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Ceteris Paribas

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At the moment I am finishing a B A (Hons) Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE) and have always thought from the beginning of entering this area that there is one P missing from PPE, and that is the P for Psychology. Without psychology none of it makes any sense whatsoever, you are expected to be rational and logical, I don't think many of us are either rational nor logical. You might think you are, but you are seriously not. In fact I even think that to think that you meet the criteria of being either rational or logical confirms my hypothesis.

The answer is that everybody ought to be forced to study human behaviour, what makes us what we have become, and that nobody under forty ought to be allowed a university education. Ceteris paribas of course. In fact for economists ceteris paribas rules, ok.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Sunday, 16 Aug 2009, 13:32)
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