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Rhizomatic learning for complex family work

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Monday, 29 Apr 2013, 22:49

Post in response to H817 MOOC activity 20: Rhizomatic Learning


Dave Cormier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJIWyiLyBpQ


Key features of Rhizomatic Learning

1.    The best learning teaches you to deal with uncertainty

2.    The community is the curriculum

3.    Rhizomes offer a model for learning an uncertainty

4.    Complex decision-making (probe, sense, respond)

5.    Need to make students responsible for their own learning (and that of others)


Was I convinced by the approach?

The messiness and organic nature of the process was appealing – something I recognize from participating it the MOOC, and operating across a number of arenas in my Personal Learning Network (PLN).


What I like about the slidedeck (Cormier) is that is explicitly links types of learning to decision-making, which I feel is underplayed elsewhere in the field of learning. I see rhizomatic learning as useful, if not an ideal way of supporting learning that addresses ‘complex’ problems and decision-making (as shown in the matrix below).


4-grid of decision-making types

This most accurately represents the working-learning environment for children’s centre leaders, that I came across in my MA research project, and rhizomatic learning is a good representation of the way in which those individuals responded to the environment – by making use of and extending their PLNs; exploring them with a specific, contextualized, learning agenda. Interesting, those most comfortable in their roles, articulated the existence of their own PLN (though not by that name) in their research responses, and their active pursuit of learning through it, whereas those less experienced individuals the learning through their PLNs seemed more incidental and unconscious.


Can this approach be implemented?

Accepting the above point, I can see the potential for supporting rhizomatic learning as a productive model where the context is supporting ‘complex’ decision-making, and not in environments which call for ‘complicated’ or ‘simple’ decision-making. I can, however, see that it might be potentially useful in environments of ‘chaotic’ decision-making, though there may need to be some re-working, perhaps a slimming down of linkages or arenas in the PLN to those most responsive (and trusted), so that they can be drawn upon within the time constraints that characterize chaotic decision-making. 


Within the field I work in, complex family work (particularly when working with holistic, family-focused models, such as Family Intervention Projects), requires complex decision-making of the kind conceived in this model. Where in the past, there has been an emphasis on ‘complicated’ decision-making, where individual professionals with specific specialisms, such as mental health, substance misuse, domestic violence, not to mention the specialisms in either adult or children as individuals, the current trend is toward a more holistic and family-focused model with the need for trade-offs to be made between the value of certain interventions targeting different family members. Whereas the previous model required ‘experts’ to see through ‘good practice’ interventions, the new model requires unique and personalized support pathways to be constructed among groups of professionals from different specialisms, working collaboratively.

There has been some effort to introduce supporting infrastructure for this work (such as the Common Assessment Framework and Team around the Family meetings, to work across the children’s workforce for instance), but workforce development, notably, has not adopted a collaborative approach to knowledge and strategy construction. My instinct is that although examples of good practice exist, it has evolved organically.


How might a Rhizomatic approach differ?

Compared to a lot of commercial training on offer for the workforce I’ve described, the learning would need to utilize the existing relationships and networks that exist. Therefore, I think supporting Communities of Practice as groups, both directly and indirectly, is the way forward. Direct support would involve wrapping around a learning infrastructure to the existing work-based infrastructure of clusters and professional supervision. In addition, I think for many groups, a wayfinding and facilitating role would probably be needed to support the development of critical digital literacy skills and the socialization process. Indirect support would involve enabling access to or signposting relevant Open Educational Resources.


What issues would arise from implementing it?

Expectations. This is the biggest issue for me. When people purchase commercial training, there is often the expectation that they will get something defined for their money, and support is something they are used to having quantified (7 hours of directed study for instance). Equally, they are used to

having defined learning outcomes and success criteria, often supported by accreditation of some sort, and associated collateral such as a certificate. While it might be wise to produce some physical product to accompany the experience of participation, so as to meet an existing expectation, it remains the case that the absence of clearly measurable learning outcomes (related to the acquisition of subject knowledge) is a conceptual leap for some participants and some purchasers of training.


