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can I please repeat an extract from an earlier posting #123 13 July and it is this:

'During the Vietnam war I used to go along with the garbage about the Domino Effect, once one falls they will all fall. Now the American veterans go back to look at the battle sites, to see the tunnels, the damage done by agent orange. How many Afghan soldiers have died in these latest offensives, nobody knows and nobody seems to care. That is why this occipation will end, nobody really cares. If they did they would not allow it to continue. Eighteen year old boys Brown, that is your legacy, and the women and children. Enjoy your holiday won't you, it is after all your patriotic duty. I want to be sick, instead I shed a tear, and I am so glad that it is not my son that has his name read out by you Brown, because I would spit in your face, 'we do bad things to bad people' well our boys are not bad people Brown, they follow orders, they do as they are ordered, for the honour of their regiment, and for their mates, not for the 'honourable' members who seem more interested in their own expenses than equipping an army'.

We must succeed, the consequences will be appalling says a general on the Today programme. This mission is really important, sounds like Verdun. It is history repeating itself. Tell me when does this general lose his job, when is he retiring. Can we wait 'til his book comes out, just like Gen Sir Mike Jackson writes a book on his involvement in Iraq. maybe if he taken a bit more interest in Afghanistan, then we would not be where we are now. Now Jackson is involved in supplying contractors to the failed exercise in Iraq, how many contractors are operating in Afghanistan.

Now Brown is talking to Karzai about Afghan troops in this new offensive, maybe he should have spoken to him before the offensive. Let me tell why I think he didn't. It is because if we had told 'the government' of Afghanistan then the Taliban would have been tipped off, they would all of fled, not only that but the Afghan troops know that they will be deserted just like the interpretors have been in Iraq, where they now live in great danger for being collaborators.

Brown does not know from day to day why we are in Afghanistan, just like we were lisled over WMD in Iraq, we are now misled over Afghanistan. It is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain, does Brown not know how many people were knifed to death last year. How many innocent children have died at the hands of child murderers. How many people have been killed or injured by rogue drunken car drivers. Brown is not a leader, why is the Queen not saying that she regrets the loss of her soldiers in a foreign war, being fought in her name. She is still the head of state, she is why soldiers sign up, to serve their Queen and country. Not for Brown, who will soon be consigned to the long list of failed politicians who have sent our military off to their deaths, for no glory.

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