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'Escape Kit' is nominated for a Saboteur award

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Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Thursday, 15 May 2014, 11:14

'Escape Kit' has been short listed in the "best novella" category in the 2014 Saboteur awards.  This set of awards is the free, independent publishing equivalent of the mainstream awards that publishers have to pay to enter, such as the Man Booker prize. 

If I win this, it could mean a big step towards having my own collection of poetry or short stories published, or being commissioned to write a novel or a play, and being paid an advance, like proper, grown-up writers. 

My highest certificated qualification in English is a 180-point Diploma in English Literature with Creative Writing, which I received in 2012.  (I never studied a single English Literature module, by the way.)  Before that, I have 'O' levels in English Language and English Literature that I took in 1983.  I got a B in Literature. 


Please vote for me.

You can buy the printed version of the book here:


And the Kindle version here:

Escape Kit - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JLKBWZM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=B00JLKBWZM&linkCode=as2&tag=sproutnet-21

(the publisher gets a better deal from Amazon if you use this link, rather than a generic search.)

Until 25 May, If you send your email address to  wjtg2@my.open.ac.uk , I will email you back a PDF version of the story, free of charge. 

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Grist chapbooks

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'A Call In The Night' by Gabrielle Leimon, 'Cowboy Genes' by Wes Lee, and my own story, 'Escape Kit' are now available in Kindle format from Amazon.  If you use the following links, the publisher gets a slightly better deal than from the generic Amazon Kindle store:

Call in the Night - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JLL1ZGM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=B00JLL1ZGM&linkCode=as2&tag=sproutnet-21
Cowboy Genes - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JLKT1QO/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=B00JLKT1QO&linkCode=as2&tag=sproutnet-21
Escape Kit - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JLKBWZM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=B00JLKBWZM&linkCode=as2&tag=sproutnet-21

If you want to buy the printed book versions, the place to go is Inpress Books:


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Book launch at Huddersfield Literature Festival, 13 March 2014

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I will be reading an extract from my novella, 'Escape Kit', when it is launched at the Huddersfield Literature Festival on Thursday 13 March 2014.  The launch takes place at Queenie's Coffee Shop, Queen Street, Huddersfield HD1 2SP and starts at 7pm.   There is an admission fee of £2.

Three chapbooks are being launched simultaneously.  The other two are 'Cowboy Genes', a novella by Wes Lee, and 'A Call In The Night', a short story collection by Gabrielle Leimon.   Wes Lee won the Grist short fiction first prize in 2012.  I won the second prize. 

You can download the Huddersfield festival brochure here:



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'Grist' poets at the Ted Hughes Festival 2012

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Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Monday, 10 Sep 2012, 13:10

I will be appearing among the 'Grist' poets at the Ted Hughes Festival at 2-3pm on Saturday 20 October 2012, in Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire (Ted Hughes' birthplace).

The festival programme is attached.

We will be reading from the 2012 'Grist' poetry anthology, 'A Complicated Way of Being Ignored'. 

Tickets cost £3, £10 for a pass for all the events at the same venue on the same afternoon.  See the programme for details.

Tickets are now on sale. 

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Next 'Grist' reading: TakeOver Festival Spoken Word Night: 28 May in York

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Monday 28 May 2012, 18:30 - 23:00, York Theatre Royal Upper Foyer.

I will be appearing again with my fellow 'Grist' poets.  This event also features open mic and live music.  It will be hosted by Steve Nash (who is a 'Grist' poet). 

Entrance fee: £2 on the door. 

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'Grist' reading at the Puzzle Hall Inn in Sowerby Bridge

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I got paid for reading: £7.50, which was my quarter-share of the collection taken among the audience.  It was still less than the cost of transport there and back, but it was much better than nothing. 

This was the seventh 'Grist' event.  I have attended all of them so far. 

The next one, still to be confirmed, will be in York later this month.

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'Grist' poets at 7 Arts Centre in Leeds

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I will be appearing with my fellow 'Grist' poets at the 7 Arts Centre in Chapel Allerton at 19:30 on Wednesday 3 May 2012. 

I think there is an entrance fee of £3 to this event, which is being run as part of the regular "Wicked Words". 

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Ted Hughes Festival

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The 'Grist' poets, including me, have been invited to recite at the Ted Hughes Festival in Mytholmroyd in October 2012.

The exact date is still to be confirmed. 

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'Grist' poetry events in April and May

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On Tuesday 3 April at 8pm, some of the 'Grist' poets, including me, will be reciting at Kork's wine bar in Otley (LS21 1AD).

On Sunday 15 April, the 'Grist' poets are taking over the 'Themes for Dreamers' programme on Radio Phoenix (www.phoenixfm.co.uk) from 4 to 6 pm.  There are rumours that extracts from this programme will be available on CD afterwards. 

On Saturday 21 April between 1 and 2pm, we will be at Huddersfield Central Library in support of World Book Day.

On the evening of Wednesday 2 May, we will be at an event called Wicked Words in Leeds.  Details to be confirmed.

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'Grist' review by Ian McMillan

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Ian McMillan will be reviewing the 'Grist' poetry anthology in the Yorkshire Post on Friday 16 March 2012.
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'Grist' poets appear in Bradford tonight (12 March 2012)

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Tonight I will be appearing with five other of the contributors to the 'Grist' 2012 poetry anthology (called 'A Complicated Way Of Being Ignored') at The Beehive pub in Bradford (ten minutes from Bradford Forster Square station). 

The performance starts at about 7:30pm and will be followed by open mic contributions from the audience. 

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Review of 'Grist' poetry launch night

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Launch of 'Grist' poetry anthology

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Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Monday, 27 Feb 2012, 20:51

On Wednesday 7 March 2012, I will be appearing at Bar 1:22 in Huddersfield at the launch of the 2012 'Grist' poetry anthology.  The collection is entitled 'A Complicated Way of Being Ignored'. 

I will be reading three poems.

The event starts at 7pm, and will be hosted by Michael Stewart, the editor of the collection. 

There may be a follow-up event in Bradford on Monday 12 March.  Details follow once this has been confirmed.

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My first review

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The 'Grist' short fiction anthology was a book of the week last month.  Michael Stewart has just sent me a link to the review article, and 'Slow Dance With A Skeleton' gets a decent mention.



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Video clip from 'Grist' launch party

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Michael Stewart has posted a video clip on YouTube which shows some highlights of the 'Grist' short fiction launch party.

You can see it on my Wordpress blog (link in the right-hand sidebar of this screen) or here:


The article on my blog has a couple of photographs as well. 

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'Grist' 2012 available to pre-order on Amazon

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The 2012 ‘Grist’ anthology of short fiction is now available to pre-order on Amazon.


The price is GBP 9.45 plus postage (which, depending on which option you choose, can be free within the UK).

I don’t get any royalty from this, but I want people to buy the book both to enjoy and criticise the fiction it contains, and also to enable money to be ploughed back into the ‘Grist’ project and its work in discovering new writers.

In case anybody has forgotten, my contribution to this anthology is a short story entitled 'Slow Dance With A Skeleton'. 

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'Grist' short fiction reaches first proof stage

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Yesterday I received the first proof of the 'Grist' short fiction anthology.  I appear as the winner of the second prize for the 2011 competition.  The title of my piece is 'Slow Dance With A Skeleton'. 

Emerging writers appear alongside established writers, including the comedian Alexei Sayle. 

The anthology is expected to appear before the end of November 2011.  The poetry anthology (in which my work will also be appearing) is expected some time in 2012.

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