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Roles in MOOCs: an alternative view

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Tuesday, 23 Apr 2013, 22:02

For some reason I've got this image.

Cartoon on ocean MOOC and roles

There's an ocean. Then a shoal of fish appear around some event (a node), perhaps an abundance of food, with a common aim to feed. This further attracts some 'bigger fish' (experts). There's a feeding frenzy. Material is transformed (food into detritus), which sinks to the ocean bed where it is 'archived'. Other fish stay out the way, but observe. Then, later perhaps, long after the feeding frenzy, the bottom feeders move in, and take what they want from the remnants.

Bottom feeder and proud!

Since dropping out the frenzy of the MOOC in week 3 (I went on holiday), I've adopted the bottom feeder approach. I just go in, look at the leftovers (posts in the forums) and get what I need from that. And that's ok. Isuppose the fact that this is possible is because the leftovers are archived, and that is what resources the Long Tail effect.

This form of learning, which is not dependent on participation and the critical literacies and access that are banged on about. Kop (2011) acknowledges similar views from learners on the PLENK MOOC, and that of the lurking role.

So I'm a bottom feeder at the moment and that's just fine. I hope to be back in the frenzy in the future though.


Kop, R. (2011) The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks: Learning Experiences during a Massive Open Online Course. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning


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Potential use of MOOCs in commercial training

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Tuesday, 23 Apr 2013, 22:03

Post in response to #H817open MOOC Activity 12: Is a MOOC suitable for my organisation?

Hypothetical organisation:  A commercial training provider,  providing for frontline workers engaged in family work on behalf of public and voluntary sector organisations, including childcare providers.

Would a MOOC model of training delivery be suitable?

In a nutshell, no, not at the moment. The chief reasons for this are a lack of digital literacy skills in the bulk of those currently engaged in the work (the potential market), as well as unfamiliarity with the paradigm. The expectation and comfort of this workforce is largely with face-to-face, workshop style delivery, thought it has to be said there is some pioneering work being done in this arena, with some local authorities making innovative use of webinars to deliver training to childcare settings, which increases the accessibility of a largely immobile workforce. There is also an expectation of content rich training and validation/accreditation, which are not really features of MOOCs (not at the moment anyway).

Another barrier is the current level of the same digital literacy skills and familiarity of the medium of those trainers utilised by the organisation.

At the moment, MOOCs are (in my opinion) a step too far for the bulk of the potential market, and also beyond the organisational capabilities.

Very interested to hear from others on this one. Thanks

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Sharif Al-Rousi, Thursday, 18 Apr 2013, 21:24)
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Characteristics of a MOOC and mapping my MOOC experience

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Tuesday, 16 Apr 2013, 16:28

Characteristics of a MOOC:

After reading McAuley, et. al. (2010) I produced this quick map to help me characterise a MOOC.Mind map of MOOC characteristics

In addition:

  • Publicity is generally via social networks
  • Enrolment and registration takes place at a central web-address, acting as a “nexus for support and communication” (McAuley, et. al., 2010, p4). This nexus acts as an anchor, connecting the learners own Personal Learning Network (PLN) with the MOOC course. However, other ties, of varying strength develop between the learner’s PLN and other individual learners, groups of learners or learning objects (OERs), within or beyond the MOOC (such as on Twitter, as I have done with the #h817 community), at the behest of individual learners.

Mapping my MOOC experience:

Map of my PLN of MOOC participation


I’ve attempted to show the relative level of my engagement with these arenas, by showing their distance from my online learning identity is most present (in my OU blog).

My level of contributory activity is shown by the relative size of the blocks.

McAuley, et. al. suggest that the network itself is at least, if not more important than the topic of a MOOC. However, negotiating the network if more problematic than most structured courses, and is often experienced as frustrating, with which, as a novice I absolutely concur.


The current map is a snapshot of my PLN on the 5th week of the MOOC. Since the first week, the h817 blog aggregator has shrunk, and is racing away from the centre like some star being flung from the big bang. The MOOC Forums are in danger of going the same way. Meanwhile, the H817 Forums have swollen in the last couple of weeks as I have diverted energy from the MOOC environment back to the group of learners I connect with on H817. Twitter popped into existence, pretty much where it is on the first week, but is growing steadily in size. The OU blog is consolidating as the central venue for my thinking and thought sharing.

