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noether, Emily

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 31 Dec 2012, 22:54

Last year was Turing's year, which was fine, dandy and right. The great and the good forgave the once-upon-a-time-accused. Their accusive-ancestors were not dick-darstercized, no pardons given, words were smoke, nothing was done. Game again straight, utterly no cost, no change.

We were shut out. So, what about a year where we can shut them out? Emily Noether one of the greatest of great-greats, let's make it her year. Fuck this idea that this is the year of the fuckative tumbler, inheritor-of-whatnot or whatnot, because we have the funding for such-a-thing, and we are the big people with access to the media.

I'm starting it, the meme, here. Emily was what we would like people to be. This time next year, let it not be some [grantedly wonderful] dancer or a dog that the children are tracking. Let it be someone possitively wonderful.

This year, let us take back the world from the wankers that seem to have given it too!

well it's almost new year, i'm very drunk. this is how i thnk.

Happy New Year!



Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jan Pinfield, Tuesday, 1 Jan 2013, 13:18)
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