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Straw and under spend

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thought that the Straw interview on the Today programme was absolutely illuminating. Apparently the head of the Probation Service in London was going to be sacked, or fired, according to Straw. Instead he was 'allowed' to resign. Now then let's have the details of the compensation package given to the former head of the Probation Service in London, just like somehow we found out about the pension package for Goodwin.

There is a problem which Straw identified. That is carry-forward. Government spending is out of control. We are told that the government is bringing forward expenditure for next financial year to this year, so it won't be there next year. But, if I give you money this year but then ask you to underspend, then you can carry forward the money for this year to next year. The only trouble is that it is highly likely that the person making the promise will not be in power next year, they will out of power, saying to the next government that there will be cuts under the new government, we would never have made cuts, we will not make cuts. You are for the few, we are for the many.

I think that the first test for the new Speaker will be when Cameron has the guts to actually stand up and call Brown a liar. Just like Blair lied, now Brown is doing nothing other than lying! Sorry, that would be unparliamentary language and would end up in the courts, so let me put it another way, they are both being economical with the truth.

Finally, I can't fail but have a laugh over Blair and his expenses not being available. We have had Fred the Shred, there is not the same with Blair the Shred, let's go back to Blair the Liar shall we. Maybe see you in the High Court. The trouble is there is going to be so little evidence left, either that or it will be redacted.

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