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I wonder if somebody could tell me how our wonderful Prime Minister, who is still on holiday, can have meetings in Downing Street today, find time to congratulate the English cricket team, and yet dare not make any reference to the release of a convicted terrorist on grounds of mercy and compassion.

As for the Video Regulations Act would the Prime Minister care to mention that all sorts of filth can now be sold without any threat of conviction. Does he think that any previous convictions should now be overturned and any penalties refunded. Does he also think that in order to be merciful and just that a review ought to be held because from my memory, which is not very good, there are MPs continually complaining on behalf of their constituents that illegal fines in respect of speeding or parking where signage is shown to be incorrect must be refunded.

Would he also like to use the term justice and mercy in respect of Israeli occupation and use of illegal setllements. What about Israel showing mercy and compassion to the Palestinians.

Finally, has anybody else noticed that Mr MacAskill is referred to as Kenny MacAskill whereas it is either Gordon Brown, or Mr Brown. Can we please give Mr MacAskill his proper title, it is not 'Kenny' it is Mr MacAskill, just like it is Lord Mandelson, not Pete or Peter, just like it is not Gordy Brown, or Brown the man who picks his nose and eats it whilst sat behind the then Prime Minister Anthony Blair. In the old days of course it would have been 'Brown the nose picker' and 'MacAskill the just and merciful'.

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