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can somebody please decide who we are meant to be. I mean our soldiers are now in Afghanistan. Now are we UN, NATO, British or just the occupiers. Are we fighting the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, the insurgents, the freedom fighters or the anti-colonialists. Furthermore, are our soldiers dying to bring democracy (but not as we know it) to a country which is actually nothing like any state or country that I know of, it is and always a buffer state.

Furthermore, was it not Gordon Brown who insists that we are not fighting Islam or Muslims, we are fighting and dying to keep terror off the streets of Britain (or is it England). Now we again are told by Brown that the whole area which is apparently known as Afghanistan/Pakistan (or Af/Pak for short) is some sort of terrorist area where anybody who goes there is training to kill us all by using terrorism, well that's what I understand him to say, or the message as I hear it.

So, we know that there are large numbers of Muslims/Pakistanis/Afghanis in Britain (or England) so can Brown please tell me in very plain language, that I have absolutely nothing to be concerned about from people living in England, that there are no areas in England which are no go areas, and that any fear I do have is groundless. That I should accept that in a very short time our soldiers will be training and mentoring the very people who are that the moment trying to kill them.

That I should have no view on women who cover themselves completely from head to toe in the Burkha, because I thought the wonderful Jack Straw who has recently requested the Queen to give a free pardon to a young man convicted in another country of a crime, the same Jack Straw who requested that women should not wear the Burkha when he is talking to them in his constituency. So, the government, and Brown/Straw are giving the wrong message. A message which I think is inciting some of our unhappy people to go to Mosques to incite a reaction from peace loving people.

I demand that Brown come on to our totally free media and give a formal statement as to why our soldiers are in Afghanistan killing and being killed, who are then meant to return home and see around them people who look and sound very similar to the very people they are killing and being killed by and then to sit and communicate with people who they see as possibly having just killed one of their pals. I just want to know what is actually going on. The continuing occupation of Afghanistan is and a disaster, and it really did not have to be like this. 'We do bad things to bad people', or so Harry tells us, although Andrew looks much less of a problem, and he likes very good in his military uniform in Afghanistan.
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