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George Bush - Torture

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I think what many people totally fail to understand is the WWII could be justified on the basis that it became a just war, and the participants could not be open to any accusations of ill treatment, mainly because it was Just. Terrible thin...gs were done on all sides, but it was just, and soldiers could be foregiven for following orders, or 'losing it' when they came across a concentration camp, the inhumanity.

However, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Afghanistan again, well sorry, it has come about that it is time to refuse orders, these are not legal wars, they are not Just. It is based on two wrongs, the thoughts of revenge, for 9/11, and for killing them in Afghanistan rather than on our streets.

Bush is now admitting what was known, it is almost as though 'stuff' had to be denied so that the record could be put straight in 'a book', I mean the total obsenity of it all.

I had a dream last night, that Adolf Hitler was still alive, and that he was being interviewed. Now listen, I thought that Poland had these weapons, that they were going to invade, because this bloke who was tortured told me so, and anyway they had burnt down the Rheichstag hadn't they. So, I invaded Poland, and people didn't like me for doing it, so I tortured them some more, and killed an awful lot of people, but hey, we didn't some space to expand didn't we. So anyway, thankyou for listening, the ends always justify the means.

Sorry but others would know more than most that the ends never justify the means, that torture must never be permissable, in a civilised society, and that anybody who pleads that they were following orders, well I don't need to go on. That is George Bush, and those who support him, are nothing other than Nazis, because do you know how many people Hitler tortured and killed personally? I think you will find zero, one big fat zero, it was all about following orders, from a higher authority.
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