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Just a little bit of news reported on Radio 5, which may be of interest.

It is reported that Pakistan fired on some American planes which overflew Pakistan airspace. No violations of Pakistani Territory will be tolerated.

Now then can we take it that British and American forces are not operating in the border areas to Aghanistan and Pakistan, and sometimes going over the border, into Pakistan.

Now I think that Gordon Brown will announce to cheers that British troops are to be withdrawn from Iraq, however they will have to be sent to reinforce our defeat in Afghanistan.

Russia was bankrupted by its Afghanistan excursion. The same is happening to America, apart from anything else it can't afford these wars. Americans are not happy about their recession and the fact the billions are being spent to fight wars.

So, while we have concerns about the economy, and the politicians we are losing site of the disaster unfolding in other areas of the world. Millibland ought to do his job trying to sort his job as foreign secretary before he can even think about running this country.

Can't wait for the governmnet reshuffle.

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