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It's a Free Country, isn't it?

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just to say that I was listening to Milliband on the interview circuit this evening and he was talking about the British Ambassador being called in and comments being made to the effect I think that the British government should control the BBC. The Foreign Secretary then said that Iran had to understand that the government does not control the BBC. I think that this needs some sort of clarification.

I would ask Milliband about Prince Harry who served in Afghanistan and whose presence in the war was kept secret, and the BBC went along with it. I would ask the BBC if they know that a High Court judge has placed an injunction on my son preventing him from speaking in public, and the free BBC goes along with this restriction on free speech. I would say that although you give us a tremendous amount of leeway, we are still moderated, so much for free speech. Would anybody say that the BBC coverage, with embedded journalists in Iraq was free and fair, and showed all the activities, without restrictions.

As for elections of Presidents, or even Prime Ministers, of course Britain has an elected PM, doesn't it. I mean England does not even have it's own Parliament, so much for democracy. no, I'm afraid that sometimes the foreigners are quite right, we do not live in a free and fair country, national security of course, and D-Notices.

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