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Johan Stinckens

The End of Summer

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After a disappointing grade on my EMA I needed some time off from this place. O, I did pass the first OU course, but somehow felt a bit lost after the work I did on the final assignment. Since feedback on previous tasks made it possible for me to make progress, it is even more unsatisfactory that we did not got any feedback on this last one.

However, this little drawback, at the end of the course, did not hold me back to set forth for my next course. As was the initial idea I will take A215 Creative Writing starting from October first. As a matter of fact, the course website is planned to open tomorrow. I will have a look first thing in the morning.

I've already seen a lot comments from the new students on the Facebook-group for A215 October starters. Many of them are busy as hell, doing challenges and starting up blogs. At the moment I don't really feel to do any of the sort apart from qcribbling in my little notebook as much as I can.

So, after some 'non-studying' time and a welcome one week trip to England (Somerset and London), I am indeed ready to take on a new challenge. Hope it is as rewarding as the previous one.

Once again I would like to thank my tutor Ms. Fitzroy and Ms. Twyla Tharp (do read her book "The Creative Habit"), as they both have been very inspiring and as such helped me to get me through my first year at the OU.

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