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Darryl Dyke

Another Year, Another Module

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Edited by Darryl Dyke, Wednesday, 22 Jan 2014, 12:08

It's that new module time again. This years lucky contestant is T307-Innovation:Designing for a Sustainable Future, a real mouthful and one I just had to read from the course book because I can't remember itwink.

This is a 60 point level 3 module so I'm easing myself into it.  This is yet another module I'm doing that's in it's final presentation. This'll be 3 in a row now. Maybe I'm a jinxbig grin.

Despite the fact that it's established though it still doesn't seem all that well organised. I downloaded and printed off thirty odd pages of assignment booklet and have just discovered that it may be the wrong one because somebody "forgot" to update the module website after last year. It's a new website that didn't open until last week. WHO CHECKS THESE THINGS?

Anyhow, I'm waiting to see if I have the correct version. Otherwise I've just wasted a pile of ink and paper (home printing isn't cheap) printing off the wrong document.sad

Not exactly an auspicious start.

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