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Toward a theory of elearning

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Monday, 18 Mar 2013, 16:43

Post in response to H817 activity 9: What is theory?

We’ve been asked to investigate theory, as a first step towards thinking about what a theory of elearning might look like.

I was googling and stumbled across this excerpt from a book called Social Theory: Twenty introductory lectures,by Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knobl: http://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/70634/excerpt/9780521870634_excerpt.pdf

 Although the book is about social theory, page 4 onward has some really good stuff about what a theory actually is, and charts the development of scientific thinking through recent history. Below are the key points I took from the excerpt:

What is theory?

At its simplest, theory permeates every part of life – they are generalizations that exist to make life easier, so that every decision you have to make is not a struggle.

·         Theories are generalizations

·         Theories are attempts to make sense and spot patterns

Moreover, we can say that theories are formulated to deal with specific problems. Several specific theories can be aggregated into one general theory (linking similar generalizations).

Popper says the purpose of theories is to rationalize, to explain, to master.

What is scientific theory?

·         Scientific working is a deliberate formation and/or deployment of theory, to deal with specific problems.

Scientific theories aim to make accurate generalizations (as opposed to simple prejudices) on the basis of individual cases. Scientific thinking does this in two ways:

1) Induction: formulate accurate generalizations (theories) from individual cases, or

2) Deduction: explain individual cases accurately on the basis of theories

The more ‘scientific’ a theory is, the greater the extent that theory can bear scrutiny or at the least be checked against reality.

Verification v Falsification

Since it is impossible to verify beyond all doubt that a theory applies in all cases, the concept of falsification was introduced to scientific thought. Falsification allows a observations to challenge theories.

Good science is about constant testing and questioning of our theoretical assumptions, and deliberately exposing them to the risk of falsification.

The result is that on the best theories survive (Darwinian struggle). In an environment of continuous testing and challenge, the surviving theories are not proven, but described as ‘provisionally warranted’.


Another problem the article touches on is the problem with the observations we make. Although we may consider them empirical evidence, in reality, all our observations are based themselves upon theory; generalizations. They are not absolute facts. All of our language to describe reality is ‘infected’ with theory. So even if our observations falsify a theory, those observations may be flawed if the theory they are based upon is false!

To overcome this intertwined relationship between theory and empirical evidence Jeffrey Alexander dealt with them as a continuum rather than polar opposites. The two extremes, the metaphysical environment and the empirical environment are both unattainable, since the way we formulate and test theory is a product of both ends. Thus any theory lies somewhere along the continuum.

Metaphysical environment

 General presuppositions






Complex and simple propositions


Methodological assumptions


Empirical Environment


Where might a theory of elearning be located along this continuum?

Questions that need grappling with by our group include how ‘scientific’ do we want to make our theory. Do we want something rooted in observations? To me, this would seem to offer us quite a limited scope. Something broader would possibly be less testable or easier to falsify.

Who is this theory for? Learners, teachers/educators, organizations, or any combination of the above?

What is the purpose of our theory? To rationalize behaviours (of the above group(s)? To explain phenomena that we observe? To help us master the practice of learning, or teaching or administering in this elearning environment?

My own agenda on this course, is to understand how I can help my organizations deploy online technologies for the benefit of clients (and important for me: not undermine the business model without offering a different one!) Therefore, I feel I would like to steer our efforts to create an elearning theory towards a model or concept that, as a teacher/facilitator and organization, I could replicate and deploy through training products. This is however, only an initial thought. I am quite excited to see how others in the group will want to steer this.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Sukaina Walji, Friday, 22 Feb 2013, 07:06)
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