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Personal Blogs

Katherine Beam


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I have to admit, I'm not really entirely sure what to do with this space. It feels unfathomably large, if I'm honest, and my consistent fear over yelling into the void is that the void may one day yell back. But I have it, so I figure I ought to use it. 

I suppose that the most effective use would have to be a diary, of sorts, to track the sorts of thoughts and questions I have regarding my schoolwork that won't ever make it anywhere else. That being said, I am notoriously inconsistent, so we'll see. It might also get a little bit of creative writing, or thoughts about creative writing, or reading, or the development of my abilities as an active reader. General academic-related sorts of things? 

I'm sure I'll look back on this post by the end of the year and laugh at myself and the ideas I've expressed here. But maybe that's half of why I'm doing this at all, to preserve the moment in time where I thought that this was a good idea. I am all about that, really, preservation. I'll catch moments like wildflowers and suffocate them to death in my online book until they are flat and faded and lifeless and this metaphor really did not go the way I intended it to. 

Anyway. Until next time, maybe. Hope you're laughing, future Katherine.


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