McAuley, et. al., describe the MOOC as 'open and invitational', and that an individual's level of participation is negotiated (McAuley et. al., makes the connection to Wenger's Legitimate Peripheral Participation [1991]). My current level and pattern of engagement in the arenas above is a result of becoming more selective about the times I want to access the views of the wider MOOC learner mass. I'm using my own reading and reflection to set my agenda, then dipping into the MOOC forums when I feel I want to sense-check what I'm saying with others. The H817 forum is the safe-place cum critical friend group that I feel more confident in sharing my deeper thoughts with. A little like coming home to the wife, and sharing the ups and downs of the day's experiences, in order for your loved-one to offer some perspective. Twitter is my latest distraction, but in a constructive way. It's not the new mistress that threatens the H817 forum wife!

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Learning objects: to share or not to share?

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013, 09:20

Post in response to views of learning objects - week 2 of the MOOC - after reading Downes (2001), viewing Lamb (2009), and Friesen. See first comment below for links

What is a learning object? - Anything and everything, it seems. An activity, a resource, a component of a course or educational session or lesson. Learning episodes are created from these learning objects.

As a non-technical person, just reading the Downes article promoting the case for learning objects swiftly became painful for me. The objections to the concept and use of learning objects in learning design, particularly from the video highlight how 'artificial' and 'unnatural' any classification system and repository becomes when you try and make it universal. I must say, I never really got fully to grips with the Dewey Decimal system. As a student, I'd always prefer to talk to my friends to try and locate relevant and useable material. The fact that it came from my friends acted as a sort of 'quality pre-judging exercise' of the resource - if they understood it, then chances are, I would. (This is already reminding me of those skills that Connectivism (Seimens, 2004) said are so important.

Certainly, a people / relationship basis for sharing materials is more appealing to me. I can see easily how blogging would do this (acting as both a respository and 'shop window', and how other connecting technologies such as Twitter would operate around this).

BUT - what of my own material would I choose to share? I don't I believe I would share everything. Though, thinking now, it's more about when I would share rather than if. There's a confidence in sharing - in that what you've got is of value to others. This tends to grow as relationships do, and I see no reason why that won't happen within online communities of practice or in wider, looser, weakly-tied online networks. The MOOC environment has made me realise the relative strength of the bonds in my H817 tutor group. Sharing and encouragement through these relationships does seem to breed further acts of sharing.

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Why have I found week 1 of the MOOC so challenging?

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013, 09:20

One week into the MOOC (I'm doing as part of H817), and I thought I'd pause to reflect using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle - hey why not?

1) Description: During the first week of the MOOC, I've done some of the nuts and bolts stuff: linked blog to the aggregator, joined Twitter (I know I didn't have to do this, but I wanted to confront my lack of social media experience), completed a one hour OpenLearn module (death and postponement, from the social care offering), completed the reading and done both the Research Priorities and Open Education Visualisation activities, though haven't yet posted an image for the latter, and browsed through other's contributions on the open forums.

2) Feeling: My first foray into the course material led me to feeling overwhelmed quickly. There's just so much stuff to look at - that is the first problem. You have to define yourself a starting point, which was new to me. Also, the volume of other people on the course (around 500 I believe) leads to a huge volume of posts on the various forums. I constantly felt like I was playing catch-up; not able to keep abreast of developments as I had done in our tutor group forums for the first part of H817.

3) Good and Bad points: Good points first: surviving the first week and feeling enthusiastic enough to continue. (Would I if I hadn't paid for H817, and had been just enrolled on the MOOC? Not sure). Another good thing - I'm glad I had a go at Twitter. I rather like it, have come across a couple of snippets of info I might like to use. I wouldn't have done it if it were not for this course. Another good thing - I feel I am having the warts and all experience of MOOCs that I wanted. Boy is this not easy!

