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Now we know that many students of the OU are involved in Health, all forms of health and let me say that I used to be a member of my local Community Health Council, abolished under labour.

My point, that under Section 11 of the Health & Social Care Act 2001, now Section 242 of the Consolidated NHS Act 2006 there is a legal duty to consult and involve patiuents, and /or their representatives before changes can be implemented.

Furthermore, that the decision cannot be seen to have been made before the changes were put forward. So, I can see a judicial review before this government of national unity brings in any of their proposed health service changes.

Some may say get a life Terry, that this is nothing to do with the Cafe, but I think it is, I don't know about you guys but in my cafe we do talk about these things, that they are important, that I will not see the NHS, the care for patients, becoming something that we can no longer be very proud of.

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Consultaions in NHS

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Section 11 of the Health & Social Care Act 2001, which is now Section 242 of the Consolidated NHS Act 2006 there is a legal requirement to consult on change. If a decision is made before the consultation then I can see judicial review on the basis that the decision was made before the consultation. It will be seen to be a false consultation.
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