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Johan Stinckens

Cézanne vs Marlowe

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Wednesday, 29 Dec 2010, 12:54
Still suffering from my cracked rib and under the influence of the necessary pain medication, I had a tough week working through the Cézanne chapter. A fortnight ago I was rather concerned that the Marlowe chapter would be more demanding since I could not picture myself having fun reading and commenting on Elizabethan plays. As I later found out this was a very rewarding week and a real awakening. These last few days however, I really got the feeling that I would not get to grips with everything that's beeing explained in our course book about Cézanne's works. This morning, on completing chapter 3, I found out that the author himself had a challenging time discovering what Cézanne tried to accomplish. That he too felt disappointment and even rejection towards his paintings. I therefor know now that I eventually will learn, at least, to appreciate the works itself.
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