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so 'Sir' Ted Kennedy is dead. Brown immediately let's us know what he thinks, having interrupted his holiday yesterday to greet the Israeli Prime Minister. I cannot believe what is going on. A man who drives a car off a bridge and as a result a woman dies, and the driver, Kennedy, walks away and does not report it for hours, gets a 'knighthood' personally bestowed on him by Brown. He gets a comment to the media by the man who pretends to be our prime Minister.

A man who is a convicted terrorists, and multiple bomber is released, and the British Prime Minister says nothing because it is all to do with Scotland, a part of Britain, of which Brown is still the Prime Minister. So, Brown is a merciful and compassionate man. Next he will be holding talks with Karzai, a man who I regard as heading a corrupt government, and leads a country which seems to do little to protect our soldiers from 'insurgents'. Soldiers who are allegedly there to bring them freedom and democracy. And to protect us from terrorist attacks on our Island.

I wonder what compassion and mercy Kennedy showed to the young woman who was left in a freezing river, possibly alive. I wonder what compassion and mercy the convicted Libyan terrorist shows to his victims. If he did not do it then he should have gone ahead with his appeal. I am not sorry, I will be glad if the Libyan dies before or on his three months sentence from a higher power, but somehow I think that he may well live for some time longer than the three month sentence given to him by the 'higher power'.

If these people believe in heaven then they must surely also believe that there must be a hell. If there is then I know where I want these two men to end up, they showed no mercy and compassion, one has been guilty in the courts, the other in the court of public opinion. Guilty!  

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