afraid Susan that you are wrong. What has happened is that pension funds which held government bonds have taken the money offered by the government. They have effectively sold them to back to the issuer of the bonds. Now what they have is a whole load of cash on which they are getting little or no interest.

What the investment managers are doing is finding another home for the money, namely the stock market, which is why the stock market has risen so much. The pension funds are buying in to the market, which then raises prices and then draws in other purchasers, eventually however those who wanted to sell their assets have sold them, and the pension funds which wanted to purchase the shares now have no more money having invested all their money which they got from the sale of their gilts.

So, come November there will be no more money to invest, so prices will start to crash and of course the government cannot allow that to happen so they will try to pump more in to the economy to save the bankers and the pension funds only there will be no more money. It really will all have gone. Disappeared like puff the magic dragon, the cash for clunkers scheme will leave us with just that, a load of clunkers. And we all know who has the biggest clunking fist don't we!

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