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There is only one thing that the media giants understand, and that is money. So, the way to break their hearts, as they have broken the hearts of so many people, is to sue.

Let the courts, and juries, come down on these people like a ton of bricks. Let them be sued, for exemplary damages, if it results in loss of homes, of bankruptcy, of loss of jobs, then so be it.

The problem is that all those involved, all those involved in the whole sordid industry, will be forced to pay. Let the courts not go for the small sums, let us hit them for millions, and the money can go into the care for the elderly, or the NHS, or whatever, but these people, even the paper boy is indirectly involved, the lorry drivers, the pribters, the phone companies, so remove the cancer, the Americans have the solution.

These people have lost it, and it is time for change, we do not realise that if action is not taken now then we are all stained. There is corruption, there is something so terribly wrong with the State of England, let alone Denmark.
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It was terribly humiliating what happened in respect of the England World cup bid. However, the answer does lie in our own hands. Stop treating all these hangers on as somehow 'special'. No more invites to our world class events. As for the Olympics, and their special treatment, closing roads for the motorcades, staying at top hotels at our expense. Make them sit with the hoi poloi, it is about time that the proletariate started to expres themselves.

As Harry said in Afghanistan 'we do bad things to bad people' so let's start with the spongers, the hangers on, the wasters, the ones who live off the backs of the workers. No more staying at Claridges, and the Ritz, it's time to just say enough is enough.


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