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Clare Wood

It's a wonderful day!

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Today has been fantastic, not just the weather!

I spent most of yesterday and today working on my EMA and have now finished it! I just need to type it up, read it through and submit it! But everything is written!! big grinsurprise

I've sat out in the wonderful sunshine writing it all out! I just hope when I type it up the word processor counts the words as I have because I'm right on the 2500 word limit!

Oh well, I currently feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD! because most of the hard work is finished! wide eyes

Hope everyone else is enjoying the weather!

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Clare Wood

New blog post

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Well today I'm feeling better than I was yesterday! smile I've still got a bit of earache and I'm still very tired but my head is a lot clearer.

I've spent most of today out in the garden, doing my EMA for B120. I've got Q1 and Q5 done they just need typing up and I've started Q4 today. (We only have to do 3 questions, 1 and 5 are compulsory and we pick between 2,3 and 4).

The sunshine and warmth is helping my joints, as it always does - cold and damp weather make they painful and stiff.

I've started having muller vitality today, I was taking multivitamins but I was getting too much vitamin a so I had to stop. However I still need something to help boost my immune system as Myalgic Encephaolomyelitis (M.E.) weakens it. So I thought I'd try something in yogurt form!

Lets hope this weather lasts!

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