Remembering Dr Anthony Claire BBC Radio 4 7:30am 26 October 2020
He died three years ago. I've cobbled this together from the replay of an old radio programme and an historical article from the Times with Gyles Brandreth.
Number One: Cultivate a passion
It is important in my model of happiness to have something that you enjoy doing. The challenge for a school is to find every child some kind of passion -- something that will see them through the troughs. That's why I'm in favour of the broadest curriculum you can get.
Number Two: be a leaf on a tree.
You have to be both an individual -- to have a sense that you are unique and you matter -- and you need to be connected to a bigger organism -- a family, a community, a hospital, a company. You need to be part of something bigger than yourself. A leaf off a tree has the advantage that it floats about a bit, but it's disconnected and it dies.
Number Three: avoid introspection.
If you are a rather complicated person, people may avoid you. If, on the other hand, you are a centre of good feeling, people will come to you. The problem of being introspective that you find it difficult to make friends. Put an introspective person in a social group and they tend to talk about themselves. It puts other people off.
Number Four: don't resist change.
Change is important. People who are fearful of change are rarely happy. People are wary of change, particularly when things are going reasonably well, because they don't want to rock the boat, but a little rocking can be good for you. You need variety, flexibility, the unexpected, because they'll challenge you.
Number Five, live for the moment.
Look at the things that you want to do and you keep postponing. Postpone less of what you want to do, or what you think is worthwhile. Do what makes you happy.
Six, audit your happiness.
How much of each day are you spending doing something that doesn't make you happy? Check it out and if more than half of what you're doing makes you unhappy, then change it. Go on.
Seven if you want to be happy, be happy.
Act it, play the part, put on a happy face. Start thinking differently. If you are feeling negative, say, 'I am going to be positive,' and that, in itself, can trigger a change in how you feel."