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Nuclear weapons

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I am listening on Radio 4 to the testimony of a very brave veteran who was exposed to radiation from our nuclear testing in the fifties and early sixties.

Sometimes I feel ashamed for being English. May I suggest that your commenteers obtain a copy of the transcript of the programme which was relayed at about 9:30. I am very angry, and if there is anything I can do then I will research this, and get involved. These personnel followed orders, they could not refuse them, and they also had to sign the Official secrets Act. If the government feels so confident that they are in the right and that they owe no obligation to these men, then take them to the courts for breaching the Official Secrets Act, which has no limitation as far as I know, accordingly, are these men liars, or are they not intelligent enough to understand that standing pretty close to a nuclear device being set off is seriously not a very good idea.

Please note that the scientists seemed more concerned about the fish and the birds than about the human beings involved. This period is a stain on our nation, and must be rectified. The trouble is who set up the nuclear weapons programme why that wonderful immediate post war labourĀ  government. As for Gordon Brown if he had not pushed through the programme of GBP20 billion then the whole programme would now be dead, because it was parliament which authorised the expenditure.

As for the 'scientists' then without this funding they would be unemployed, then what they do? Sometimes I seriously do wonder how some of these people can live wth themselves. What have they done, but it is still the government and parliament which has blood on its hands. Without the money then none of this could happen. What have they done not only to their own generation but future generations as well. Historians will look back and wonder, how did it happen, what drove human beings to do this to fellow human beings.

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