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may I suggest that some of your commenteers read the BBC news front page where news of the corruption investigation by the US authorities are now coming in to the public domain. It would appear the the western deocracies have a problem. Anybody got a kidney for sale?

This is shameful but not new, we had T Dan Smith, and Poulson. America has had its own problems over the years. Go back to the twenties and look up the situation of Albert Fall. Look at Charles Forbes and the US Veterans Bureau where he is alleged to have inflated the price of government land sold for hospitals in return for a share of the profit from the sale. Furthermore, he awarded hospital construction contracts to firms who gave hima cut.

So, when we listen to all the good deeds done for our veterans of today then be afraid, very afraid. It would seem that we do not learn the lessons from history. Some people are greedy and will do anything to line their own pockets. It is not unknown for some politicians to enhance their carers by even sending soldiers off to fight illegal wars, and perform illegal acts, and then profit from their actions.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Sunday, 26 July 2009, 13:00)
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