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Riots on the streets

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if anybody listened to the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning then I think that some of your commenteers owe Nick Robinson an apology. Mandelson actually was very economical with the truth when he asserted that Brown had never said this is about 'conservative cuts and labour investment'. Now Nick actually had taken the time, or his researchers had, to identify the actual comment from Hansard. Mandelson then was asked about what Nick had shown to be the actuality, and he responded it has to be seen 'in context'.

I thought that the interview should just be repeated time and again and again. I really look forward to the actual speech which Mandelson will give. Where is Brown at the moment. Surely not on holiday still. He seems to be lost somewhere in the ether, or is he on walkabout like an Austraian Aborigine. Does Brown actually exist any more, why is he not on our screens telling us about the truly democratic elections which have been held in Afghanistan, where so many of our soldiers have died, and for what.

As for riots on the streets, how dare anybody threaten me for exercising my democratic vote. If anything were to make me vote against a party then it is one which more or less threatens me that if there are cuts in public services then it may result in riots. Well my tough choice is to vote against anybody who threatens me. Our soldiers have died in Afghanistan to bring in some form of democracy, how dare anybody say that they would riot against any democratically elected British government. How dare they.

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