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Christine Selby

Missed blog

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:48
Sunday the 25th October. 

Missed blogging for this date. 
Managed to get almost a whole day of studying done. General stuff after submitting my first TMA - reading and completing activities for the weeks ahead. 

However, I sense my maths abilities are going to put me under some intense pressure. Already struggling to embed what I have learned. All those rules and equations to try and remember. Trying my best to do practice quizzes without checking the books. I just want it to stick! Is that too much to ask. 

Onward to try and conquer this hurdle the best I can. 

Today, trying to get some reading And revision in. Near impossible with a 2 year old that is so needy. Argh! 
Hmmm childminder offering Wednesday - so tempting to get a decent day of study in. Really want to try and keep to being a week ahead minimum. 

Exercise is lacking And patience with kids home wearing thin. 
So much for getting a hard push on things during the holidays. 

Need to get a plan of action set up for next couple of weeks. 
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Christine Selby

Kicking myself!

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:45
Feeling more frustrated with myself for having a few days off actually completing activities. Managed to get a good bit of reading and note taking in though. 

Another week gone by with minimal physical activities being done. So frustrating - hubby home late so cant leave the kids, getting dark earlier and well the weather has just been pants. The red wine is back out as the log burner has begun to be lit over recent days and it is definitely feeling like the Autumn time with Winter not far behind.   

I have now finally made myself a to do list for the next 3 weeks, 
I must remember that we are still only in week 1 and I'm completing my week 3 activities and chapters. Things are not all that bad - so why do I feel I'm falling behind I have no idea.  

Tutor seems lovely and been offering up loads of great resources - particularly in maths. (Thank god!) Only hoping I can nail this first assignment and things will become clearer. 

Pressing on now this afternoon/evening with a bot of luck. 

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Christine Selby

Actively frustrated and feeling lost

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:45

The weekend has once again flown by. The crappy weather didn’t help. 🌧

Got some good bit of studying done, but I am severely actively frustrated. I.e: I haven’t run, cycled, hikes or ridden a horse all week ☹️ Managed to get to rugby training though in the rain and mud and thoroughly enjoyed it. 🏉 Sluggish in the morning when I should be going for my runs, weather not helping matters. 

Must try harder this week or I will slip into worse bad habit. I can’t not do exercise. 😬 love food way too much! 

The evening drew in and I found myself abandoning the sanctuary of my office and dedicated study area to the bedroom with my T192 book and a glass of red just to get away for the noisy kids. 😫 They are driving me insane this evening. Can’t get peace to read in this house sometimes. 

Still Feeling a bit lost as my first TMA submission date is drawing ever closer. 

Still unsure of how to set things out, the depth of knowledge/research required and to successfully get a decent mark. I just want to do well regardless if this TMA doesn’t count towards my final grades - at least I know what I’m doing to an extent. 

But that the joys of studying at home with a family.  

Onward and upwards 

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Christine Selby

The beginning is near!

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:44

Hi all, 

After a couple of days off, I'm finding myself here once again. Catching up! 

Is this the beginning of what my year will turn out to be. NO!! Think I'm just waiting for that start date. Last think I want to do is do a load of work to discover I have not done it right, 

Nerves are severe now with what I have let myself into. What was I thinking? Engineering Degree and a maths failure - is that a good combination?

Well, yes - because it has made me even more determined to learn and get to grips with Math once and for all. I didn't try in school, I didn't like school but I was by no means bottom of the class and should have come away passing it. 

Had a wonderful few days away from this site - rugby training for both me and the eldest and being the taxi of mum to my son over the weekend with various activities. Little one got to ride his pony too - which was lovely to see.  

Plus side, randomly got offered a job by a friend of mine. Things could change as it maybe possible I will be breaking out of the Education sector sooner than I originally planned. 

Well best get back to my reading - until next time. 

Stay Safe, Stay sane! 

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Christine Selby

Study - any time, anywhere

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:43

This week kicked off a bit of the new routine. Rugby and football training with the eldest is back on. 

As a result my timetable has changed already. 

Due to new restrictions I am now not allowed to leave the training venue and must wait in the car. 

Cha--ching! and hour of peace for some reading. Or so you would think. Cue my little monster child! 

Many kids these days like to sit in front of an ipad when you don't want them to....but when you would like them to watch something just for an hour for me to read in peace - nooooooo way! angry

So I have come to the conclusion that this plan will not work as I had hoped. 

Well battle on I shall with my quest to study anytime, anywhere. 

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