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Johan Stinckens

Saturday's Dayschool in Brussels.

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 22:10

I am very pleased that I took the opportunity to meet my tutor(s) and some of my fellow students. The tutorials we had in the morning were quite usefull and it was nice being able to talk some english for once. I need to find a way to practise this more often, extend my vocabulary etc. This would help me to participate some more during such events.

In the afternoon we were expected to choose one out of two exhibitions at the Bozar. Since Cranach was overcrowded I chose to visit the Gilbert & George one. I had already once visited a G&G exhibition some 20 years ago, when I was studying Industrial Design (something I never finished).

At the time I couldn't really grasp anything that they were trying to invoke with their works. This time round I did find some interesting elements in some of them and I was able to come up with some thoughts about them.

I am not going to talk about any of them, but I just want to draw attention to one work which left me 'disturbed'. It is called 'Round Flag' and you can view it by visiting the link at the bottom and browse to work 9 of 14.


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