Bad points then - Easy to get isolated. If it were not for eagle eyed tutors roaming the forums and picking up on dispirited posts, I feel I might have been left out on my own. I think some of my fellow H817ers from my tutor group must have been similarly overwhelmed as I didn't experience any peer support in finding my feat.

Other bad points - technical glitches. Others, not I, had troubled with the blog aggregator. The delay in posts appearing is not ideal. When it's your first time at something (like blogging), you like some pretty near instant feedback to know if anyone else can actually read what you've posted. There was also a lack of discipline around how the forum conversations emerged (4 different areas you could post a response to the priorities activity for example). It just makes things so busy!

4) Analysis: The MOOC environment has some key differences to the tutor group led online H817 course. a) Volume of participants - this makes it hard if not impossible to read everything. So what to read? Skim or deep-dive? b) Starting points: We all had very different starting points on H817, but this seems to have been multiplied. At the start of H817 we introduced ourselves before really getting into the nitty gritty. On the MOOC, some participants had posted responses to the activities before I'd even read them! c) Lack of hand-holding by tutors. This is possibly a bit unfair - they have a lot more people to get round. But the consequence is it feels like less hand-holding. Ok, perhaps we shouldn't need it, and that is part of the MOOC experience, but I also thought peer support was supposed to be a part of the MOOC, and what I've experienced to date is not sufficient.

5) Conclusion: Looking at my above points, perhaps all of these are consequences of the increase in magnitude you get with a MOOC. I've struggled - in finding a small group of people that it's easy to converse with at a level similar to my own. The very confident and able tend to post a lot, so it's difficult to connect with those that aren't and don't. In the tutor led forums, it was easier to pick out a small number of individuals to 'bounce off'. Then you can develop a little 'network within a network' where you can cultivate a particular conversation. Again, I'm possibly being both unfair and premature here. I was certainly still finding my feet at the end of week one of H817, but we had done some additional guided activities around getting to know one another. As with so many things, this seems equally important here in the MOOC as to anywhere else.

6) Action Plan: Stick with it (I've paid!). Try and connect with some individuals and develop my 'network within a network'. Twitter has helped here, since it mixes familiar faces with those on the MOOC, so it feels less scary logging into that account than visiting the h817open forums. Keep recording all this stuff on the blog - as someone else said, it will demonstrate distance travelled (or otherwise) at some point in the future.

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New blog post

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Friday, 22 Mar 2013, 14:58

Post in response to #H817open task 4: Priorities for Research in Open Education

"Imagine you are advising a funding organisation that wishes to promote activity and research in the area of open education.

  • Set out the three main priorities they should address, explaining each one and providing a justification for your list. Share this in the Week 1 forum8 and compare with priorities of others.

Thinking about a commercial training context, my priorities would be:

1) Learner Support: My angle on this is about the scaffolding, the signposting and aggregating infrastructure that needs to be in place to help learners organise, sense-make and plug in their own preferred technologies and tools; and then promoting the development of self-directing skills in this area.

There's something about the need for project management tools, to allow for meaningful cooperation activities to take place both synchronously and asynchroously, without some learners being cast adrift.

2) Intellectual rights / Content ownership: I can't see this going away. There needs to be a consideration of how future business models will work. Perhaps the future is that the infrastructure needs in my first point will be met through new models?

3) Recognition / validation: Linked to assessment, I suppose. There needs to be a meeting point between non-accredited, open and fluid learning with the structured formal stuff. Look here for innovation.

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OpenLearn - Death and Medicine module

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Edited by Sharif Al-Rousi, Friday, 22 Mar 2013, 16:50

Just completed the hour-long (guide) module on Death and Medicine: Postponement and Promise.

I feel it met the learning objectives, and was good at providing a framework for considering the subject in more depth moving forward. My selection of this module (motivated by desire to explore open learn), was due to the short completion time. I thought that I got a useful amount of thinking done for an hours commitment.

However, I was disappointed that the material wasn't more engaging. The material was only presented as text with a couple of photos. Personally I would have liked some more interactivity with the content. A video would have livened things up for me. It came across very dry as a result - and I felt very passive, much like some of those patients described within the subject matter!

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