First reflective activity in H880.
(It's reflexive really )
‘How has my understanding of technology-enhanced learning changed during Week 1?’
Hmmm , I think I prob had a fairly advanced understanding already.
Begin by making ‘What happened’ notes, using the following questions to help you.
What did you do this week that had a bearing on your understanding of TEL? Include any salient feelings, thoughts, events or features.
- Watched the Nelson video. He was both optimistic and wanting to rein in over-enthusiasm about the potential of technology.
Did your understanding of TEL change or deepen, or did your week’s study reinforce your previous ideas?
- Reinforce
Now make ‘So what?’ notes, using these questions to help you.
- Which were the important moments that changed, deepened or reinforced your understanding?
- Chatting with fellow students
- Why did they have this effect?
- Made me think through my ideas and theirs. Their ideas helped inform and writing mine out helped clarify my thinking.
- What made them so important?
- Well, they weren't that important
- Well, they weren't that important
Finally, make ‘What next?’ notes, using this question to help you.
How will your understanding of TEL influence your practice or your studies?
I shall write up my account of teaching referencing