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Edited by Billy Fagan, Wednesday, 18 Nov 2009, 14:19

...that's the noise of the time flying. It's been almost a whole month since I posted on here, bad times I know!

So MU120 TMA01... both parts are IN. Just need to wait and see how those come back. I'm not too worried, took the notes on part 1 on-board and made changes for part 2.

CMA42 hads just 4 questions left to tackle, but I've not yet covered the unit required to do those. Doing the CMA and TMA questions as you come across the relevant parts of the course is definitely a god idea!

As for M150...

I'm taking part in the forum posts part of it right now, once I choose my posts to include in the TMA I'll be ready(-ish) to submit. The good thing with M150 is that they use the eTMA system, unlike MU120 where everything needs to be posted off. Chatting to my MU120 tutor the other day she mentioned that they piloted the eTMA for their courses before but had only limited uptake by the students. That's strange to me as I think it's way easier and has more benefits than the royal mail.

I feel like I'm lagging behind in M150. I need to start focusing on a better balance with the courses. I've been getting into one to the detriment of the other, see-sawing between them both and running myself ragged at the same time! I don' tknow how folk study like four courses at once! Good on them I say!

OK, break over, back to M150... integrating data...


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