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Poem: OU Adolescence

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OU adolescence


Note: A174 Start Writing Fiction (10 points, level 1)

A215 Creative Writing (60 points, level 2)

A363 Advanced Creative Writing (60 points, level 3)

When I did A174, it was like a party.
It was like a children's party:
We had jelly and ice cream and
Played pass-the-parcel and
Our tutors told us not to cry if
We didn't get the prize.

When I did A215, it was like a party.
It was a more-grown-up children's party:
The boys wore flowery shirts
And the girls wore frocks
And when we ran out of words to say we
Would pull up our socks and
Try to look sophisticated
Or cool.

Now I am doing A363, it is like a party.
It is like a teenagers' party:
We are allowed to do things we
Weren't allowed to do before but
We still can't slag off tutors or swear or
Mention anything for financial gain.
And so, away from the dance-floor
By email, in shadowy corners, we pair. Cor.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Chelle Stewart, Wednesday, 7 Dec 2011, 14:38)
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Ring the Bell

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Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Tuesday, 22 Mar 2011, 18:25

My father and I had a fight one day.

I was mad.  I was nine. 

He was sixty-eight:

He was still in his prime.


I punched him (ouch).

He put up his dukes

To illustrate  (see figure 6H)

The Queensbury Rules.


I looked at him,

Said nothing,

But I wanted to

I wanted to shout out loud:


I'm tired, and

You're retired.

Just for a minute, can't you

Stop teaching?

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Pauline Hinchliffe, Sunday, 13 Mar 2011, 00:34)
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Companion Poem

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Monday, 28 Feb 2011, 12:01

This is a companion work I wrote to go with a poem written by Claire Jones, entitled 'Dear George'.  Claire's poem is available at http://www.thehungrypoet.co.uk/


Dear Jared

I feel as if I’m a failure as a step-parent

And I lament your having gone off Club Penguin

When you play Call of Duty (certificate 18) for hours

And then glibly describe how

You won the round by stabbing an enemy

In the head.


I felt as if I was a failure as a step-parent

When it was my turn to cook your tea

And I could not summon the resolve to persuade you

To have carrot and cucumber sticks

With your ketchup and salad-cream covered



I feel as if I lack the gravitas my father had

Each time the pejorative terms I coin

About you fail to have any impact or,

What’s worse, make bad behaviour take on a mystique.

Your consumption of coca-cola has not diminished since I called it

The Devil’s wee-wee.


And my parents would never have caved-in

As I did, when you complained you did not ‘get’

Your maths homework and eventually,

Instead of trying to explain it another way,

I heaved an internal sigh and just told you

All the answers.


And I worry a great deal about your development

Because you are worse at finding things than

Any-one I have ever known, and your lies

About, for example, what happened to those Breakaways

Always seem to involve ninjas or blue dragons and are



But when I asked you if the underpants

You were wearing were the same as yesterday’s,

Without asking, you borrowed my pet phrase and said

‘I won’t say a word until I’ve seen my solicitor.’

When you uttered those words, I stopped being your stepfather

And became your dad.


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Pauline Hinchliffe, Sunday, 13 Mar 2011, 00:37)
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