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DD303 Results

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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:50

The results for DD303 were made available on Thursday 27th of November - that is just over a week early. I expected a pass grade 2 and predicted a mark of around 75% for the exam. I received a pass grade 2 and scored 72% (making 78% on the OES as a whole). Even though this is very close to my prediction I was still disappointed. I think I had told myself that was the grade I expected, while really I hoped for a distinction - which I missed by a good margin.

I felt myself pass through the 5 stages of the Kübler-Ross model quite clearly...

Denial - I can't believe it. I'll just check the web site one more time.

Anger - how dare they mark down my brilliant essays.

Bargaining - I should ask for a re-mark.

Depression - What's the point of continuing my studies?

Acceptance - While I'm not happy about it, the mark is an accurate and fair reflection of my ability in the exam and I need to put it behind me and learn from it.

I know my answers were too descriptive and not evaluative. I knew the material very well but pretty much just re-wrote the text book. I am disappointed but a pass grade 2 is not a bad result and it means I will have another chance at getting a first when I take DD307 in 2015 - my final module.

The result also means that the mark on my current module (ED209) is entirely irrelevant to my degree classification as long as I pass. Logically I should do less work on ED209 and start preparing for DD307. I'm not sure I really want to take that approach though.

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