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Maths, that's counting n stuff right?

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 17:02

It seems like not that long ago I was blowing off studying for my standard grades. I got a lucky year and passed everything with no revision at all. Of course I'm not that boy any more. I've been out of studying for almost half my life and it seems that maths is not what it once was!

I caught a 2 for my standard grade maths iirc, that's a credit level pass. So I think, ah, MU120 - Open Mathematics, easy.

That was until I worked through the preparatory texts. OMFG!!! The OU has definitely introduced my head to the baseball bat of maths. How could I have forgotten so much in so few years??? (OK perhaps I'm over-playing how young I am a touch, but I still feel like I'm 19 and you're as young as you feel right?)

So I can pretty much handle the arithmetic, to a point. Today I stumbled across ratios, my arch nemesis. You know the things... If it takes 4 men 9 hours to dig a hole 4 metres deep how many cricket balls can 1 cyclist hit into an open phone box in 3 working weeks? ...that kinda thing.

I can see me skewing my study timetable slightly in favour of the maths course I think! I used to be a credit level mathematician y'know....


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