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there is now breaking news that ten Talibhan have been killed as a result of a 'Drone' attack in Pakistan. Many others have been injured. How dare the Americans effectively invade another foreign sovereign state without going through the UN. There was no action taken against Turkey when they sent forces into Iraq to take on 'terrorists'. The whole area is now completely out of control.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons, there is still the danger that the government will be overthrown because Pakistan is effectively under American control, they are funding the army in that country, and the country is now in a situation of civil war. Obama currently has support for his actions, but not for much longer, he is having to follow the orders from the army, he has the best of intentions but this is going to turn into a disaster. I have to say Andrew that some will accuse those of us who write these words as not being experts, what do you know, you are a defeatist, to these people I would say no, some of us are old enough to have seen it all before, the USSR was broken in Afghanistan, it will happen to us as well.

Others say I talk with the benefit of hindsight, to these I say that just read Kipling, what on earth is a eighteen year old doing on the front. Have we come to this. 

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